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Everything posted by wasone03

  1. not impressed at all... DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY...
  2. theyve gotten a TON better.. but this week will be the true test
  3. [quote name="Soccer" post="773513" timestamp="1268096065"] ill be cocky all i want. im just confident in my team. so ill be however the heck i want to, k (: [/quote] wow! go png!!!
  4. i didnt say that it had an effect on the outcome.. i am a fan of neither side.. i said it was kinda strange that a GROWN man was standing on the field boohooing the ned players.. the students were never quiet and im sure did have some kind of effect on nederland but thats what fans are for and is completely alright to do. it is part of the game... i thought i made that clear. but i guess not.. you guys won and deserved it. how does a grown man after the game is over effect the outcome?  ???
  5. oh and one more thing i saw... png fans were never quiet.. they just kept on and on.. thats not a bad thing. thats part of the game. even though they were calling out individuals names, it still doesnt matter. i thought it was fine... but what i didnt think was fine, was that after the game i took a shortcut across the field to get to the parking lot and there was a GROWN man. a GROWN man standing by the goal and as all the ned players walked by he was rubbing his eyes saying, "booohooo i just love playing soccer so much.. booooohoooo how will i ever recover?" to every player that walked by.. congrats on the win, yall played great. and have a good team. but win with some class man..
  6. PNG can finish the ball! the building pressure finally got to nederland. to me, the games i saw them play in  preseason and first of district they were way better. they just dont seem like the same team. they do have one player that really stands out in my mind... but pngs defense mixed with that keeper was very very good tonight. there wasnt any standout players for png, they just all played hard as one... hope nederland can figure it out..
  7. and i didnt mean to take a jab at lumberton... good luck to you and the rest of your team on the remainder of the season.
  8. i dont think you can win the argument that lumberton has a better program than nederland. how many times does manchester united or real madrid. or milan lose to teams that are obviously weaker than them. alot. they will pound them and pound them but it just doesnt go there way. just cause you beat a team once or twice doesnt mean you are better than them(i am ready to take criticism for that comment) but i still believe the same thing. just cause you beat one team 1-0 doesnt make you able to go play against a powerhouse and have a better chance of beating them... coach L.. hampshire fannet beat you in the preseason this year. would you call them better? i dont think so... i am a vidor graduate so i am no way on either sides. but for as long as i can remember and im 32 now. nederland was always the team to beat. they were THE best around here. no questions asked.. lumberton has made a name for themselves as well..... just thinking out loud.
  9. lumberton has really came on in soccer in the last decade... or longer... they are without a doubt a powerhouse in this area. but...... nederland has always been and is always good. they usually win the district. but when they dont they usually lose to lumberton. they have represented this area the best i believe though. 2 pros. 1 mnt player.. state championship game. people from other areas know about nederland.. this year they are keeping it up.. 1-0 over friendswood. close loss to boerne champion (2-1 i believe?). everytime nederland plays png, its going to be close. no matter how good nederland or png is. its just the rivalry. but i would definitely put my bet on either nederland or lumberton going deep into the playoffs and beating top teams. but i wouldnt say it is an honor for nederland to be grouped with lumberton.
  10. i dont know what happened to him. i was watching from an empty section of the png side and didnt hear anyone saying what was wrong
  11. i was watching the nederland/png game... it wasnt really a fight. just some shoves..Nederland looked sharp. But dang, PNG's keeper. WOW! in my opinion that game could have been ugly without him. not to say png didnt threaten nederland at times. just seemed like nederland was a constant threat. good game. the fans from both sides yelled about a ton of pointless stuff. kinda embarrassing to the game i think. overall (and this is my opinion but i think stats will back it up) nederland dominated the game. png's keeper is as solid as they come. two good teams. thats that.
  12. [quote name="Big LABOwski" post="752553" timestamp="1264977332"] Hamshire-Fannett by far is the best 3A team, Hamshire-Fannett has many players who are well capable of getting scholarships. Kurtis Bell for instance is looking to play in Mississippi, Travis Briggs is looking to play at Tyler Junior College, Colton Romero could possibly play anywhere it varies much more once looked upon down the roster.  Png caught an upset but Hamshire-Fannett was missing four starters and that is a huge difference in a game. [/quote]  i doubt very seriously any of those players are going to any of those schools to play... doubt that VERY seriously. and it definitely wasnt an upset that png won.
  13. look what the guy doing for american soccer? how many people have started watching mls since he came here? a whole lot. you might not like him personally, but he is doing great things for soccer growth in the u.s. I couldn't disagree with you more. Soccer in America will never be a mainstream sport. Just not gonna happen. David Beckham is not the savior of American Soccer. He is an arrogant selfish nonteam player. I don't want my children looking up to the likes of him. I hope he moves on soon. your right, he isnt a savior considering we have nothing to lose. more like a sparkplug. want to talk about a player who doesnt play for the team, how about you watch landon donovan? gets mad when beckham gets the captain armband. think there is bigger things to worry about eh?
  14. look what the guy doing for american soccer? how many people have started watching mls since he came here? a whole lot. you might not like him personally, but he is doing great things for soccer growth in the u.s.
  15. not sure a team can win district and go to the second round with one player that is the "whole" team. i saw them play vidor twice, kp twice, and ozen, landry was a LEADER. and a great soccer player.. but it takes more than one... i only saw a few games though, so i could be wrong
  16. or forward version. they move him around so much i can hardly keep up
  17. have you watched davy arnaud? he is the midfield version of him in my opinion
  18. yes i think i remember him now.. real built kid? i think that is a pretty good list. well minus some
  19. Districts over. what are your thoughts on who should get what? i think keeper of the year is defiantly vidrine, 1 goal scored on him. wagner, i think deserves MVP, but Artega had a great season also. but i will say he deserves offensive player of the year. defensive mvp- surely someone from ned. utility player?? hmm.. picking these things would have to suck for these coaches.. soccer isn't the kind of sport that you can decide this stuff just by stats. but hey, we have to do it. and its a great honor for those players that do get chosen.
  20. islander are you a sportswriter? these summaries are quite good ;D
  21. all big time bummer.. that kid is very skilled and plays hard. makes people around him better as well.
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