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Everything posted by bearbooster

  1. You had a seven year stretch in which you only went past the first round of the playoffs once! I know this is hard for you to admit, but it is true. From 1998 through 2004 this was the case. 1998 no 1999 no 2000 yes 2001 no 2002 no 2003 no 2004 no The only reason I even brought out that fact was GS said we had a fifteen year stretch where we only went past the first round of the playoffs once. I only posted that in retaliation. Now come back at me with how far you went in 2000 and how many games you won in the regular season. That is all irrelevant to the FACT that I have pointed out to you.
  2. wos92 GS brought up the fact the we had only once in fifteen years gone further than the first round of the playoffs. I simply pointed out the fact that y'all had a seven year period of going no further than the first round. Believe me, I know what the regular season records were. I had to live though it.
  3. There is no official world record for 40 yards. The shortest distance that the IAAF, track and field's international governing body, recognizes for world-record purposes is an indoor 50 meters, or about 54 yards. It is 5.56 seconds and it was set by Canadian sprinter Donovan Bailey in 1996. There is also a world record for 60 meters -- 6.39 seconds by American Maurice Greene in 1998. But it is another Canadian, Ben Johnson, who is believed to have run 40 yards faster than any human in history. Johnson is best known for injecting copious amounts of steroids and winning the 100 meters at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul in 9.79 seconds, only to have his gold medal and world record stripped after failing a post-race drug test. Timing officials have since broken down that famed race into 10-meter increments, and Johnson was so preposterously fast that he went through 50 meters in 5.52 seconds and 60 meters in 6.37 -- both under the current world records at those distances. He went through 40 yards that day in 4.38 seconds.
  4. 4.0? Is that their 40 time or their GPA? Is a 4.0 or 4.1 possible in the 40? If so, I was unaware that there were any kids out there that could run those times.
  5. Whistle Britches needs to get his stop watch and go time his son in the 40. Better yet let a friend do it. A father timing his son is about the same as a coach that wants fast times. Some of those kis under 4.6 were at world class speed. (4.3) Realistically my son is an average of between .10 and .15 slower than the time they got him at.
  6. I can see that L4FN and myself are not going to be convinced today by GoStangs that LCM has had the athletes that WOS has had. You are entitled to you opinion and I respect that. You never replied regarding the seven years without the talent to make it past the first round of the playoffs. I thought that was good stuff, seeing that you brought it up.
  7. Quote from GoStangs "but you can't say your community has only had one team in the past 10 years that has had the talent to make it into the playoff season and only two in the past 15 years to make it past the first round of the playoffs" You can't say your community (WOS) had only one team in seven years (from 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004) that had the talent to make it past the first round of the playoffs. So you are saying David Williams leading Cornel and crew would have led WOS football to it's demise? I don't buy it. GoStangs You could be the head football coach at WOS with that set of coordinators and keep it rolling over there couldn't you? If your answer is yes, then your comments about David Willimas are out of line.
  8. Although Earl Thomas actually played junior high and 9th grade football over here, (I think) let's leave him out of the equation. My earlier mention of the reciever really was not the focus of my complaint either. He was just one of many examples. It is the departure of about six or seven of our best young players from our program that I am discussing here and we simply must turn the tide on this or we will never get over the hump. Yes we get some players that come this way, but don't even try and get me to believe we get the best end of that deal.
  9. GoStangs One of your components to succes that you list is "the coaches and players do their respective parts". That is where I am saying we are falling behind. Ours chance of winning goes down when our best coaches and players leave for other schools. Another component of success that you talk about is "expectations". Lose enough good coaches and players to other schools and your expectations, in turn will drop. I don't buy the talent pool thing either. I have lived here all of my life and even attended WOC as a child. WOS has had better athletes, period! Your claim that they are better "groomed" may be ture to some degree, but I truely believe this; Put David Williams, who had a couple a long playoff runs while at LCM football, in Dan Hooks shoes for the last thirty years and he would have been just as successful in that environment. I know that will be responded to with great vigor, but it is what I believe. I am not saying that to toot David Williams horn or discredit Dan Hooks. What I am saying goes the same for ten other good head football coaches in this area. I almost would go as for to say if you had no head football coach and had the same players and coordinators as you have had, like Coach T and the others I could have won quite few football games. Here is an interesting question for you gostangs. How do you think that same staff would have done over the years at LCM? I can predict your answer, so take it easy on me now. Do you think a couple of state titles would have been won with the kids we have had? I do think this, your staff would remain consistant and cultivate relatoinships with kids that would keep them form leaving. I will give them credit for that. Those guys are good with people. I have known most of them all of my life.
  10. L4FN No one hopes they do well more than I. Were you referring to the coaches leaving or the players leaving? It is hard for me to admit it (and I hope I am wrong), but it could be more of the same for us this year and in the near future as well. We are struggling a little right now in 7 on 7. I know that this is not an exact indicator of things to come, but when you can't beat the 3A's in 7 on 7 I think you might be in trouble against the 4A's when you put the pads on. Things have not changed much for us. One guy insinuated that our kids are working harder than ever. I have had two kids go through here. One is finished and one is just getting started and it is not much different than before. They worked hard then (under the old coach) and they are working hard now (under the new one). People would like you to think that everything is different (better) now, but it is all just about the same. The problem IMO at this point is with personnel. I am talking about playing personnel and coaching personnel. We continue to lose players that could have been difference makers for us. Last year there was a great running back and a great receiver that both had played for us the previous season that had great years at WOS. A couple of this seasons probable starters have quit and another returning starting defensive player was released late in the year. The best sophomore running back is moving to Deweyville. The best freshman running back is moving to WOS. The 2 best sophomore lineman decided not to play. The best sophomore quarterback and another good sophomore lineman were lost to injury. We must find a way to keep these kinds of kids or we will continue to struggle. I personally think a start would be to keep the coaching personnel more consistent. About the time a kid connects with his "favorite" coach, like Coaches Theriot or Pachuka, they leave. This is a blow to a young kid who hangs his hat on working hard for these good men. Our athletic program has lost OVER TWENTY FIVE COACHES and some junior high volunteers (for a total OVER THIRTY COACHES) in the last two school years. This might be ok if we were replacing them with better coaches, but that is not always the case.. Some of them are impossible to replace with better people. They were as good as there are in Texas. ie Coach Randy Theriot. Some on this list are HUGE losses to our kids. Some of them I don’t know enough about to comment on. I am also sure my list has some mistakes, but it was all I could come up with after making a few calls. 1 Josh Rankin vfb dc 04 2 Adam Pendergrass vfb 3 Robert Dean vfb oc 04 4 Terry Williams vfb 5 Dwight Bickham vfb 6 Chris Pachuka vfb oc 05 7 Doug Foster vfb dc 05 8 Randy Theriot vfb 9 Rick Dean vfb 10 David Williams vfb 11 David Shaw tr 12 Darren Fletcher svfb 13 Laurie Tsyuchia vb 14 Adam Powers gbb 15 William Douget jh 16 Robin Voss sb 17 Clayton Harrell jh 18 Leonard Bland jh 19 Amanda Hallman ten 20 Ralph Fields jh 21 Natalie Sarver vb 22 Robert Walker jh 23 Jennifer Knapp gsoc 24 Oliver Simmons vbb 25 Tom Wooley sb 26 Heather Jones jh 27 Larry Brister jh volunteer 28 Ryan Pickering jh volunteer 29 Trey King jh volunteer 30 Mike Prouse jh volunteer 31 Brandon Breaux jh volunteer 32 Nat Byerly jh volunteer The question to be asked now is: Is the varsity football staff better after this two year period of turnover? The general consensus to that is no. The loss of the most recent three or four will be tough to overcome. It was obvious to all this year that both junior high programs were negativley affected by the loss of three volunteers apiece. IMO we might have taken one step forward and two steps back and I am not real sure about the one step forward part of that. I hope I am wrong. Time will tell. We want to be the sleeper this year if at all possible. We also want to be the favorite in future years if at all possible.
  11. We are waiting on that LCM preview to be released tonight. Quote from Living 4 Friday Nights "They have a shot. You have to remember they have a new Coach who knows Football. David Williams was a good Coach it was just time for a change." L4FN The jury is still out on our change. It is obvious that as a varsity staff we have lost a step or two. Especially after our recent loss of three good coaches Theriot, Foster, Pachuka. And possibly to soon lose one more. Have some kids leaving us for other schools too. Hope we can pull it together before August.
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