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  1. thanks for the compliment very much appreciated i believe we will to we just have to learn how to finish a ball game no matter what sport it comes down to how well you finish and we just didnt finish this game... but evadale kept there composer and did congrats cant wait till we play again....
  2. Games have moved to High Island Tonight, Monday 26th w/ JV beginning at 5
  3. maybe it was just stuck at 1:14 because of a glitch, or maybe cause they were down..who knows. but, when you add in the 6th timeout evedale was given by quick thinking by the "official" book...oh what a night!
  4. why did they only dress 6 last night?
  5. High Island: 12 11 13 15 Total: 51 Houston H: 18 13 20 16 Total: 67
  6. 63-0 !!! Sorry !!! Oh I almost forgot, how bout that goal line collision with #33 !!! THE HUDDLE IS THIS WAY !!! OWNED !!! :-* yeah 33 got me pretty good but wait i almost forgot! could you ask number 8 from last year how he is doing bc i think he left the game from ME.....OWNING HIM!!!!! if i remember correctly i got back up and finished the game unlike 8 so who owned who! but besides that saturday was ruff didnt go the way i expected it to. So good luck to the top three and give em heck in the playoffs. Good job kid !!! Ya'll played hard. HI is a classy school. thank you i couldnt let you dawg on me like that sorry if it sounded like i was being cocky. good luck to yall i will see yall on the court and the diamond
  7. 63-0 !!! Sorry !!! Oh I almost forgot, how bout that goal line collision with #33 !!! THE HUDDLE IS THIS WAY !!! OWNED !!! :-* yeah 33 got me pretty good but wait i almost forgot! could you ask number 8 from last year how he is doing bc i think he left the game from ME.....OWNING HIM!!!!! if i remember correctly i got back up and finished the game unlike 8 so who owned who! but besides that saturday was ruff didnt go the way i expected it to. So good luck to the top three and give em hell in the playoffs.
  8. we will be ready for chester you just make sure your yellowjackets are ready for the fighting cardinals!!!! yall might of beat us last year but thats the past, now its the present and guess what? the CARDINALS are not the cardinals they were last year when chester beat us. our team has gained trust in each other and have learned to play as a team and not individuals! so when you say we better have alot of emotion when we come play chester dont worry about that we will bring alot more than emotion!!!! Tiner George #10
  9. Well JacketDAD what you dont know is that the Cardinals is a completely different team since the storm hit. since we have been back and practicing everyone has new life for the team and is ready to shake up the district. HI isnt some push over team like we use to be we are here to play and play HARD!! so tighten up the chin straps because the cardinals are coming to play!!!
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