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Posts posted by snooker

  1. no official in any chapter is also a varsity coach. ...i doubt this unfolded the way it is being told here. officials dont just hand out tech's and lie to the uil " for the hell of it" ... i certainly dont know any of the details , and im not an official - but that story sounds fabricated.  there can be things said on the court that fans cant hear -thats prob more like what really happened.
  2. ft shooting is about handling pressure  -- something most kids struggle with.  form is a close second -- but i think you can shoot granny shots effectively as long as you are confident. ... someone said 100 made a day --- thats key. now how much of practice do you sacrifice for that??  depends on how important you think they are
  3. lot has to happen for a big upset ... you have to make the decision before the game ever starts. -- if png is primaraly a half court zone team then i dont see why i would come out for one possession. even if i were just playing not to lose in regulation. if png were a pressure D team then i would have cont. to play the same.  take all those percentages and throw em out. its about having a feel for your team as a coach. -- looks like the best team won from what i can tell(which is usually what happens anyway)
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