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Everything posted by CoachLB

  1. Does talent alone win games year in and year out like Griff and Stone does? LCM was really bad when Griff took over that program. Griff develops players, but more importantly have you ever watched him manage a game, The only difference between LCM and BC thursday night was Griff, and i have watched him do this year after year.Many of Griif's players get scholarships because he goes to bat for them, and college coaches know they have been taught how to play the game the right way,and they know they are getting good kids. But check out LCM's website many players get scholarships, but few are Div 1. If talent alone won games PA Memorial would have won many football titles by now, check how many Div1 scholarships they have a year.If Griff went to any school in this area regardless of classification, soon after they would be winning big. Over 300 wins, playing teams like Brenham, Texas City Montgomery etc, in pre-district every year, and in maybe the toughest 4a district in the state,talent alone want get it, because Coaches' like Long , Heard, Stone and Young also have talent and are great coaches.You can vote for who you want to, but don't try to make your point by trying to discredit a great coach like Griff.
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