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Posts posted by queenb77630

  1. We had the pep rally last night and it was awesome!  This was the first year my son has participated in football and I was really not looking forward to it.  I was soooo surprised by how it went.

    Congrats to the winner(s) of the Dance Off

    Junior Blue - Dillon

    Junior White - (I didn't catch his name -- TD: what was his name?)

    Big THANKS to Eric Guillory's place of employment for the TV/stereo that was given to each child who was displaced by Hurricane Ike.  That was awesome!

    The snack bags given to each player was greatly appreciated.

    Looking forward to the parade tomorrow.

    Good Luck everyone!

  2. After practice last night, kids were excited about the upcoming week.  Pep rallys, parade, just good fun.

    If you want to know the schedule, let me know.  I can't answer for the float decorating times for all teams, but I can tell you when and where for the Junior Blue team.

    Let me know of any questions you have.

    Looking forward to a fun filled week ending with some good football games on Saturday.  Whoo Hoo, we get to play on the high school field this week. :D

  3. Hopefully he didnt pass it on, that is contagious

    i reread my post and wanted to clarify: he had the stomach virus on thursday but was okay with that by gametime; weak and still could not eat very much; but okay with the virus; he was sick as a dog with asthma and had a HUGE attack early Saturday morning.

    Yes, it is very contagious because my oldest caught it too; which is why he was not with us at the game Saturday.

  4. In your opinion, whose responsibility is it to provide ice cold water to the players during the games?

    I'm a bit perturbed right now and just want an answer.  i'm sorry, this really isn't about football itself so please excuse me.

    Reason I am asking:

    I am the team mom for my son's team.  ever since game one, I have taken my own money (except for a donation of $10) and bought 2-2 gallon water containers and 6 water jugs.  I fill each container with ice and fresh, distilled water before each game and between my oldest son and I, we make sure the water jugs are always filled with the cold water for the team and coaches.  I've replaced the water jugs once this year at my expense again to keep them fresh and clean.

    This past Saturday (10/25th); I was working on a small amount of sleep and I was sick.  I had been up a lot Thursday night with my football player because he had the stomach virus.  I went to work Friday and attempted to go the WOS - VS - BC blowout but had to leave at halftime to take my oldest to the hospital because of the stomach virus.  Stayed there for a LONG time and got home  in the early hours of the morning.  Was woken up at around 8 a.m. with my youngest son sick again with asthma this time.  Got him through the worst of it and by that time, it was 10:30 and I had to take my meds which requires me to eat or else I will get sick, sick,sick (diabetes).  Had to be at field at 11:30 so I rushed and got something to eat and made it to the field with 15 minutes to spare.  I did NOT bring water for the team and coaches.  I was tired and feeling worn out and just crappy.

    Found out from a "source" that there was grumbling from a few of the adults that I did not have ice cold water for the kids.

    this disturbs me a great deal.

    Your opinion: was I wrong for not making sure the kids and coaches had the usual cold water that I always provide or was the complainers wrong for getting ticked off at me?

  5. TxDragon...you are certainly correct about Orangefield...they came and played their hearts out and are a really strong team...opened up WOS eyes in that first quarter for sure...WOS blue has some first year kids that are learning fast and are strong....great job to both Orangefield and WOS good clean game and kids had fun...and "THE BEAST" does know who he is....too bad that everyone else has to find out too late.... ;D ;D ;Dnn

    yep, i was sitting in the stands, sick as a dog, melting in the heat, had been up all night with my oldest at the hospital and I was thinking: Oh Lord, don't let me have gone through all this only to have my baby's team lose!

    BTW: Just in case anyone knows who I am and who my kid is who plays on the team let me say that HE TOO was playing sick as a dog!  He had that stupid stomach virus that is going around AND he woke up EARLY Saturday with one of the worst asthma attacks he has had in  a long time.  I begged him not to play but he insisted on being on that field and he did a great job if i may so say. 

    everyone of the kids on the playing field deserves a huge pat on the back and a "good job" in their ear.  Hopefully, everyone will be on the mend and playing 100% on our next game.

  6. No, we went at half and made adjustments and took it to em, kept their "D" on the field alot and wore them out, i personally didnt want them to score another time the coaches  made a promise to the kids that if they beat them by 30 or more points they would shave their heads and my son wanted me to join in so i agreed, the kids really wanted us to shave our heads.

    BTW David is a really great coach, hes able to adjust and put our kids in the position to win,  and our "D" stepped it up a notch in the second half

    That's called putting your hair where your mouth is. I love it! :) :) :)

    Thank god i didnt have to do it, maybe if we play yall in the playoffs we will make the bet again with the team

    as long as that bet does not extend to the parents of the WOS - Blue Junior team; I'm game! ha ha

  7. I have deleted several post, and modified other posts.  This is a youth football forum so I am assuming most of us are adults and parents of the youth that are playing football.  I would be a shame to lock the forum down due to the name calling , personall attacks and the cussing (using symbols is considered cussing on this web site) being used in these threads. Keep it civil, or not at all.

    It would be great for everyone that has not done so to read the forum rules before posting, that way no one gets banned.

    consider this a group warning.

    I personally feel like I was just reprimended like a child for using symbols instead of the actual word.  Sorry!  I was just quoting what my mama always said without actually saying the word.

  8. Good game but WOS - Blue came out the winner 32 -0.

    Refs told our team that unless Nederland scored a touchdown, we were not allowed to score again so the score stayed like it was.  Our players could have scored more but when we got down to the 10 yard line, we took a knee.  kids were okay with that; parents weren't.  my reaction? get over it; you do not want to unsportsman like about it.

    looking forward to next weeks game now.

  9. I was just reading some of the post on here and felt like I could add something. My kids have been subject to the "Daddy Ball" also and that is what prompted me to get involved in coaching. There is stress that goes with it. My wife and I have had lots of arguements over me riding my boys harder than the other players, but now that she is a board member and sees all the complaints about coaches and their own kids, she leaves me alone about it. As a coach, my boys shouldn't suffer because of dads that favor their own kids but they do. That is one drawback of being a "coaches kid". There are also the instances that parents watching from the sidelines don't see and that's the day to day " my elbow hurts" or "my leg hurts" from the same kids over and over when you are doing your hitting or tackling drills. Also, the 10 play rule is not only there to make sure your kid gets to play, its also there for the coaches to protect those kids that may have not yet developed into the strong, aggressive football player that their parents would like them to be. I've also figured out that alot of coaches decisions are made at the dinner table with the other spouse who may be  involved in the decision and not involved in the coaching. Just trying to shed some light from a coaches point of view.   

    suprisingly that coming from you Big E was a good post..

    Sometimes kids that are the coaches son suffer because the coach is so worried about what the parents think.Some coaches are harder on there kids then anyone else.I have called different plays at the goalline for my kid not to get the ball ,so there wouldn't be favortism.But that's not fair to the coaches son when a coach does that.It's a touchy subject..

    This is a touchy subject. Not all of the time but most of the time the coach's soon may be a little more advanced because he spends more time practicing with his dad. Maybe his dad has a job that allows him the opportunity to be off so he can practice with his child. Which in turns makes him or her a little more advanced than the child that his dad works 12 hour day.

    I hope this came out right. Again it is not fool proof but it is the case in some situations. I'm sure I will get blasted for this comment but it is true. Just not in all situations.

    TD: I personally think you said it just right.

  10. My son wants to play football next year.  Who or where can I get info on the rules and the requirements for him to play? Thanks

    I found out about it through flyers sent to my son's school advertising the signups.  I also saw signs posted at the main "hot spots" parents go to; you know: Walmart, grocery stores, etc.

  11. daddyball happens in every sport.  Take it from me, I know.  I was once a soccer mom and it happened there.  Basketball mom - same thing.  Baseball? Absolutely without a question .. that is a big YES!  I see it happen in football this year too.  The thing is .. this year, daddy's little boy really is good so I have nothing bad to say about that one.

    What gets ME "fed up" is where you have too many "coaches" on the team and the kids are told one thing by a "coach" and then something else by another "coach" and yet another "coach" is complimenting a kid on his moves and right behind that coach is another "coach" yelling that he did something wrong! Oh yes my friends, that is happening on the team my son plays on and THAT P*SSES mama here off real, real bad!  I'm gonna show one "coach" what "QueenB" stands for!

  12. Practice will start again on Tuesday, September 23rd at 5:30.  Practice will be on Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30 for the next two weeks. 

    I have called most parents but if you know a parent of a player on this team, then please let them know to make sure I was able to contact them.  There was several parents that i could not reach or that I did not have a phone number for.


  13. Im sure your registration money has already been spent on Insurance, uniforms, equipment, etc...... lol

    don't know about insurance

    as far as uniforms: shirts are 2nd hand from last year; maybe even longer then that; kids are wearing white practice pants that we, the parents bought; unless  you spent the money on a Revolution helmet (which I did), the helmets are used also

    what equipment? a football?  Water bottles for kids? nope -- I bought them with my own money (except for $10 which was handed to me by two parents; the balance came from my pocket)

    give me something else to say where the money went and I might accept it. 

  14. I have a question that some may think is tacky but I'd really like to have an answer.  This is the first year that my son played football.  What happens if the season is cancelled -- do the parents receive a refund of the registration fee?  My son's team played 1 game and then Ike decided to reek havoc on the towns around here.  I would like to know an answer to my question please.

  15. I remember KJ and so does this team as most of them were on the team that met them in the playoffs, as i remember he was the one that ran almost every single play kinda like the big kid on the blue team so well be more than ready for the whole team.So bring it ;D we got talent, speed and the best coaches around, and kids that like the sound of pads and helmets as the hit someone.

    no, this year im not doing the emergency management thing it took too much time away from my family.

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.....I beg you please think he is gonna run every play. Please, Please, Please...lol...Good to hear your not in emergency management, kinda thought you were just in habit of issuing warnings.  :) :) :) Good luck to your team.

    ha ha ha; that was funny : you wrote: "Good to hear your not in emergency management, kinda thought you were just in habit of issuing warnings"

    warn away cause we know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! ha ha ha

  16. umm .. just to let you guys know, WOS Jr. blue scrimmaged against one of the WOS SR TEAM and guess what? ...... JR team kicked rear!  I'm telling you; they may be young, but they are tough and are out there to W-I-N!

    Dang proud of my Jr. Blue team -- and the rest of the league

  17. whew, we are all so proud of our kids no matter what team or league they play with. Yes, our offense (Jr - Blue) was a little ragged but I'm sure coach Rod with be correcting that this afternoon during that L-O-N-G practice we will be having! I know my son alone realized what he was doing wrong and has been practicing the "right way to knock somebody down".  He knocked me down a few times and for those of you who know me .. that is not an easy task to do!  :o

    Looking forward to Saturdays game provided IKE stays away! :'(

  18. Good, i look forward to it when we (PNG Jr White) come to town this next Sat, we are a force to be reckoned with this year, im glad we are playing WOS this year, we didnt play them last year until the playoffs and it cost us

    BTW is that kid on the WOS blue team #1 really 10-11 he stands head and shoulders above his teammates.

    yes he really is: i'm the team mom so i saw his birth certificate at the certification!

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