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Posts posted by Dirty_but_Dazzling

  1. 6 minutes ago, Bulldogpower said:

    I mean I assume even a 7 year old could choose between those two scenarios…… when your team gets a bad flag I’m assuming you hold on to it all game? 

    better yet, if that 7 year olds team benefitted from the call as Nederland did.  being I was talking about how Silsbee handled it. but when people can't take their emotions out of a conversation it happens.

    wow, more crying from a Ned. fan than the Silsbee fans about that. 

    can't believe I allowed myself to get caught up with someone acting like a 7 year old. 

    last time for me

    take care 

  2. Just now, Bulldogpower said:

    I see you didn’t take the logical route. Nor could you answer mine. I get it, logic isn’t everyone’s forte. Cause I for sure wouldn’t want like four plus more chances to score at all, I’d rather gripe about a call that had no impact. 

    your mind is so sharp it may cut your head off.

    I guess getting up tight and defensive is a way one acts when their team is getting SMASHED at home.

    take care.

  3. 1 minute ago, Bulldogpower said:

    Hey boomer, has Silsbee been given more chances to take this game away in penalties  and interceptions? 
    would you rather take one bad call or another four chances to score…… 

    LOL as I thought.

    you would not or I guess could not answer the questio.

    (hint hint. yes or no with one of them being the correct answer.)

    have a great Saturday tomorrow Boomer.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Majestyk said:

    Oh no mistake, the players, coaches & facilities are awesome, even legendary, it's just some of them smart asinine fans can sure put a knot in your draws.

    the way I see it is that it's perfectly alright if people dis agree with me.

    I can't  force anyone to be right.

  5. 15 minutes ago, raideroldtimer said:

    This is such a bad precedent. If athletes are going to start getting paid then they should pay for their education, end athletic scholarships. Otherwise, they need to remain amatuers until they are finished with college.

    my friend he IS still amateur. Name, Image, Likeness =NIL.  

    while I am not a fan of skipping last year of highschool at all.

    1.4 million has significant impact both now and in the future. not all highly rated recruits are gonna get deals to sign. scholarships come first to the players. 

    what I am getting at is no way programs are pass on not offering scholarships to the better more well known players because they may or may not get a NIL deal.

  6. 2 hours ago, Horton said:

    WOS just needs to win enough games to get the opportunity to play Carthage in the playoffs. 
    Until the two teams meet nothing else needs to be said. 
    I only remember the two teams playing once and the Dawgs got the win. 
    Time will tell who has the best team. 

    2013 in the 4th round. Carthage 28 WOS 14.

    they beat us( Jasper) 18-16 WOS did the week before on last minute td pass 

    ole Tiki (Terence Cuney 36 )abused wos defense that night, but he pretty much did that to all the defenses we faced that year!

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