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The Icon

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Posts posted by The Icon

  1. I remember a similar instance happened in Ned a few years back. Not sure if that incident received this much pub. Look, kids make mistakes and are then subjugated to the required punishment.

    If they are granted the appeal by going through the proper channels, then more power to them. And if you're a tax paying citizen of Nederland upset by the decision, then attend The school board meeting and have your voice heard.

    Hopefully, these student-athletes have learned a valuable lesson and never put themselves or another in a similar situation again.
  2. Blue, I'm sure everyone on this thread would love to keep all teachers. What Smitty and I were offering was a shave the budget.

    I, personally, do not want to get rid of any teachers. However, we are currently presented with a budget predicament in most district around the state. And those same districts are offering 'Early Retirement Incentives' in order to get those teachers to move on. No one is making anyone do anything. In fact, most probationary teachers (ones with 1-3 yrs exp) are the ones being cut.

    Now, instead of having a lower student to teacher ratio by getting more experienced teachers to move on, and hiring younger teacher w/ experience or training. You are now left with almost 2 teachers per grade per department. With class sizes of 30+ your child is getting no individual attention.

    Pick your poison
  3. Rick Perry

    I'm not sure who said it, but get him out. Whomever called me Tea Party couldn't be farther!

    I'd love to keep those 30+ year people! Their the basis of our education system. They've been there, done that. I'm just showing you where you could cut cost!

    I believe I told you I'm not the biggest fan of that!!!
  4. For starters, if you want to cut down on budget. You'll need to get the old out. People who've been teaching for 25/30+ years, sitting on those jobs that younger people with modern teaching methods could have. You'll be shaving from 10-20k per new teacher you hire, and retiree you let go (or volunteers to retire [given incentive]).

    The districts are top heavy in admin positions. You have some positions in some bigger districts that are superfulous and uneccesary. You don't need a Math/Science/Soc Studies/ELA 'Coach' to work with teachers to work with kids. Have teachers meet a given number of development hours outside of school, rather than pay this 'coach' 60/70/80k dollars to work with the teachers. The Dept Heads of each core subject should be savvy enough to help their colleagues.

    If we're going to be investing all this money in technology for our schools, teachers need to utilize it. $3000 projecters being used for Smart Boards/Mimios don't do anygood if the teacher/instructor doesn't know how or refuses to use it.

    You have some districts where every admin has a DAMN iPhone, paid for by the district.

    These might not answer all problems, but it is a start.
  5. Having been involved with organized football (Small Private HS all the way to College) my entire life, I can tell you a few things about running a successful program. Most coaches now a days are teachers. And admins aren't holding onto coaches who have low TAKS or PDAS (Appraisal) scores. I spoke with a very successful AD/HC in our area about 5 years ago, and he told me the era of the Coach who does PE only is over. If you want to coach, you better be able to teach something.

    As long as you have coaches who can teach, effectively, then your staff can stay near to the size it has bee. Budget cuts are going to find staffs regardless. But if coaches are certified in a core subject, they'll be fine.

    Smitty, you don't know the first thing about running a successful program. I would LOVE for you and one other person to control 80 hyped up 14 yr olds for an hour lol! Or organize and run a productive practice with 150 kids with 6 coaches! WON'T WORK!!
  6. Look, its a '6 in one hand, half a dozen in another" view. Both sides can argue their points of the importance of the number of coaches and their value in the classroom and on the field/court/course/track.

    The point is, for football, you need at least 2 coaches for OL and DL, EACH! A backs coach, receivers/TE coach. Then DTs, DEs, LBs,and secondary. The OC can coach QBs, and the DC will typically coach ILBs or secondary. All depends on the systems being ran and the number of kids in the program. You can't just say 6 HS and 2 for frosh and JH/MS. 2 coaches can't control 60/70/80...etc kids. No way. You need a minimum of 3 for position purposes. 10-12 for a lot of schools have a crap ton of kids to work with.

    Its an unfortunate situation that will get worst before it gets better. Our extracurricular activities (Athletics AND Fine Arts) will be taking a big hit. The kids will be the ones to suffer. Larger class sizes, higher student to teacher ratio, and less one on one time with the instructor.

    No Child Left Behind... What a crock! Wish Rick Perry could sit in a classroom for a day
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