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Posts posted by snooker

  1. is tabc suppose to guess what their record is? ... i dont think they're ignoring the obvious. i dont think they have been informed. they( hardin) could care less about rankings - they just worried about how they finish the season. ... but i agree that there is some favoritism within the ranks. -- hardin will finish this season at the regional tourn. btw. ... they are talented and well coached
  2. maybe you dont understand how polls work... the coach or an appointee has to keep tabc reps updated. some coaches like flying "under the radar" -- so they dont keep the pollsters informed. SO - yes hardin should be ranked, just dont look for them in polls anytime soon.(unless coach changes mind)
  3. ted williams
    bo jackson
    deion sanders
    few sr. golfers that played other pro sports
    danny ainge ...etc  ---  you think these guys arent successful in var. sports.

    heres the truth -- if you are gifted athletically , you can play at a high level in water polo if you wanted to.    heres what you guys think -- if a kid doesnt " concentrate" on a sport , then they dont really care and when we lose thatll be the reason.  ... oh - and what are you calling successful anyway? all you can say is " we made the playoffs" - look around and there are prob 20 other area teams that can say the same -- in fact prob several that went deeper into playoffs. 
  4. how is it one can read a novel for english and still remember how to do algebra?? and take a geography test after playing the piano. -- its ridiculous to " concentrate " on a sport. what does that mean anyway?  play'em all and play any time you want to. if they are competative, theyll be fine. as far as school goes - if the coaches can work out a schedule to do both, then have at it.  buna coach is head var. coach in both sports and they play both at same time?? does that mean they dont care about vb? i doubt it very seriously. those kids are comp. in both sports and it doesnt seem to mess them up.
  5. h-f will continue to close the gap and might win one at home against h-j or ofield .... but either way i see those 3 as the best in that district .... east chambers wins their district - i like hardin and buna along with anahuac fighting for the other 3 spots.... woodville wins and ill go with kirbyville and hemphill for other 2 spots... evadale wins and look for high island and hull to make cut as well... zavalla wins - anybody/everybody will fight for other 2 spots....and goodrich,leggett and chireno make playoffs. .

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