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Posts posted by thetragichippy

  1. Little League has nothing to do with School athletics.  But I have seen the Little League Football field and it seems to be growing every year, new lights, stands.  It is a very nice field as I have been there many times.

    Your right, little league has nothing to do with school athletics unless you think a little league program will improve the kids skills when they do reach high school.......which I do.  Lumberton has no little league football field...........we use the intermediate school practice field.

    I realize WOS does not play Lumberton in high School, but if you read some post in youth football, WOS people use the "jealous" and "hater" card all the time......Seems a lot(not all) seem to think everyone is against them. Anytime you question them they come back with the, "your just mad because we win" card.  That is what caught my attention in your post. I really don't think anyone thinks that stopping a school bus route would destroy a football team. If it did, it says very little about that football team.

  2. What kills me is all of you WOS haters,

    The only reason most of you are glad that they did this, or think it is a good idea is because you think that maybe this will allow you to somehow beat WOS in the future.  You are just scared to say what you really mean.

    If any of the posters that are claiming that this was a good idea were in a school district that had provided this for the last 30 years and all of the sudden without notice or warning they voted to stop it, I guarantee you would all be upset just as the WOS people are.

    If you want to beat them quit secretly hoping their program will fall apart and just get better and work harder.  Quit being a hater because you can't beat them. 

    Based on your post, it appears the "WOS haters" you refer to is anyone who made a comment that did not support the "Taxi Program".

    Now, not putting all WOS people in one bucket, it seems someone always brings up how great the football team is and how we (we = anyone else) are secretly trying to do things to sabotage the football program everytime we  disagrees with anything that is not pro WOS football.  (sorry, run on sentence!!) Trust me, most NORMAL people don't sit up at night and plan ways to make sure your "program will fall apart".

    The fact is, it was WOS board members that voted down the bus program. It was not people from outside your town.  So, why did you think your own people did this?  Should not this be the question you ask? 

    My son plays football for Lumberton peewee.  Lumberton has a reputation for "having money".  We also have a very successful football program. Have you seen the condition of our stadium?  You should see out Little League baseball field.  Our high School scoreboard was not 100% functional all year.  Its all about money.  We live with what we have.

    And for your last comment, instead of telling us (WOS haters) to  "just get better and work harder", maybe you guys should get with your parents and "work harder" getting your kids to practice like everyone else does. My son plays 3 sports and it can be a pain in the  ":o" to get him to practice, but he has never missed!!

    Lastly, I hope you guys resolve the problem and the buses keep running. If it keeps kids in school I do agree with it. I just hope education is somewhere in your list of priorities.........

  3. You guys are still asking for handouts........refineries, board members, etc.....  No one has made any suggestion about a parent meeting!  Why not a parent meeting?  After all, who is ultimately responsible for getting their kids to practice? I never road the bus, I car pooled until high school.  Parents can come together and make this work. I hope the parents just don't sit there and expect the school district to take care of their kids.

    As for economics, my son wants a dirt bike................he's not getting one (too expensive this year).  However, I may look throughout the year and find him a "USED" one or a "fixer upper".  That's called adjusting in our economics that we have going right now.

  4. Ill tell ya what you need is sombody at the scales you have now. that last certification for sure. you ever wondered why that last cert is always near there house. have you ever seen any of the wos studs at any scale? nope and you never will. and by the way yall not gonna have any luck changin it neither cause the board dont want it changed neither


    I was going to translate this to English and make it even more humorous, but I don't have three hours to spend on it. The statements he is trying to make have no merit. He should go back to posting on myspace!

  5. Its the parents responsibility, I don't care where you are from.!!!! 

    I worked retail all my life and worked a lot of nights. This was OK in a two parent family. When I got divorced, I took a significant pay cut and got a Monday - Friday job. I also got joint custody and my son lives with me 50% of the time. I now bring him to all his practices(plays 3 sports) and pick him up everyday after school. He's also my fishin buddy! With the decrease in my salary, we cant do as much but I'm with him all the time. My house is up for sale so I can buy a smaller one that I can afford.

    I bring this up not to be "super dad", but to show that people can do whatever they want if their priorities are right. I'm sure most parents(even single parents like me) could find a way to get their kids to practice, if that's the priority!

    One thing I would like to point out is that alot of "single parent" families are composed of MOTHERS and KIDS,  no all are fortunate enough to still have a DAD involved.  I say this because alot of the single parent families we are discussing are WOMEN and economics tell us that a women considered "uneducated" and I mean without college degrees cannot find these 8-5 M-F jobs and make enough to much less pay the rent.  I say if the parents of the students want to have this service provided, then offer it as a fare.  This way the district will not be expected to cover the cost, which TEA is pushing limits the district can spend outside the classroom, and the parents will not have to worry about their kids getting home safely!  The most important thing we have is the safety of our kids!!!

    Well, without trying to put my personal life on a stage, I am a college drop out! I do not have a college education. I worked hard, worked long hours and set goals for myself. The older I got, the more serious I got. I'm not Einstein, if I can do it, anyone can! I think it's extremely sad to see "single parent" families struggle. I just hope these parents are not using the school district as a babysitter, expecting pick up and delivery. My ex-wife could really care less about football or any sport, but she is there every practice supporting her kid!  Probably the only thing we agreed on  ;) ;) 

  6. Its the parents responsibility, I don't care where you are from.!!!! 

    I worked retail all my life and worked a lot of nights. This was ok in a two parent family. When I got divorced, I took a significant pay cut and got a Monday - Friday job. I also got joint custody and my son lives with me 50% of the time. I now bring him to all his practices(plays 3 sports) and pick him up everyday after school. He's also my fishin buddy! With the decrease in my salary, we cant do as much but I'm with him all the time. My house is up for sale so I can buy a smaller one that I can afford.

    I bring this up not to be "super dad", but to show that people can do whatever they want if their priorities are right. I'm sure most parents(even single parents like me) could find a way to get their kids to practice, if that's the priority!

  7. WHAT ARE THE WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS IN HIGH SCHOOL????????  ANYONE?????  I'm just curious....

    There are no weight restrictions in High School football.  Your right.  You see Bigworm, there are rules and guidelines in every sport.  They are for the well being of all players. To compare peewee to high school football is a stretch, a big stretch.  Think about it.  By the time they are in high school they are better prepared to take a hit and not get hurt.  That's why this is and should be called developmental football. When the kids are older, they are better developed and all this training they are getting at such a young age will be useful WHEN they get to high school. But for now, we should DISCUSS if the weight limits will be tweaked or left alone. I really don't think they are going away!

  8. When I stated that the rules are not for us, I was meaning the size advantages, and LO rules.  The heart and sole of our teams is speed, speed, and more speed.  We pattern our selves after our varsity teams, and make sure that we are in the best shape and everyone is flying to the ball.  Having a big, slow, bruising back is not our style, but more power to the teams that use that style, you will never hear me complain about that.  We try to capture the edge and running lanes, not 3 yards and a cloud of dust.  From Peewee to Varsity, we all run the spread offense or some form of it.  That is all I am saying, our style would not allow us to take advantage of having a 110 lb RB, unless of course he can fly. LOL.  Look at WOS over the years, this is our style, it works out most of the time, but it can be stopped if a coach has the wits and the personnel to stop it.  This message is for chippy only, I was just explaining to him why I said that those rules are not for us, and also for whoever insinuated that we would manipulate the rule to cheat.  We have stopped big boys, and we have stopped small one.  We have also failed to stop a few, it is all in the game.  We play our style of football win or lose, but we never make excuses in the end.  Age is the only thing that matters.  Let's face it, look at most teams in this league, the most aggressive players out there were not even the bigger ones.  Let the kids play.  An 85 lb kid can do just as much damage as a 110 lb kid could, if he is more aggressive.  Weight, Size, Height are just excuses, and everyone of them can be counterpunched with speed, technique, quickness, agility, and more.  I just don't understand why people make such a big deal out of weight.  Oh yeah Safety, give me a break.


    Fair enough BigD, I agree with some of what you said. My son consistently could block and get through kids weighing almost 30 pounds more. He's a tough one.  At the same time, I'm not sure I would want 30 additional pounds hitting him like I see some of the hard hitters do.  I would like my son to at least reach age 9 before be needs physical therapy.  ;D 

  9. You are right chippy.  Now, in response to an earlier statement about WOS being so defensive. It's not that, it's just that we are tired of the excuses.  These rules are not for us, because we have success no matter what the rules are, but instead these rules are put in place to give other teams a chance to have some of the success that WOS and others have year after year.  Coincidently, all of the whiners on here represent the same teams.  Let's face it everyone's child can not be and will not be a stud, no matter how you try to shape up the rules and make them in one's favor.  Some people need to come to reality that Little Junior is who he is.  Once again this is off the topic, but I know what the real agenda is, and why some people are more passionate about it than others are.  I repeat, "Line up and Play Football", and leave all of the technicalities out of it.  Just good old fashioned football.  These kids play together at school and in the neighborhoods, but not on saturdays.  I support the age breakdown, but to me weight doesn't matter.  No one on this board can change my stance on that.    

    We must be reading something completely different and I may need to look up what "rules" mean. I thought rules were meant for everyone, not just select teams. This thread was supposed to be a discussion (not argument) about tweaking the requirements to be more fair. No one in this forum can change the rules without a vote.  Its just a discussion. At the end of the day, weather you like it or not, the rules may be changed as majority will rule. As for excuses, I've heard a few, but that came from the fans, not coaches.  I'm from Lumberton and I've given no excuses. My son played on peewee red and WO-S dominated! You guys have some good kids and coaches. If we could of tackled your kids, we might have won!

  10. In defense of Big Worm, her son would have done just fine on Senior Level, probably dominant. But the fact still remains that he played with his age group, and he was the correct weight.  Who cares if he's taller and faster than most of the kids, their still was no violation of any rule.  I too coached against him, and I'm not complaining.  I understand that everyone wants an even playing field, but realistically some kids are natural studs, and some kids are better coached. The teams with studs or the teams who have competitive coaches who put in the work to have their teams prepared are not worried about no size or height advantage. They just plan accordingly.  It seems to me that the teams who are not as successful are always looking for an easy way out, or always looking for a way to make it more even to give themselves a chance, instead of putting in the time and effort to better prepare their teams.  I have seen people do a lot with less, it is all about how you prepare and how hard you work. What's Next? Before too long, someone will suggest that if you run under a certain time in the 40, then you have to move up with kids that are more your speed to make the playing field more even. This is ridiculous. Should a stud pitcher have to play up in baseball if he throws too hard, or if he's a certain weight or height? You know a really big and tall kid can be just as intimidating standing on the mound, or god forbid their is a collision at the plate between him and a smaller kid.  I think that would do more damage than a football hit would anyday. Do we have the same safety concerns there?  Let it go!!!!

    Why does this discussion keep going back to WOS or more specifically BigWorms kid? The original suggestion would actually help him and kids like him stay as a back because it increases the weight limits. Now the discussion is starting to be about a coach being competitive? There are weight rules already established and nobody is suggesting that weight be used as a tool to win. BigD the rules are there to keep everything safe and fair and I believe the STJFL does a good job in maintaining that focus.

    Why is WOS so defensive in this topic? No one has made any accusations toward anybody these were only suggestions that ironically would help in the areas WOS is against... There is no reason to get defensive on this thread unless you already know the rules are being broken and you don't wanna get caught. By the way you are acting, maybe bulldogbacker is right and there needs to be more officials at the certifications or at least somebody planted at the scales.

    As long as a player doesn't go over 115 pound mark throughout the year there would be no problem. I can't understand why it would be a problem to give an opposing coach a chance to challenge a player's weight.

    This was TeamRaiders thread and the subject was "STJFL Weight Limits" not "make excuses for your kids" or "put words into peoples mouths" (one for you QueenB)......  Teamraider was not attacking anyone as far as I can see.  I see his point, why is everyone so defensive? This discussion took off in a completely different direction than it was intended.  Why cant both sides discuss something without turning it in to an argument??  Now, lets see how many insults I receive after stating the obvious!

  11. Could we use better Ref's????  YES ---- However, they are human and can't possibly watch every player on the field.  The fact is the game is over and winners were decided.  I wish the outcome would have been all Lumberton, but that's not what happen. WO-S has some great players and apparently some great coaches. I really thought Lumberton white PeeWee would have taken them, but they didn't. You win some and loose the rest! There is always next year!

    I think arguing and insulting about a game is on the childish side........But if you do argue, using spell check will make your argument more believable!  ;D

  12. WOS may win one of the divisions, I don't see the it in the pee-wee or SR's

    WO-S pee wee 33

    Lumberton red    0

    Need I say more. I told you we would win by more than 21 points.

    A lot of talent in WO-S.  Lumberton lost its drive when both coaches were suspended. I think it would of been very different had the original coaches played till the end. The kids did not give up, so I'm proud of the team for that. Congratulations WO-S pee wee on a game well played!!  BTW, what do yall feed those kids?. They would get hit and never fall!

  13. I was wrong about the coach part should have said "Lumberton helper."

    I never said the offense was a secret. What I said was, even if you were not right, you were acting like you were giving away the secret... I suppose if someone saw the white offense they should automatically know that it has some simularities to a coach of a team called the Screaming Eagles and that there is a website about it if they care to Google it. Or maybe they could just Google "that offense i saw at the Pee Wee game this weekend" and find it that way.

    A coach developed it and took his team to nationals. They were called the screaming eagles. Do a google because there is a website about this offense.

    All Im saying is you would never catch someone from West Orange Stark doing what you did... I have seen your post and you seem to thrive on conflict.

    Well, I'm not even a "helper".  I guess I was "thriving" on conflict by answering a guys question about an offense he had a question about.  What ever happened to its just a game.???  I'm pretty sure most coaches with a video camera could figure out this mystery offense.

    Sorry teamraider, I'm just a normal spectator that researched the offense and found that information. I also know how to shut down that offense, but that's TOP SECRET! 

  14. what is the "snoop dog offense?" just curious what yall are talking about?

    Basically the backfield squats down tight around the center. The defensive line cant see who the ball is given to so they have a hard time knowing which way the ball is going.  I think the real name is single wing offense. Its a single wing offense with a lot of misdirection.  A coach developed it and took his team to nationals. They were called the screaming eagles. Do a google because there is a website about this offense.

    There are several towns out there such as WOS and Nederland with multiple teams in the same division. They are rivals of sorts but respect each others game. I've seen both WOS teams talking smack to each other for the last 3 weeks... What I have never seen is one of those teams sell the other out by posting their strategies on a public forum.

    A couple of years ago the Lumberton Pee Wee White coach spent months during the off season researching to come up with a good offense program. The way I understand it, he devised it from about four he had looked at along with some of his own ideas.

    He has been successful with it for several years now so for another Lumberton coach to post information from one of his sources is a lack of class that I have never seen from any sport on any level. Even if the information he is giving wasn't correct... The fact he thought he WAS giving out the secret is enough to make him cheap.

    I'd like to know if there is any other coach out there that would sell out another team in their own town. Because I can't figure out a single reason why anyone would do that!

    I'm not a coach for Lumberton football.  I do have eyes and see their offense.  I did not say anything that noone could not google or watch a film and see it.  Do you really think that offense is a big secret??  I have only been on this forum a few days, but it appears when you cant find something good to attack someone with, you make up something..........

  15. No creepyhippy, just dumbed down for you.

    You know player 666, whats creepy is the attention you are giving me.  Almost like the girl that's mean to you because she really likes you  :o

    Thank God I'm married with children........ :P

    That really makes alot of sense traffichippy, it sounds to me like you were one of the clowns involved in the whole embarrising situation. And if you were you were not involved you should not try to take up for idiot coaches that your league put on the field. The board is in charge of the coaches and if they can not handle them, then the STJFL should.

    66 is right on the money. You can surely dish it out but you sure as heck cant take it.  :'(

    You guys apparently cant read.  If your trying to kill me with stupidity, then its working.....I'm on my knees.......  Roughrider, you made comment to ban both "towns". I call you on that(because it was a stupid suggestion) and I cant take it??? You voice your opinion and its an opinion. I call you on it and I cant take it??

       Read my post Roughrider, pay attention, I was not involved. I actually was on Lumberton sideline when this happened and stayed there. I watched it all. My son was one of the players on the team that "watched in horror as the fight broke out". Him and I went to McDonald's after the game and had a talk about it and it was soon forgotten over chicken nuggets. I told him that was two good coaches that really screwed up and that's not what the games about. He's 7 but understood. He looked up to his coach and I will not take that away from either.

    And by the way, the STJFL made there decisions about all involved and I would assume they are happy with those decisions, why cant you be????????????

  16. what is the "snoop dog offense?" just curious what yall are talking about?

    Basically the backfield squats down tight around the center. The defensive line cant see who the ball is given to so they have a hard time knowing which way the ball is going.  I think the real name is single wing offense. Its a single wing offense with a lot of misdirection.  A coach developed it and took his team to nationals. They were called the screaming eagles. Do a google because there is a website about this offense.

  17. I agree Nederland did a good job.  Some good football played yesterday. Watchout for Lumberton White Peewee they are a very well coached team with a heck of a offensive line.  I am not real sure of the snoop dog offense,  but it works.  Doesn't seem like it teaches the fundamentals of the game.  Good Luck Lumberton White.

    I agree Dustjam, a very strange offense but it does work. We(lumberton Red) lost to them by one point. Everybody laying down in the backfield makes for a hard tackle.  However, with their record, if the fundamental of the game is wining, then it does work..... ;D

  18. Whar Roughrider is saying, if cant handle your people as an organization, then get rid of the organization. Also, dont take up for people that are guilty or may cause your league problems. CLEAN YOUR OWN HOUSE OR SOMEONE WILL FOR YOU!!!

    Let me tell you something footballmomma, I am from Nederland and dang proud of it. I helped build the Nederland Youth Football Association as a board member and coach when Nederland first entered into the league. By the way, I ended my coaching career winning a Super Bowl against West Orange Stark in 2006.  I have also managed and help form the Texas Roughriders who have played major division select baseball and have traveled all over the United States doing so. I have ran across a lot of irate coaches and have been very irate and insulted as well. But I always had sense enough to remember where I was, whom I was coaching, and why I was there.

    When you cross the line that both sets of coaches did, you do not deserve the privilege to coach these kids. You are dang right I am not glad I am not from either town because what happened what a flat out embarrassment.

    Good thing I am not the President of the STJFL, I would kick both towns out of the League!

    Player 666, you need to get with roughrider, because you could save him a lot of typing if all he said is what you got out of it!

  19. I agree with you Roughrider thecreepyhippy likes to whiiiinnnnne!!!

    and where exactly did I whiiiinnnnne???????????  I'm sorry I dint fit in with all the high schoolers here (if not, certainly act like it) that like to name call and attack people for voicing concerns.  But that's fine, to get on your level, sticks and stones......... ::)

  20. thecreppyhippy or whatever his name is,  is just loud mouth and has not added value to any conversation. Why dont you create a post and stay in your corner.

    Player 666, I took the 5 minutes to review some of your post and didn't see much value.  What you will find in my post is comments, jokes and my opinion.  You will not find name childish name calling or put downs. So, grow up a little and realize this forum is for everyone and not just for a few....freedom of speech, remember!

    And to your point, instead of me creating a post and staying in my corner, perhaps you should start your own forum and invite the people that "think like you do"! 

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