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^Gusher Fan^

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Posts posted by ^Gusher Fan^

  1. Thanks to EVERYONE who had a part in tonight's L-TRAIN celebration!! OUR BOYS will always remember how you were there for them!

    There was food, music, fun, more food, and a very special presentation, on behalf of the entire community, to "Credeur's Raiders".

    Personally, I would like to thank those who spearheaded this whole event. You men and women did an outstanding job.

    A shout out also goes to KFDM and KBTV for coming out to join us.

    PS. Raidernation, I'm glad you were able to make it to town for this, and I hope you have a safe trip home.

  2. Greetings One and All, Citizens of RAIDER NATION:

    You are hereby invited to attend an L-TRAIN Celebration and Tailgate Party at Lumberton High School Raider Stadium!!

    This event will be held MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2007, from 6pm-7:30pm, and will include FOOD, FUN, MUSIC, and a VERY SPECIAL PRESENTATION!!

    This event is intended to:

    Celebrate OUR Lumberton Raiders' successes, both on the field, and off

    Show apprectiation and support for the LHS Varsity football players and coaching staff

    NEVER in the history of Lumberton High School has OUR community come together as it has over the past 14 weeks.

    The organizers of this event are proud parents, families, and friends, who want nothing more than to have EVERYONE come out and celebrate what a wonderful year this has been for Lumberton.

    This event is NOT:

    Sponsored by LISD

    Sponsored by any LISD club or organization

    Intended to be used as a fundraiser for anyone

    No one will be selling anything, or asking for money

    As told to me: These parents wanted to do something special for OUR Boys, because they saw what fun everyone had at the tailgate parties prior to all of the playoff games, and wanted "to be a part of something like that".

    Well guess what Boys?? You were not just a part of it, YOU WERE THE CAUSE OF IT!!!

    Folks, please take a little bit of time out of your hectic schedules to come out and congratulate OUR TEAM.

    All that is asked of you is that you bring your favorite tailgate foods, drinks, or desserts, and come out and have a great time!

    WoooHoooo... How bout them Raiders???

    Andi Smith

    Lumberton Raider

    Athletic Booster Club

  3. Good article...

    Beaumont Enterprise...

    TAKE NOTE...



    What a novel ideal...

    When Dayton is in the headlines, the article is about the subject in your headlines....


    Yay Dayton...I'm glad props were given where they were due!!

    Was that the end of the article?? Did Charles say anything else, or was that it? 'Cuz that's a pretty insightful quote!  ;)

  4. I don't represent anything official so don't run back to the school and tell them that someone on the internet says we need new flags.

    hehe...Just blame it on me... I'm known for saying out loud what others are thinkin'! Just ask some of our school board members-they sat behind me at all the home games this season! :D

    Do you all have an athletics booster club? That is the sort of thing that they could/should help out with. A few corporate donations, and ta da...you've got flags! (At least that's how it would work if I ran the world)!!  ;)

  5. wished we could get a runner to run the bronco flag to lead the broncos onto the field. i know we have alot of energetic kids to do it lol  ::) ::) ::) ::)

    Whaddya mean "wished we could get" ?? Do ya'll not have someone, or will the school not let anyone run the flag?

    Heck, I think we have kids begging every year to do it... :) That's a travesty, as well as you are doing!!!

  6. what i hear and respect is that the Credeur family had a death thursday and never once have I heard anyone use that as a excuse...this team stayed motivated and played a hard fault game....i have never seen so many people at a high school game for one team WOW

    Wow! I had not heard about a death in the Credeur family. I've also been recovering since Friday night, by jumping back into my Wildcatters Hockey. If that is the case, truly, my condolences to the Credeur family. I'm sure it was difficult to be separated from the rest of those relatives who were grieving at their loss.

    As for the fans...they say one pic is worth a thousand words:


  7. Sounds like you are bitter in victory.  Such a shame.  No wonder you guys can't get more than 2500 (that is probably generous) to follow a team three games deep in the playoffs.  In spite of you, there are probably good fans and good kids on the team in Waller.  I'll take our team and fans any day.

    No North, it sounds like a post from the resurected PATITAN... or the other gooberhead who's been hatin' all season.

    It's ok...we can take it. After all, he/she did state some true facts in there: #3, 6, 13.

    Yep, we played those teams in pre-district. We DID have a community parade the night before the game, as opposed to having a community pep rally, instead. We DID have to big ol' goose eggs in the first half.

    I don't recall any of the Rookie Play-off Fans "running down a Bulldog team that has been to the play-offs 9 out of 12 years". We may have said "watch out Bulldogs, the train's a'comin". But to "run 'em down"?? NO, I don't think so. THIS ROOKIE never said it.

    It's all good. I can even handle someone calling me "Mama Drama" in another thread because I said something about the MASS exodus of fair weather fans, not someone who HAD to leave.  I said it, and dayum skippy, I'm not ashamed that I said it.

    So, yes PAIN in the BRAIN, we ARE disappointed...Why wouldn't we be??

    Eating crow?? Helllllllllllll NO! I'll take our little ol "Cinderalla Team from Podunk County" any day over some place with the likes of you.

    To the Waller ISD team, staff, and fans...nothing but respect for you. Your community showed as much encouragement and support for your team as we did ours, and even allowed us our time on the field after such a dissappointing loss for us. 

    For the Deer Park ISD: many, many thanks to you for ALL of your hospitality. DPISD gave Lumberton and Waller allowances beyond what they had to. I am grateful for those.

    CHOO CHOO L-TRAIN!! Just keep on chugging til next year!

  8. Welcome them home we did! Our Boys deserved nothing less. They are Lumberton High School's legends, in their OWN time.


    Hubby tried to video the welcome home, but I don't know if it turned out, and I'm wayyyyyyyyyy too tired to try and figure it out now. If it does turn out, and I can get it uploaded, I'll post it.

    Thanks, everyone, for a great season!!

  9. As a former player and graduate of LHS, I couldn't be prouder of OUR TEAM(players, coaches, band, cheerleaders, raiderettes, etc). Thank you for something that we have all been waiting on for a long time. The community support was awesome and I hope that support will be passed on to our other sports teams, as we wait for next season.

    MESSAGE TO THE FANS THAT LEFT EARLY: you did something our team has not done all year, you QUIT . Those kids deserved your support until the very end. You should be ashamed.

    AMEN! That's exactly what I said! When the going got tough, the Fair Weather Fowl flew the coop.

    OUR BOYS, OUR TEAM, gave us ALL they had. I'm so proud of each and every one of them! They saw it through. All the way to the end of the line.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for choosing the L-TRAIN for your journey. We hope you'll join us again next year.

  10. Man, oh man...WHAT A RIDE....

    Who forgot to bring the coal for the L-TRAIN?? We ran outta steam before we ever got started. Something just wasn't right tonight---I'm talkin' before the game. The Boys just didn't seem to have the mojo going tonight. I dunno what happened to derail them so badly, but wow, it hurt!

    Our boys have absolutely NOTHING to be ahsamed of! They believed, and so did we. They gave it there all.

    Sling all the garbage you can, we're ready for that to happen. Just be forewarned, we will NOT apologize for such an AWESOME season.

  11. ALL ABOARD!!!

    The L-Train will be leaving the station this Friday between 2:30-3:00pm, bound for Deer Park’s Abshire Stadium!

    For those of you who don’t already know, LISD is allowing Early Release on Friday! The Middle and High Schools will dismiss at 1:45pm, and the Intermediate and Elementary Schools will dismiss at 12:30pm.

    Coach Credeur would like for everyone to join in the send off, much like we had last week. Let’s send OUR RAIDERS off to victory in style! You’re asked to line up from the field house all the way out to the highway, and don’t forget to make some noise!

    For those of you who are too impatient to wait that long, the RAIDER NATION TAILGATE PARTY is ON!!! The Deer Park Schools do not dismiss until 2:30pm, so they ask that you not arrive before then.

    If you plan to tailgate, you MUST do so in the field past the parking lot at the south end of Abshire Stadium. Anyone tailgating in any other areas will be asked to leave.

    Bring whatever you like to the party!! I’ve heard there will be hamburgers, hot dogs, chili (homemade), desserts, and there may even be a pot of that leftover COOGAH GUMBO from last week! To keep things even, just bring enough (of whatever it is you decide) to feed your family or group. If you want grilled burgers but don’t have a grill, that’s ok! Someone will be happy to grill ‘em up for you! Just because you brought burgers doesn’t mean you can’t have a hot dog. If you bring drinks but don’t have a cooler, just go find a cooler with some room and throw ‘em in. The rule of thumb is: Everybody’s welcome, and if you go away hungry, that’s your own fault!!

    The one thing we ran short on last week was trash bags. Everyone is asked to clean up after themselves. The Goose Creek ISD had nothing but compliments about the RAIDER NATION TAILGATE PARTY last week. We want to keep it that way, so that we will always be welcome to come back again for next year’s playoff games.

    After the game is over, don’t forget the night isn’t over yet… we still have to welcome Our Boys back home!! If you choose to wait and follow the buses back to Lumberton, please drive courteously, and maybe even turn your flashers on so everyone knows who’s a part of the L-TRAIN Convoy. The two or three citizens remaining in Lumberton will be waiting at the Hardin County Line to escort Our TEAM back to LHS.

    Come on everybody, JUMP ON THE L-TRAIN!!!  If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll do my best to put you in touch with the right person who does. Let’s go walk those Dogs. Last one out, turn off the lights!  Can’t wait to see you there!

    Andi Smith

    Treasurer, Lumberton Raider Athletic Booster Club

    And One Proud Mom of a Senior Lumberton Raider

  12. Yes - being sent to [email protected]  IT WAS AWESOME! The Football Players Float was a HUGH TRAIN!!  ;)


    Well SHAME on KFDM!!!! They had plenty of notice about the parade, and they didn't send anyone out! They got scooped!! Their competitors were up close and personal!  ;)

    I actually filmed the entire parade. There were 34 floats this year! What a wonderful turnout!!

    Thanks, L-Town!!

  13. OK Everyone, I know this is sports forum, but the Lumberton Chamber of Commerce AND the LRABC would like to invite EVERYONE to come out tonight for this very, very special 7th Annual Lighted Christmas Parade.

    This years' parade will feature, non other than our very own, L-TRAIN!!! That's right! We're not talkin' about some cheesy little float pulled by a VW Bug...

    We're talking L-TRAIN, coming down the railroad tracks, Baby!! KCS has graciously allowed the L-TRAIN to use it's tracks this year!!!

    The L-TRAIN will be headed down the tracks at precisely 6:45pm. The rest of the parade will begin at 7pm.

    As of 2:30pm, there were already people staking their claims on where they would be watching from!!

    This is a HUGE DEAL for our Community! Come on out and watch as we keep adding to the history books!!

    Any questions, you may reach me at 409-656-2990.

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