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Everything posted by PNGFan

  1. Soul, we call ours Big Cav.
  2. WOW!!!! [Hidden Content] Chaggy is still blinded by his arrogance!!! Blamming the financial short fall on the state??? The other story, I'd be pissed if I had a Senior at West Brook!! Central and Ozen have a chapter of the NAACP at a state funded school?
  3. And he's the wrong color.
  4.   Was it ever there?  lol
  5. My issue is this is America and everyone (No matter how we feel about them) is entitled due process. This is not a dictatorship (Nevermind King Obama is our leader) and now King James is the ruling party. This country is going to HELL and our civil liberties mean nothing.
  6. Their going to let a player dictate the process? I fully agree Sterling should be removed from ownership, but a paid employee of the NBA? Sorry LeBron, I USE to be a fan.
  7. The Clippers needs a fresh start with a new owner. Majic Johnson is not the right owner or a role model I'd want owning the team. If the NBA want a black owner I'd rather have Oprah's group. They have the $$$$$$$
  8. @WhiteboyscantjumpSportsOnline: NBA has chosen the LA Clippers to win the NBA title!! :)
  9. Players now day's don't like to even get touched. Could you imagine Darant, Lebron driving to the basket against Oakley or Lambeer?
  10. Just watched 30 for 30 on ESPN about the NBA when it was real basketball and not full of premodonna's. They should the Piston, Pacers and the Knicks. When you went to the basket you paid for it. Now if someone looked at a superstar a foul will be called. Back then they didn't care what they looked like, now it's a fashion show wearing men's capris and color sun glasses. Man I miss the Oakleys, Mason's, Starks and Lambeer type of ball.
  11. Agreed baddog!! I've never defended what Sterling said, I am defending our freedom of speech and privacy laws. Nothing more. NO ONE on this board can say they've never said anything in their lives that would've offended someone. And as far as I'm concerned the NBA can go bankrupt and I wouldn't lose any sleep. The most boring professional sport I've ever watched. The NCAA and high school games are a lot more exciting.
  12. Cheap? he is anti everything that's not black. Like you I never discriminate against other race groups in privacy or not!!!!.
  13. No one has denied what Sterling said was out of line. Take your black tinted glasses off!!
  14. You'll never get Blue to admit that with his Black Power Mentality.
  15.     To be honest Buddy I haven't listened to the tapes or read much about this story, I have a multi million dollar company to run!!!   : )
  16. I am far from being a racist, this story is alot deeper than a recording.
  17.   Whether you believe in what he said or not, it's his constitutional right to say what ever he wants in the privacy of his own home. That's all I am trying to say. My issue is not what he said this time, it's all the issues that weren't addressed in the past.
  18.   This is the issues with the country today and with the social media you have to be politicly correct in everything you say, even in the privacy of your on home.
  19. Guess they can't answer my question.
  20. Only when it benefits one race? Just asking a question.
  21.   Thought that didn't matter with diversity???
  22. The NBA is already damaged!!!!! Been that way for many years.
  23. Also why we're on the topic of race. We always here their needs to be more diversity in other sports, but the NBA is 90% black. Why isn't there more diversity in the NBA to allow other races?
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