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Posts posted by jmk

  1. I have only seen Krautz 1 time and that was this year vs GCM.  He had the huge run at the beginning and then we played great defense and their coach forgot how to use him.  As a Husker fan he reminded me a little of Rex Burkhead..  Hope he does well..

    yep.  Did not understand why you go away from what is working 

  2. Soulja..take away the 73 yard run and if you can do simple arithmetic you will see that the kid still put up pretty dang good numbers on y'all. In fact I see Calvin Tyler doing the same thing to your Jags.  Then I will read you on that thread whining and making excuses. Coulda, shoulda, woulda even with all those athletes and d1 recruits. Ok Soulja takin my ball and going home . Through playin with ya . Later!!!!

  3. I think you go with what works . Fact is that Lebanon did not have a lot of time to get his passes off Friday night. Panthers were in his face all night long. When your running game is getting you 8-9 yards per carry then you stick with it. That is what we did on last drive. And you saw how that worked out. If we would have went with that strategy earlier The game would not have been that close. We would have had the clock on our side and would have kept our defense off the field so much. So we should do what works until someone shuts it down. I think if you look at district stats you will see some good numbers for Lebaron throwing the ball to multiple weapons . So not sure where Mayfield is coming from?

  4. Wasn't commenting on the post concerning family. Was commenting on the post about who was practicing QB and who wasn't.  Tavian Mayfield is a helluva athlete that is playing where the TEAM needs him. The Bulldogs have a very capable QB in Lebaron and they need Tavian in the defensive backfield as well as receiver. Thus my comment stating that Neuman plays kids where they best benefit the team!

  5. I think that you have to do what is best for the team. Players are positioned by coaches to win games. This team,like many  former Nederland teams, does not have the luxury of drawing from a huge talent pool like some other larger schools. Coacheshave to look at what they have available to them and field the best possible team. Does thatmean a particular kid might excel at a position he is not currently playing ?Possibly .   I would consider my kid fortunate to just be able to be on the field when the lights come on. Because there are alot of kids on the team working there tails off that may never step on the field but they are out there working and doing what is best for the TEAM....

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