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Magic Johnson

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Posts posted by Magic Johnson

  1. 1 minute ago, stevenash said:

    No need to wait.   Spread been around long before Rideaux was born and any coach with any experience/knowledge at all is familiar with it.  To suggest that the Lumberton coach did not understand the spread is pure lunacy.  

    He never ran it until he meet him...get off the B.S...It was originated by a black man long before Dean Smith used it...I know the history...

  2. 9 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    So anybody who doesnt see things like you do is "a part of the problem" ( please note the correct use of" a part "as opposed to" apart")  Please tell those of us ( who are part of the problem) precisely what the problem is.

    Clay stop that...Just like you got mad and start cursing at the Yates fan because they didn't see things your way...

  3. 1 hour ago, WOSgrad said:

    I guess this would be an equally bad time to remind Tragic that Josh Mitchell (Lumberton) and Bill Barstow (WO-S) are "EUROPEAN AMERCIAN."

    Look, if you don't agree with the pick for COTY, that's fine.  But to try and forward this bull that this was a "racial" vote given that an African-American was selected and by your own tally (which can't even be trusted) two white coaches voted for your favorite is something that is not appropriate for this forum as is indicating it was the case for selection of the all-district team.  You want to talk race, we have a political forum for that.

    Leave it there.

    By the way Coach Rideaux help ignite Lumberton basketball to where it is now and yes those coaches y'all trying to protect conspired against him because they didn't like him...We know the truth...

  4. 37 minutes ago, HOOPDR3AMS said:

    Of course he voted for himself.  Anyone who didn't vote for him must be racist.  Just like the refs are racist when he loses.  Great message to send to kids.  Now, sign on all your different logins and blast away, coach.

    Good morning Hater Nation,

    Again Coach Rideaux didn't vote for himself...Hoopdreams we know who you are so chill...

  5. 1 hour ago, BMTSoulja1 said:

    Anyway, my take on this is this.  I don't think a coach should be allowed to pick himself or anyone on his team on the selections for all district.  There should be a rule against this,  however, if there is not and he did, its morally wrong,  but not against the rules.  He did it, so whatever.  The all district selections for the most part is a joke anyway as I've explained in the recent past, especially in football.  Boils down to a popularity contest, IMHO...

    Coach Rideaux did not vote for himself...He voted for Sig...That 's why it was 4 to 3 in favor of Sig...

    Coach Rideaux 

    - Votes from Lumberton, WOS, and Silsbee(3 votes)

    Coach Sig

    - Votes from HJ, LCM, BC and HF(4 votes)


    Coach Sig nominated Coach Rideaux for coach of the year...So ask him who he think deserves it...

  6. 4 hours ago, WOSgrad said:

    Is this a bad time to remind Tragic Johnson that Sigler is African-American?

    Them "EUROPEAN AMERICANS" conspired against Coach Rideaux for COTY...Also conspired the put Clay son on 1st team and he was the 8th best player maybe on the team...Y'all wrong for that $*&!...

    How the Hell did BC get a kid on 1st team (2-10)...

    Clay Davis is a cheater and I hope he gets caught asap...Clay stop using them AMERICAN AMERICAN KIDS to win basketball games...

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