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Everything posted by rtdirish

  1. way to work Brett. Congrats. I will still beat you in fantasy football this year though. ;D ;D ;D
  2. Absolutely it will be a good thing. This will give them the freedom to grow as fast as they want to. The church being involved has a lot of other priorities on its plate and now the people running the school can concentrate on just the school. From what I have heard there is a lot of money that is planning on being spent to help the school grow. They certainly have the space for it, they own all that land around the school that is going unused currently. I know that they want enrollment to go up and to be able to compete at the highest level.
  3. The school has been bought from the Cathedral church and is now going to be its own private entity not tied to the church directly. In other word new school board and such that does not have to get approval from the church.
  4. The power that be out there decided that they would no longer require his services and he was free to go elsewhere.
  5. tvc184 you are right the way that reads. I do not know that many of the schools will be aloud in if that is the case. Both Strake Jesuit and Dallas Jesuit where to big for TAPPS and had no league at the time they were aloud in UIL. There are a handful of other private schools that are not in TAPPS but they are in another league called SPC which is some private schools from Texas and OKlahoma.
  6. Who said anything in life was fair. You have got to look at education in this country like a business. The strong will survive while the weak will get run over. If you are worried about the privates having higher standards and more to offer then demand that your public schools raise their standards. The problem with a lot of public education is that it maid to insure that the lowest common denominator is catered too. That does not help those who want more. Anyway, Texas is one of a small handful of states that the publics and privates do not play together (I believe that there are only 3 others but I am not sure on that). It does not seem to be a problem in the rest of the country. There just seems to be a big prejudice against the private schools in this state because of what might happen. You also must remember the coaches in these situations. They are trying to have a career and they do not want to get labeled that the only way that they can win is by recruiting/cheating. This was going to be a big problem in Beaumont when Ozen open but it is amazing how things always seem to even themselves out. I am not saying that the Ozen thing is fixed by the way but that is a whole nother discussion board. By the way Kelly's enrolement is about 480. I do not know where that would put them if you doubled it in the UIL. What is the cut of for 3A to 4A. By the way I think that this part of the rule will keep a lot of private schools from moving over. I think that it will be an all or nothing type thing. If say just 25% of the private schools moved out of TAPPS, I think that it would probably fold. By the I am sitting in a public school classroom as I write these. So I am not a Kelly or Cathedral person. I just went to private schools growing up in different states.
  7. The recruiting issue is not valid. Kids do not go to private schools in this state to play sports. The public schools do as much recruiting around here as the privates, which is not much by the way. You have to put up with to much to go to a private school, just ask J'covan Brown. The tuition is also an issue, private schools are not just going to let kids go for free. They have got to cover their costs somehow. Not everyone can afford to send their kids. Schools like Kelly and Cathedral in our area only stay around because of donations of a wealthy few. The average student and family just pays tuition which does not cover the cost of educating a kid. This whole thing does not seem to be a problem for the 2 private schools(Strake Jesuit in Houston & Dallas Jesuit) and their districts that are already in the UIL.
  8. I heard that the power that be for the new Legacy Christian are moving coach Smith out. Any word if this is for sure and why are they being so quite about it? Any other news floating around out there?
  9. 2 of the top 3 in 5A will have new head coaches. Not to much pressure on those guys.
  10. Look out someone let in a private school guy now. A coach from Kelly here
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