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Posts posted by thetragichippy

  1. I was wrong in thinking game wardens made pretty good money.

    I thought about applying years(and I mean YEARS ago), but the money was not worth the risk.  Think about it, most people you talk to have a gun!

    The risk doesn't change with a pay increase. Does more money make it worth the risk? 

    Yes............To risk your life making $35,000??  For some people that is their calling, for me I want to see my kids when I get home.  Don't get me wrong, I respect what they do just don't like the pay scale versus the job description.

  2. For all the  "STUFF"  they have to put up with, should be paid much more.

    Game Warden Cadet, $2,914/month, Entrance Salary

    Game Warden I, $3,183/month, Completion of Training Academy

    Game Warden I, $3,758/month, One year after graduation

    Game Warden II, $4,076/month, Four years after graduation

    Game Warden III, $4,389/month, Eight years after graduation

    Game Warden IV, $4,593/month, Twelve years after graduation

    Game Warden V, $4,811/month, Sixteen years after graduation

    Game Warden VI, $4,811/month, Twenty years after graduation

    Stipend for education or certification: $50 - $150/month

    Stipend for second language: $50/month

  3. So everyone knows this is a parent who has now had two discussions since yesterday with the administrators on this matter.  While this might have started out as a wipe board that the kids were having a lot of fun with, this has now turned into an authority issue for the administrators.  There is a lack of understanding why this has become such a talked about subject and why the actions of the administration are misunderstood.  My personal opinion is that there has not been one consistent message issued to the student body and parents on the subject.  So my take on the message I received is wear your Dome Dummy shirts to the game, they are not approved for school wear even though they have been worn for the last 3 months.  Anyone who wants to get them approved for school wear should see Mr. Kieschnick at the school administration office.  Be loud and cheer in a positive upbeat manner for the Dogs.  Do not bring a wipe board to the game.  Anyone with a wipe board will not be allowed entrance. If a board is spotted during the game, the officials will be asked to stop the game until the offender leaves with the board.  There will be extra security officer at the game for wipe board management.  It has been deemed that the wipe board creates havoc and has become a security issue at games.  The potential to incite conflict exists because of the messaging on the board.  Again, in my opinion this is now an authority issue that has evolved to control.  The potential downside for anyone bringing a board to the game is that they will be sent to the alternative campus for at least 10 days since there is now a direct mandate that wipe boards not be allowed.  The greater potential is that the game be stopped or the off court activity affect our team's play in a negative manner.  The truth is that the Dome Dummy group wants to support basketball team in the same manner that they have supported other Nederland sports.  It is exciting to have a team headed to playoffs.  For everyone who reads this post just remember that the objective tonight is to support the team and abandon any personal agendas that one might have that are counterproductive to cheering our team to a win.  My opinion is that the administration would love to make an example of someone over this wipe board issue which is not worthy of any further consideration and for which an amazing amount of time and energy has already been spent.  I wish that this had been addressed months ago so that at this point in time all the Nederland fans would be talking about is what a great job the coaches and basketball team has done.  That is the bottom line.  Further, everyone who blogs on this site needs to know that they posts are being analyzed to get a feel for issues in the community and there is discussion about who posts what by the school administrators.  It is your First Amendment right to freedom of speech to post.  This is a public forum, a blog site, only the opinion of those who chose to post here. Opinions only!  That being said you should always remember that words spoken or written can be harmful in ways you might never consider, and that some things should not be posted here on this site.  So, everyone remember that the objective is to cheer for the Bulldog basketball team, not to make a stand over wipe boards.  Thanks for reading.  Judy Banner


      I agreed with the beginning of your post until you spoke of what we should and should not post. I'm not sure who you are but we can post anything we like as long as it is within the guidelines of this forum.  I could also care less that the school administrators are viewing my post.

  4. The kid is in a good position to better his life. I'm sure the people in power don't want to casue too many roadblocks for the kid. The kid made a mistake and all you can do is hope that he learns from it. Some do and some don't. It's his life. he'll have some sort of probationary status hovering over his head for several years. I've heard probation is almost like being in jail. :'(    <sweat

    When I was 18 (1984) I received a DWI. I was on probation for 2 years. Back then DWI was not as big a deal as it is now. I had to report once per month to probation officer and spend about 30 minutes with him. I could not go to bars, have a gun, etc...... It took away a lot of freedoms you take for granted. I learned my lesson and stayed out of trouble to date. Hopefully he will realize that 5 minutes of fun can screw up many years of your life.

  5. Don't know what bayou 'that' is, as there are about 5-6 on the La side, we have been getting reds at the mouths of most all of them for the last month or so. We have been gettn them on pumpkinseed gulps, TTKs and DOAs in rootbeer/chart paddletails. Did pick up a lost Flounder in East Pass on E shorleline 2 weeks ago. Have heard of specks being taken drifting the reefs. good luck n tite lines...

    Hey Yankee,

      Thanks Yankee.........will give it a try Sunday if the weather cooperates.........Your right about the flounder, thats what I like!

  6. After glimpsing through some of these posts it is sad how ignorant so many posters here can be.  I am against drugs and do not support them in any shape or form, but the law is the law.  The kid has a misdemeanor that occured OFF CAMPUS.  There may be an established rules of conduct agreed upon by the team but there is no UIL rule associated with this sort of thing.  For those who think they know education law, educate yourself on Chapter 37 of the student discipline code.  Off campus misdemeanors do not require a school to place a student in any DAEP setting.  Off campus felonies may and in some instances require DAEP.  Local law enforecment agencies are supposed to notify schools of off campus felonies within 3 days many times they are notified even with misdemeanors.  This was not a felony and did not require such especially if it wasn't in the same county.  So before folks throw a coach, administration, or more importantly a student under the bus know your facts.  If anyone has any questions I encourage you to contact Mr. Leslie Smith the director of discipline for TEA.


  7. Thinking about takin the boat to Sabine pass sunday.  Anyone heard how the fishing is?  Last time I was out was a couple weeks after Ike.  We did well on Reds on the LA side of the lake, near the cut of that bayou. Really would like to find some flounder!

    They should be in the water. ;)

    Thanks for the tip.  When I launch in sabine pass on sunday, I'll make sure it's in the water.  8)

  8. Athletics should be the least of this STUDENT athlete's worries. If a student gets in trouble with the law, that student is suspended from school, and placed in an alternative campus. If a student is placed at an alternative campus, they cannot participate in sports. If they found out last night, to err on the side of caution, they should not have played the athlete.

    If we really care about this student, we should educate him first, send him to drug rehab/prevention class, and monitor the health and well being of this student. He is 17/18 and when he graduates he should be a productive citizen, not just a student who plays basketball. BISD's help would go a long way to maybe reduce this students criminal punishment and maybe preserve his scholarship at the next level.

    We are talking about forfeit of basketball games, when this child is forfeiting his future. Weed is a powerful drug that is killing our urban youth, it time to educate and drug test and keep it real.Kids don't take steroids, they use drugs and we need to reach out and help out youth.

    Weed is not a powerful drug.  It's along the same level as alcohol, the only exception it is illegal. I could care less about which school this kid is from, if it was up to you guys, he would be hung.  

  9. Willie was planning on playing baseball this year and they have announced that he has been suspended for the season from playing baseball....THERE YA GO! Is that good enough for the "pot police" of the good ole boy SE Texas system? ::) ::)

    Dead issue....Willie will more than likely be suspended for the remaining district ball games and be required to attend a drug prevention program....seriously....thats the punishment...Oh, and he will be suspended from the baseball, gymnastics, and wrestling program as well....Hope thats good enough, cause thats as good as its gonna get....sorry good ole boys of SE Texas, but the BISD boss has spoken! ;D

    That's gonna give him much more time to smoke that weed.  Seems to me, the punishment is giving him  more time to get introuble.

  10. Never said it was the right thing to do......... I think we have all done something that we regret. Its just after reading the thread, everyone wants this guy hung.

    Lazeek..........I smoked in college a couple times, but turned out married with children...... ;D

    I think the kid will turn out just fine unless he gets life for this crime    ;D

    I never said he would turn out to be ok but...

    The kid is a GREAT athlete with a huge future and he decides to put all that on the line to go get "HIGH".... it makes no sence

    AI FAN........you ever smoke a joint??  If you did, you took a stupid risk........It makes no sense, but most of us have made stupid decisions

    1) lets look at the facts he was out ran a stop sign got pulled over he had weed in his car and he said it was his bottom of the line he should be punished by law and by the school and honesty what do you think baylor is gonna do when there hear about this????????

    Hey Obama........kinda avoiding my question................

  11. Never said it was the right thing to do......... I think we have all done something that we regret. Its just after reading the thread, everyone wants this guy hung.

    Lazeek..........I smoked in college a couple times, but turned out married with children...... ;D

    I think the kid will turn out just fine unless he gets life for this crime    ;D

    I never said he would turn out to be ok but...

    The kid is a GREAT athlete with a huge future and he decides to put all that on the line to go get "HIGH".... it makes no sence

    AI FAN........you ever smoke a joint??  If you did, you took a stupid risk........It makes no sense, but most of us have made stupid decisions

  12. Never said it was the right thing to do......... I think we have all done something that we regret. Its just after reading the thread, everyone wants this guy hung.

    Lazeek..........I smoked in college a couple times, but turned out married with children...... ;D

    I think the kid will turn out just fine unless he gets life for this crime    ;D

    I hope the best for the kid........however if you just slap his hand he will do it again and again and again!!!!

    I think it depends on the kid not the punishment.............if punishments did their job, no one would be put in jail more than once..........IMO   ;)

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