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Everything posted by sloydjt

  1. I was just wishing a poster would join to accomplice Big_Bob and Sloyd and it seems I've found one lol ;D
  2. BDO4...dont worry..."IF"..and that's a HUGE IF..."IF" we lose, then YEA I will eat crow with the rest of them..LOL but honestly..I dont have to worry about that..but if I do for some reason have to, I'm with grizz..I like mine with it still flapping its wings..LOL..hehehe!!! ;D
  3. A little harsh..but hey..I'm a big girl..I can handle it!!! And so can those wildcats..so keep talking yourself..all your doing is giving them all the motivation they need to whip ya'll Friday!!!
  4. lololol..your so funny huh zero...thats what any coach does!!! Really to be honest with you...we could care less if its his 300th or 1st...this is simply a newton vs. kirbyville rival game. thats it. doesnt matter how many wins barbay has. WE all know Barbay is a legacy. Anyone that has lived in southeast texas knows this. AND??? Let me tell you...your going to be eating alot of crow come Friday night...you newton fans think this is going to be so easy. Its been a while since ya'll have played us, we are not the team from the 90's thats for sure!
  5. Zero...its just as much disrespectful to say that kville will be a walk in the park as it is for us to say were going to put 50 on you. I'll have my popcorn, and I'll have my front row seats...because I wouldnt miss this game for nothing! ps...with all trash talk aside...I do hope the best for both teams. I have much respect for Newton!! Good luck to all...and especially Good luck to the Wildcats!!!
  6. I voted all the above. I really dont have an opinion, but I do hope in the end that PNG's fans and supporters stand behind the players, coaches etc... I have always admired the support of the community and wished we only had an ounce of what you guys have. Dont disappoint all of us who wish we had your fan base! Stick to your team, and support them. They will bounce back. True fans never leave!!! We support you and hope the best for PNG..at least I do..lol GO INDIANS!!!! [move]KIRBYVILL VS. NEWTON...GAME OF THE YEAR...BE THERE!!!![/move]
  7. Hey granfan!!! Its about time I see you post!!!! lol Anyway, just wanted to "RIGHT ON"!!!!! GO WILDCATS!!! BEAT THE EAGLES ;D ;D ;D ;D
  8. I'm sure those boys from Coldsprings would love a rematch. Everyone has an off day..Just like TEXAS!!! Just wasn't their day to win!!! But I hope for your sake you don't have to play them again, because I don't think the outcome would be the same. The Trojans would come out victoriously!!!
  9. Thanks...seen the monuments many times..LOL When's the last time you won one of those titles?..I can tell you it wont be in 2008..LOL
  10. That was cute..LOL anyway, so who is coming in 3rd in our district? does anyone know? or does it way in on this fridays game? Just curious!!!
  11. OK..I heard it was going to be saturday I just didnt get the time!
  12. I'm not sure if anyone saw the AP Polls today, but they have Kirbyville as #2...moved up a spot...Arp moved to #3...GO WILDCATS!!!
  13. If I heard correctly, Coldspring will be playing WOS in Deerpark next Saturday. Not sure on a time yet! Have you heard this?
  14. Me too Chico!!!! We going to Kyle field this year???? If so...u better sit with me!!! We can cheer together..LOl ;D
  15. is this why they call you "THE WISE ONE"..LoL...j/k Yea I guess your right. But these boys have to get up and go to school the next day..and try to learn..LOL hahaha...anyway, I just love Friday night games. Well if we win thursday night, then I believe we play Anahuac..right? They have a bye the first round I believe. I just hope we can get past Corrigan Camden..I hear they have a pretty good team!
  16. Oh I know they will and they will come to play for sure! I just know that WO-S will too.
  17. you mean sister...LOL...im no brother..LOL..its ok...but yea..i am very sure that Kville's GOT THIS!!! ;D ;D
  18. Good thing coldsprings made alot of mistakes or else cleveland wouldnt have won...lol (fumbles, interceptions, etc...) take away all that...coldspring would have won that game!
  19. I feel sorry for those Trojans...just not even fair!!! But I'm still gonna pull for them anyway...GO TROJANS!! BEAT THE MUSTANGS!!!lollolol
  20. Yes this is set in stone!!! Got the call today from school. Will be at 7:30 Thurs. in Woodville...YUCK!!! This stinks. I wonder why they scheduled this in the middle of the week like this. Our kids have to get up the next day and go to school...after game Thursday night..we wont be home until almost midnight...just not a good move on their part. Unless they're giving our kids a day off the next day ;D
  21. He'll get his 300th win no doubt..just not this week!!! He'll get in the 1st round of playoffs..LOL ;D How awesome is that though...congrats to a great coach with an awesome legacy..299 wins...something to be proud of!
  22. LETS GO WILDCATS!!!!!! I have to agree with Grizzly62..42-30...although I did make an absurd prediction, I do however, think it will be a much closer game than our previous games. But still Wildcats winning of course!!!
  23. Sorry people..but the small school game of the week can only be KIRBYVILLE VS. NEWTON...nothing bigger than that!!!! : :
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