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Posts posted by snooker

  1. sportsmanship. ... got nothing to do with a coach or kids " getting better" . there will always be a pitiful team with a pitiful coach that does not want to be there anyway.  -- now that said - if chester is not going to get back on defense and just give up layups...maybe i can see it.  i think the real problem is going over 100 pt spread. if someone wins 85-22 it doesnt raise quite as much fuss.dont know why?
  2. its the aspect of having the clock / and said operator / and the money involved with these -- that will never allow the shot clock into high school bb.    some schools are making cuts in staff and now they are going to spend money on athletics.??? it doesnt add up.  -- perhaps if uil were to pony up the cash and pay for the extra official and new clock/scoreboard system. it would nt change the game as much as you think anyway. who keeps the ball 45 sec w out t/o anyway
  3. moot,, i believe you mean aggie -- or maybe you do mean mute.  anyway - id like to suggest that the admin could have offered the bb job to anyone they were letting go . none would or could have done it. shoulda been ira no matter what they had to do to make it happen. they just want to make sure the paper trail looks nice and tidy. its hardly ever about what is best for kids. or  --- what he has done for them over the last 20 yrs. nothing against joe, i think he'll do a great job as well and wish the tigers good luck.
  4. problem with kids lifting is majority dont see the need and dont put much effort into it. problem with skill development is kids dont see the need and dont put much effort into it. youve got to make lifting/ strength/plyo - meaningful and skill work meaningful or youre pretty much wasting time with both. the right coach can come in and get h-f going - i dont know dove or any of the h-f crowd ... but they are right about having some talent over there if they can get the right people in place. personally i hope they dont b/c i follow a diff 3a team over there.
  5. keep the mvp ... well take the wins. .... it just sends a bad message. you are missing the point -- stats dont tell it all - esp ppg. the reason teams win are b/c of other things.  so when you dont reward kids from the winning teams its kinda insulting in my book.  everyone on board can feel free to diasagree but im a firm believer that the mvp should come from the championship team.  copeland included
  6. all district teams are always innaccurate to a degree ... kids should learn to take pride in their team and not worry about awards. it can kill chemistry. thats why stats should be considered with a grain of salt. coaches with bad teams usually dont worry about anything but getting THEIR kids on -- even if they dont vote correctly ( i.e ) for kids on better teams. ... if you really , really , i mean really want to find out who the best kids are then learn which stats are relevent to winning. hint: its not ppg.
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