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Posts posted by queenb77630

  1. I want to say Hello too and make an observation / statement.  For those who trashed WOS coaches in the STJFL .. guess what, when push came to shove, their expertise and caring for the players showed up big time this year with my son who entered 7th grade football.  He was taught moves and techniques as a Lil Mustang that he put into play this year and he is on fire Offensive and Defense.  When a child has the stands full of parents screaming his name and wanting to meet him after the game to congratulate him on an awesome game, and as a parent, I can say some of his skills came straight from being a Lil Mustang, yeah, that makes me really proud.
  2. [quote name="WOS 98" post="1316793" timestamp="1351868129"]
    [quote author=SETX_RENEGADES link=topic=105457.msg1316764#msg1316764 date=1351866578]
    [quote author=JWB link=topic=105457.msg1316678#msg1316678 date=1351861888]
    I didnt say it cost us the game!!!Can you read?....Y'all played hard,and got a big turnover at the end!...Congrats on the W!,No excuses,but you know as well as I do,that the clock wasn't being operated right,and the refs finally caught on to it too!,but about 3 mins too late! In the end a win is a win....hopefully we'll play in BC next season,[size=24pt]we got a REAL score board operator [/size] ;)

    [/quote]I expect excuses from all BC Fans!..

    I kinda have to agree with the scoreboard keeper problem.  No, I'm not a BC parent.  As you can see, I am a VERY proud mom to #79 from WOS (7th grade; A team).  The clock was running when it shouldn't have been.  Wasn't running when it should have been.  I don't know what happened in the 8th grade game because we left shortly after the first play and #22 from BC made that awesome run for a touchdown.

    I really do wish that problem would get addressed and fixed before the next season.
  3. [color=blue][/color] I wanted to thank everyone for the messages and those who stopped me on my off the field Thursday night.  It's nice to know that someone cares.  For those who don't know what I"m talking about, my son, #79 WOS was hurt on the field.  He was laid out for what seems like hours but was only 5 or 10 minutes.  When he was finally brought to the sideline, I have no idea who the man was or what his position was, but he was from Hardin Jefferson and he was checking my son out and giving him the concussion test.  After he was done checking my son out,he came to me and explained that he was okay but would be real sore.  IN other words, this man was the one who calmed me down because as a mom, that was the worst feeling.  Even though Coach Pickering and Kellum were giving me okay signs, I wanted to hear it from someone who appeared to have medical training.

    If anyone knows who that man was, please tell him I appreciate it. He had something wrong with his feet / legs.  I wish I knew his name I would look him up and send him a personal message.
  4. [quote name="Gasilla" post="1282882" timestamp="1348710809"]
    [quote author=queenb77630 link=topic=102998.msg1280668#msg1280668 date=1348503994]
    I don't remember the score on Thursdays game WOS vs Jasper however, I know the following:

    7th grade B team lost to Jasper by 2 points
    7th grade A team won against Jasper

    I am told that the 8th grade A & B team won against Jasper but I cannot verify that is right.

    WOS 7th "B" 12, Jasper 14
    WOS 7th "A" 20, Jasper 14
    WOS 8th "B" 14, Jasper 0
    WOS 8th "A" 10, Jasper 0

  5. [quote name="Stangpride" post="1277735" timestamp="1348259711"]
    Well at our middle school the coaches are horrible, our little league coaches worked those kids harder then they do! Why is it little league coaches put all those years in these kids & middle school coaches dont even ask them which kids play where!!
    Okay, I have to put my two cents in here.  My kid played center for the most part with the Lil Mustangs.  He was played on the Defense every now and again but for the most part, he was trained as a Center. In my opinion, his coaches did an excellent job of teaching him that position.  When he started 7th grade football, he was asked what position did he play and of course, he said Center.  He is the starting center for the A team.  This past Thursday he was put in as a Defensive (something or another) as a "filler".  After his first qb sack, his coaches thought "hey, what is going on?"  He played both offense and defense for the rest of the game and he proved himself.  He left the game maybe for 5 minutes to rest.  Gary showed moves that had not been taught by his current coaches but were taught by his Lil Mustang coaches.  They prepared him for this step in his football career.  Now the Jr. High / Middle School coaches are responsible for continuing his education. 

    I spoke to Coach "Pick" yesterday after practice and addressed the fact that while he and Coach Vincent are running drills and plays, there were NUMEROUS players horsing around and not paying attention.  There were SOME players who displayed no discipline or respect.  Not all, but SOME.  I can't blame the coaches for that kind of action.  I did say that the 7th grade coaches need to be more like Coack Kellum and Collins of the 8th grade team.  Tough.

    What I am saying is when he (Gary) started the season, he told the coaches what position he played and they took it from there.  Should they have tried him at different positions?  I think so.  I don't think they are bad coaches, they just went with what they thought was right. 

    I know I couldn't go out there and coach those kids so I am thankful that someone is.  We all make mistakes in our decisions.  We are all human.  Let's enjoy the game!
  6. [quote name="demons95" post="1267384" timestamp="1347369999"]
    I happen to know #64 and he is a beast.  The kid prepares himself well by pumping Justin Bieber thru his headphones before each game.

    LOL .. my son used to listen to "Purple Rain" by Prince just to pump him up.  He HATED that song!  He said because he hated the song, it would make him mad to have to listen to it.  Don't ask me, it worked!
  7. [quote name="BEARHAWK" post="1119346" timestamp="1321403663"]
    We will see you next year in JR. High, good thing is you will be on the losing end LOL.
    I assume you are talking to me cause I get the feeling you really don't like me much.  That's okay .. I  like you (whoever you are).

    BTW: One of your LCM players played with our WOS team for the game we went to Jasper for a "fun day".  That child (Chris?) is a great player; however, what stood out to me more then his athletic ability was his attitude and the way he interacted with the other kids.  Even though my son was "gunning" for him in the game they played against each other; they worked very well together and were laughing and slapping each other on the backs with a "good job" during the game they played together.    Now THAT is a sign of a good kid.

    [color=red]Merry Christmas [/color] [color=green]Bearhawk[/color] and all others on this forum.  Be Safe and see a lot of you on the Middle school football field next year.
  8. [quote name="OldBallCoach" post="1145468" timestamp="1323795778"]
    I truly hate that you had such a miserable experience here in Jasper “queenb”. 
    Yes we did charge $3 gate fee and sell basic concessions, but this was simply to cover the expenses of paying the referees.  The remaining money will all be donated to the Jasper Football Booster club.  The football program was generous enough to let us use their field (which they had to mow and paint for these two games).  I would not have been offended if I were asked to pay a few bucks to come and play at your stadium to cover expenses…if you have ever been involved in coordinating youth sports, you would know, there are WAY more expenses than people realize.  I think it is obvious when you look at our facilities, equipment, and uniforms…we are not running a money making youth football program here in Jasper. 

    As for the parents, I can assure you that there were unruly parents from BOTH sides.  This, unfortunately, is how some parents act everywhere you go.  I have coached football, baseball, and basketball all over southeast Texas and it is the same everywhere you go…a few loud mouths with filthy language are going to be there and you WILL hear what they have to say, like it or not.  You should know that you cannot observe their behavior as indicative of their town’s character…Heck, my wife had to listen to a small group of WOS parents spew “F” bombs and call the KIDS playing the game a variety of unspeakable things the entire game…but I am smart enough to know that they do not represent all of WOS fans.

    I cannot speak of the issues you had during the Senior game, but I can tell you as a coach, we had a GREAT time in the Junior game.  The kids really enjoyed playing the WOS Lil’ Mustangs and even though we were very disappointed in losing the game, our kids and the WOS kids shook hands and said “Good Game” afterwards, nothing else.  Just remember…these are KIDS and they just love to PLAY FOOTBALL!  My son even found a few kids he played against in baseball and visited for a while afterwards. 

    Coach Doobie and his coaches did a great job and I congratulate them on a hard fought victory. I really hope we can continue this game in the future.  It is fun playing another excellent 3A football program and giving all of our kids (Jasper and WOS) the opportunity to compete at a high level.  I hope this can develop into a FUN rivalry over the years …if the parents will just stay out of the way and let the KIDS PLAY FOOTBALL.…these two groups of kids are some GREAT PLAYERS and they will be playing against each other for YEARS to come…

    Thank you sir for at least addressing my issues.  I truly appreciate it.  I want to say with 100% certainty that I was NOT one of the parents throwing out "f" bombs.  As far as the admission fee, I wish we would have known ahead of time about the fee so that we could have brought more cash.  The cash I set aside for concessions went to the gate fee.  Then we were told if we leave the field, we would have to pay again.  My husband was going to go find a bank and get money for concessions; however, we did not want to pay another admission fee so we just stayed put and counted out the change I had in my purse  ;) 

    Anyway, OldBallCoach, again, thank you for addressing the issue. 
  9. I don't remember the score for the Jr. game except that WOS won.

    The Sr. game was WOS 30; Jasper 0

    I had thought it was going to be cold up there so I layered the clothing on both myself and the grandbaby.  Didn't take me long to start unlayering those clothes!  It was a georgeous day!  The weather was very nice and put the kids in the mood to play. 
  10. This past weekend my son had the opportunity to play one last game as a Lil Mustang when our Jr. and Sr. Super Bowl Champions traveled to Jasper to play against their (I assume) Jr. and Sr. teams.

      :D #1: Thank you Jasper for having someone out there selling concesions for the few hours it took for the games.  Your prices were reasonable and very much appreciated.

    :o #2: We were very shocked when we arrived to this "fun" game only to find out we had to pay $3 each person to get into the game.  I thought this was tacky.  No one that I spoke to from WOS was expecting to pay for this day of fun.  If someone from Jasper could please explain to me why there was a charge I would appreciate it.

    >:( #3: If someone (coach wise please) could tell me why one person on the sideline was screaming at the ref about a hit that my son (#78) made against #19 (I believe that was his number) I would appreciate that as well.  I heard a lot of complaining between this coach and a parent (?) on the sideline about that hit and I honestly don't know what the problem was.  I know that the complaining was about my son because his jersey number was specifically yelled out.

    >:( >:( finally, #4: The same child mentioned above took great pleasure in calling my son a "b*s*a*d" during the game.  I noticed that several of my son's teammates pulled my son away from the kid and I wondered what had happened.  I found out afterwards what it was.  That was so uncalled for young man.

    Our kids and parents traveled there for a day of fun.  I found the majority of the people that I spoke to that day were .... well, rude.  I questioned a few spectators about if there was a Ci Ci's pizza in their town.  I was looked at and spoke to like I was a piece of trash.  I heard somone above me in the stands say very loudly during the Jr. game that WOS "don't have sh*t".  A male even argued with my husband when he stood right in front of us and said that we (WOS) were using kids that had to be at least 15 (btw: my son was one of those kids he was talking about).  I offered to show my son's birth certificate to prove his age and was told that there was no need, it was probably fake anyway!!!

    Needless to say, we will NOT be going back to this town for any reason.  I hope my son does not have to deal with this crap in Jr. High ball.  It was uncalled for and made what was supposed to be a good day turn into a very tense, angry one.

    There were a few people who smiled and were polite to us; however, the majority were rude, crude, and socially unacceptable.  The staff at Burger King were all friendly though!  :)

  11. [quote name="BEARHAWK" post="1119345" timestamp="1321403539"]
    Did anyone record the BC LC game or the WOS LCM game or any of the 1st and 2nd Senior games?

    If it was taped, it was done by an individual.  Sheffield Productions only recorded the day of Pro Bowl / Super Bowl games this year.  In years past, they recorded from the first playoff game to the end; however, I understand they were busy doing other tapings during that time.
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