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Posts posted by supergold82

  1. Tim Hagler did not have the record. Bryan Harris had it. Tim did not play tailback till our senior year. He did not start at tailback till our 3rd game of the season. But in the six games he started before he tore his knee up he had over 1200 yards rushing and he started at strong side linebacker. And was voted most valuable player in district for offense and defense.

  2. 22 minutes ago, outanup said:

    FYI.... Remember don't park in people's front yards, (you're not at home) especially if reverse is out on your car and or you start it with a screwdriver. And as always, shoes, and shirts are required. 

    Nice info to have. If I can find my screwdriver to start my car I will make sure I drop your family member off at the front gate. But I think it is your responsibility to make sure they have shoes, and a shirt to wear. I am going to bring them back they way I found them.

  3. Who would have thought before we played Central and Ozen that Jeff would not have to bring our spread punting team out. How rare is it these days for a High School team to not punt at least one time in a High School game. Did Nederland have to punt against Lee. I know Central and Ozen has a better D than Lee. I am just saying right now Vidor's offence is clicking on all cylinders. And yes we will probably have to punt several times in this game. My original post was just a jab at Mosley post. But I do think Vidor will win this game.

  4. Maybe it just might be 9-10 year to be up at the top. Between 9-10 they have 3 of the top rushers in the area. And if they have some of the top rushers in the area that would lead me to believe they have some of the best o lineman in the area. You don't run the ball well without a good o line. #10 had 515 yards rushing on a defense last week that everybody on this site has been praising up to the end of that game. So there is either a lot of people on this site that don't know what they are talking about ( including me) or they just might be better than what the people on this site is giving them credit.

  5. Soulja you and all the other posters on here were saying the same thing when we played channelview. What makes central any different or better than channelview. If central played channelview this Friday would they win. We took channelview down to the wire. Is central faster and bigger than channelview. I admit I have not seen central play. But I can't imagine central being any faster or bigger. Everybody was saying channelview would beat us by whatever they wanted. Turnovers has what has killed the pirates. If the Pirates can do away with the turnovers they have a shot.
  6. Vidor played CV a close ball game tonight. A team that beat a good Dayton team. For a team picked before season to be a bottom dweller in 22 5A, I think made a statement tonight. We are a young team and made young team mistakes. The Pirates fans that have been with these kids since little league know just how good these kids are and how much heart and talent they have. We new going into the year we were going to have our growing lumps. What I like best about tonight is we played a good 6 a team with mostly juniors and sophomores. I also look forward to returning 16 to 18 starters next year. Great game Pirates keep your heads high and the never quit in your heart.
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