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Everything posted by Backflipper

  1. We have only beat first year programs and a few JV teams.. Yall have nothing to worry about. Instead of studying our film or worrying about Dayton,, PLEASE feel free to go ahead and plan yalls parade route.. It can run by Chili's and Ta Molly's. Like I said "go ahead and start celebrating and just dont worry about us."
  2. If all of SS players are SOOOOO GOOD, why is Mack Brown sending Major Applewhite to the Dayton games?? I know yalls #7 is good, but our #7 can hold his own, plus unlike your #7 ours can play at any college in the country that he wants. We also have a #8 that is GREAT!! I understand that yall have what yall call a NASCAR offense... Do you even know what NASCAR stands for?? NASCAR.. Non Athletic Sport Centered Around Rednecks!!!!
  3. I know this dont matter at all but, some of the SS people on other sites keep talking about East TX football. Also, saying the Dayton dont know nothing about EAST TX football.. I did the homework and Dayton is actually farther east than SS. We have the big city on one side, a swamp on one side and the pineywoods on the other..
  4. 3 out of the 5 "experts" at DCTF pick SS.. They also picked Tivy last week and Everman too.. I guess that makes us underdogs. Just like the Texans were underdogs against the Titans Sunday.
  5. Sulpher Springs fans are really cocky over a team with 3 loses. (Well counting Saturday). Everyone from SS keeps talking about numbers and stats. Dayton could have those same numbers and stats but we have a classy coach that calls the stampede off when the game is in hand. We dont like to embarrass the teams we are beating. I mean how embarrassing would it be to be beat 59 to 25.. The Bronco's are classier than that.
  6. You want us to remember the Friendswood game? OK we remember. They beat us. Since I am stooping to your level, dont forget the Texas High game. What was it?? SS 25 and Texas High 59?? Fact is both of these were over 2 months ago and they dont have anything to do with this state championship.
  7. Rollinac,, I like it and you are right. It is almost like an honor to get your butt whooped by Lake Travis. They are that good. For years to come and on Sundays, everyone that faced Garret Gilbert in a high school football game will be saying,"he kicked out butt in high school." I remember when I played for Groesbeck and I got hit by Tony Brackens. I followed his career until he retired, just because he left that mark on me. In my dreams I see Garret Gilbert wearing burnt orange and throwing touchdowns to AJ Dugat.
  8. Noletupwildcats wrote this in a DFW forum: "We play for keeps up here in the North, so you better do some research before you start making predictions. The state championship game was played the last two weeks against first Heath then Everman, you could have not beaten either. Get ready for the best offense you have ever seen times two, it is coming to town." I just copied and pasted it. Now yall see how confident they are..
  9. You would think a sociology/science teacher would know to analyze things from both sides. On the other hand I see alot of similar things in SS as I saw in Dayton last year. Last year we thought we were unstoppable. We thought we were gonna go blow out Lake Travis. Then we got a reality check. Thats why this year we are respecting every opponent and analyzing it from both sides. I see this being a good game and I dont see SS being much more powerful than Tivy. A SS fan says, "we have already played two state championship games in a row, first against Rockwall-Heath and then Everman. Who has Dayton played?" First of all this is the only State championship game in division 2 this year. Also, you ask, Who has Dayton played? We have just been playing some first year programs and some JV teams. Its just a fluke that we made it this far. Yall should have nothing to worry about. I suggest yall go ahead and plan your parade route instead of studying tape on Dayton. I can already hear the stampede coming to San Antonio. I wish I could be there for the Bronco departure from Dayton on Friday.
  10. SS is claiming to be intellegent and refined? I saw an article on their QB and he was sporting his tattoo's. Nothing against tat's, I have some myself. I have been to SS and I actually saw a bull that escaped from their rodeo arena, running the streets. Then I saw about 10 cowboys on horses chasing it through downtown. Is that intellegent and refined? I also know that 2 of the cowboys chasing the bull were from Dayton and one was from Hardin. I just happened to be a witness.
  11. On the DFW site it shows 21 votes for SS and 9 for Dayton... For some reason I think this one is going to get to 50 for Dayton by this afternoon. SS will get a few too. But that just makes is good.
  12. I havent looked at a map but EAST TEXAS??? Who is actually farther east?? Somebody check this out. Dayton is pretty far East too.
  13. Maxpreps and DCTF both have Dayton as home. But, maxpreps also had Tivy as the home team last week.
  14. I never lived down there but my friend Brian did. When I was in high school I lived in the neighborhood across from the Jr. High. (Now the OLD Jr. High).. I graduated in 96
  15. Im not around Dayton very much because of my rodeo schedule but I heard someone say that Cameron (#6) was second fastest in the state at 100M.. Is this true?
  16. Maxpreps.com says Dayton is home. Thats where I found it. Love seeing your vids Toups.
  17. Toups, Great video. I live in San Antonio and didnt get to see the snow in Dayton. Nice pic of the stadium covered in white. Only thing I saw wrong in the video was the part about "College Field".. It was actually Kyle Field in College Station, TX... Once again, Great Video, Always Believe and ONE more WIN.
  18. If Defense truly wins championships, chew on this for a moment. Last 10 weeks Dayton has not given up over 28 pts in a single game. Last 10 weeks SS has given up over 30 pts. 5 times.. Once they gave up 59 in one week. Just food for thought.
  19. Nobody wants to see him at Houston. (ok a few) .. Plus I dont wanna see him hit any band equipment in the endzone. Russel, take that Diboll hat off and wear that Bronco hat that you have hidden in the closet. Better yet, please bring an extra one for Brett. He needs one.
  20. What is the horn hurting?? Why is it not allowed? I guess the horn is run off of some compressed air or gas that could somehow explode. Is that what they are worried about?
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