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Rockin A

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Posts posted by Rockin A

  1. How do you know the coach won't handle it?  Just because the coach doesn't dress down the kid there in front of the fans, doesn't mean it isn't addressed in private, where it should be taken care of.   This was a great game to watch if you like nail biters.  I'm sure HF will pull themselves up and take care of business the rest of the season.  Everyone is entitled to an off night, but this better be the last one.

    If he was going to handle it, he would have addressed it the first time it happened, like 20 games ago.  Unfortunately, I've seen it way too many times this season.  That's how I know he won't address it, at least not to the extent that he should.  If he did address it appropriately, then it wouldn't happen over and over again.  I hope this team can pull it together before it's too late.

  2. Responsibility lies solely with the coach, the person who gets paid to properly deal with this bad behavior.  Parents screaming negative things about the umpire or the opposing players don't help either.  Good or bad, adults set the example.  I've seen this with HF's team for some time now, and it's a shame that it's allowed to go on.  Make an example of the player throwing a temper tantrum, especially a kid who THINKS he's a superstar, and the tone is set.  There are some tremendous athletes playing for HF; however, if the coach doesn't fix the behavior before it's too late, the Horns may be the team watching three other teams compete in the post-season.

    Congrats, Stangs!

  3. First of all, you have no idea what I was doing in Austin! And seriously, you think the crowds mean nothing to those programs? As for "hating on us"...you started this crap by calling my husband a coward - there is no "us" in this conversation. I answered your accusation, you argued, you were WRONG - from everything I can deduce from the trash you spout, there is absolutely nothing elite about you.

    First off I NEVER said that your husband was a coward.....NEVER...Never insinuated it nor did I say it...If you read the WHOLE thread I said that I was only joking with the rest of the HJ faithful that regularly post on here...I jokingly said that HJ would not play me next year, and it was directed people that we joke around with on here every day...I am not going to go any farther with you because I would not want anyone to disrespect my wife, so I will keep my thoughts...I will say this though...I have the highest respect for Todd as a person and coach...Some of us get on here strictly for entertainment purposes....I would never trash a coach or his family.  I hope you can understand that. and by the way, I do not feel like I am better than anyone nor am I an elitist...I just feed the assumption on here strictly for kicks...I will not take what you said to me personally because I know that you don't know me....I apologize for your assumption, but though I feel this board is FULL of COWARDS, I do not feel that Todd Sutherland is one by no stretch of the imagination.

    You have some serious issues!  And to think that you're about to coach at a private high school in Houston.  Seriously, do you even care what the parents of your future players, your future administration, or your players would think if they read your garbage?  It's one thing to have an opinion, DV, but my goodness.  Have some class, please.  I recommend you spend more time preparing next year's program and less time spewing hatred here. 

  4. seems like a conference call could handle this instead of driving to austin

    As a former umpire, I can say that most of this should be handled on the field between professionals.  However, because too many coaches cross the line, UIL had to do something.  It should make a coach think twice before he continues to argue a judgment call, likes balls and strikes.  Judgments calls are just that, the umpire's judgment...no matter how bad the coach believes the umpire's judgment is wrong. 

  5. Yeah as long as they continue to retain the urban contingent from Cheeks and China! ;)...They will be just fine! 8)

    Wow!...And just when I thought you were ok.  You would think with all the recruiting OZ does, they would own a hotel in Austin, but nope, them days are gone.  You wouldn't catch so much grief (I know you actually like it) if you would not try to tear down other schools' success.  I know how you're going to respond..."I don't care what others think.  I am a coach."  Well, I respect your profession and actually a little jealous of others who get to affect young people's lives so much, but at the same time, those young people read how you think, whether you're joking or not...and the cycle continues.

  6. Good coaches CAN make a HUGE difference, especially in big games. I also concur that the opposite can very well happen too. Todd Sutherland is a very good coach. He has proven that he can win big games and has done it at East Chambers, Kountze and HJ.  He prepares his teams well and I am certain that his assistants are gaining valuable knowledge through working beside him. I respect him as a person and as a coach.

    Dickie V, I don't care what "they" say about you.  You're all right in my book.

  7. Can we at least agree that Todd Sutherland is one of the better coaches around these parts?  I'm a little partial and believe he's actually the best around these parts.  I'm confident he could take a lot of average teams and make them better. 

    Dickie V, you're a coach, I know.  Can good coaches sometimes win games?  Can bad coaches sometimes lose games?  I believe it happens all too often, and I believe Todd Sutherland has won games over his career by his ability to pull greatness from his players.  I believe that makes him a good/great coach.

  8. I take responsibility for making the comparison of Todd Sutherland to Duke's Coach K.  Clearly, they're at different levels, but my point was that Todd finds a way most every year, just like Coach K does, to create greatness from a group of very average players.  Now, not every player that has come thru HJ has been average, as some have been better than average, but the majority of the players are, yes, average.  Yet they compete deep into the state playoffs nearly every year.  The title of the thread was "what makes a bad and a good coach?"  I am merely pointing out that whatever and however Todd does every year makes him a good coach.  

    I'd be willing to guess that many BISD players would love the opportunity to play for Coach Sutherland.  

  9. How about moderators just start deleting post that do not pertain to the topic.

    I agree with staying on topic, but coming from you, KP, that doesn't mean a whole lot.  You & mama bear are the worst offenders.  Too many of us have to read garbage comments and foolish bets between you guys in order to get to the meat of post.  Remember the post about The Sutherlands?  That was a prime example of you guys taking the thread off topic, instead of a perfect opportunity to praise Todd and his family for the wonderful example they set in the community. 

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