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Posts posted by LilBobcatMom

  1. So, say an 8 yo practices/plays on Pee Wee for the first two months and then ends up being pushed up into Junior because of weight.  How does he catch up/adapt to the methods of the new team?  I, mean, different coaches coach and train differently.  They have different plays.  Wouldn't that handicap the kid?

    I ask this with no crying.  Weight limits aren't going to affect my son.  He's 7 and only weighs 50 pounds, lol.

  2. I know that as a parent of younger kids (7, 2) that I took athletics as a consideration into what school district I decided to live in based on family history of what sports we are consistently good at.  Now, will either of my two make it even to the high school level?  Who knows?  But it was a consideration along with academics and the rural lifestyle I was looking for.

  3. Hopefully, QueenB is joking, but I'm afraid she is not.        :(

    i was serious.  Of course, my idea of trash talking is probably not what a lot of people consider it.  Trash talking to me is: "I'm gonna knock you to the ground" "You won't get passed me" "I'm gonna get  you" "Better be scared of me" etc.  It does not include calling names, cursing, or threats of severe bodily harm.

    As a matter of fact, just so those who play against my son's team (WOS Jr. Blue): they get into trouble by Coach Rod and personally, my son would get into trouble by me and his dad, if they tackle someone on the field and is rude about if afterwards.  They are taught to be good sportsmanlike about the whole thing.

    To have someone who actually says that his/her child does not "fight" and yet their child is on a hard hitting football team (and I have yet to see a team that is NOT hard hitting), that just struck me wrong due to the fact that the kids do "fight" when they play football.  How else do they come away from the games bruised up and sore all the time?

    Now, if you really want my opinion about this ADULT fighting: shame on each and every one of them.  I don't care if they are from BC or Lumberton or WO or LCM or anywhere THAT WAS JUST PLAIN STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE!  They all should be punished for their stupidity.  Lifetime ban?  I think that is harsh. 

    But then again, I don't know exactly what was said to each other.  When I was told by a person who WAS there that the people of BC was called Hurricane Trash, that ticked me off and my immediate response was to become angry .. and I don't even live in BC.  At the same time, I cringed when I saw the video and all I saw was fist flying from the BC people.

    Again, Shame on everyone involved in this sad, sad situation.

    Oh, that's not my idea of trash talking, lol.  The kids do that lining up across from each other in Little Dribblers even..."you're going down", "you're not getting past me", etc. 

    And my kids are encouraged to be aggressive in sports.  To me, there's just a big difference between hitting someone hard in football and actually "fighting".  Fighting to me is actual combat, totally unrelated to normal sports.

    I think we're on the same wavelength queenb, just using different wording.

  4. ok, i've tried to keep out of this discussion but i just read something that made me say to myself "yeah right!"  I don't recall who posted it earlier, and it really does not matter but here is what has made me post a response:

    the person said he/she does not encourage fighting and/or trash talking

    Ummm, we are talking about FOOTBALL right?  Football: the roughest sport (besides hockey) out there and full of trash talking.  If you don't "allow" that kind of stuff, then why is your son playing football?  Pushing, shoving, trash talking - that is all part of the game.

    Does this give the parents the right to fight? NO, not at all.  Does it give someone the right to tell someone else that they are Ike trash? Absolutely not.  Spit in someones face? Again, No.  But please, don't get on this forum and act all high and mighty and act that your child is perfect and does not participate in any type of violence.  He's playing football - it is a violent sport.

    That may have been me.  I don't see where I acted like my child is perfect at all.

    My son plays football because he wants to.  He's in Pee Wee and acts age appropriately (he's 7).  I don't let my kids talk smack or name call at home, why would I let them do it in sports?  Pushing/shoving/trash talking may be accepted by some, but it is NOT what I consider sportsmanship.  At this age, they're supposed to be learning the correct way to play the game, as I said earlier.  There's a time down the road for the "Win at all costs" philosophy...that time is years away.  If my son ended up with a coach who encouraged trash talking or other bad sportsmanship, I'd pull him from the team.

  5. Of the over 2000 people that have viewed this thread, how many have sent an email to a coach thanking him for a job well done?

    My son has been fortunate in the two years he's played football, basketball and baseball to have some of the most awesome coaches!  I make sure that WE thank each coach at the end of the season.  It's a thankless, time consuming job, for sure.  I appreciate each and every good coach out there and dread the day when one of my kids gets a bad one.

  6. No....teach your son in school whenever someones says something, ignore it and walk away. Whenever they push him, to turn and walk away. Pretty soon, kids smaller than him will be calling your son names and pushing him to because he cant stand up for himself.  

    and BTW, I would hope my son protects his sisters honor. I dint agree with starting fights, but I think that guys are "built" to protect women.

    Also, if you read previous post, I thought the coach was wrong for doing it on the field.......but I also think getting a life ban for this is crazy, when murder only gets you 20.  If your OJ, it gets you ZERO!

    Actually, my kids are taught never to start fights, but they are allowed to finish them IF someone lays their hands on them....words don't count as an assault.  In that same vein, mine are also taught to talk to everyone with respect.  They're not even allowed to call another person "stupid", much less cuss words.  I'm old school like that, though. (Sorry for the digression)

    And comparing a ban against coaching to getting 20 years in prison for murder is like comparing apples to oranges.

  7. I hope all the wives and girlfriends of all the male posters realize that if they are ever called a horrible name (the "B" word) or pushed to the ground by someone, their husbands and boyfriends will walk away and not react. They will do this because if they react, it will become their fault and not the person who started it.

    So, if my son is at school one day and one of his classmates calls me or his sister a "B", then it's ok for my son to hit the other kid?  I don't think the school is going to look at it that way.

    The whole point of youth sports, at this age anyway, is for them to learn the game, the rules, sportsmanship, teamwork, etc.  What did these kids learn from this game?  Hit someone if they make you mad?  I think the banning was completely deserved.

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