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Posts posted by DoctorSamson

  1. I honestly have a hard time seeing vidor losing this one, they are very strong and playing very well right now.  But you have to be careful with a team like ozen, who's at least a little competitive within the district.  They can come around and ruin that great season.  I have never witnessed Mr. Lott pitch, but I am assuming what with Vidor being such a good team, the Ozen coaches would have saved him to pitch this one.  We'll see.

  2. I don't really understand what logic you're talking about.  Either one being classless was never the issue, personally I don't think either were classless.  Both were unfortunate for the losing side, but it was not a "got to pay um back" issue.  Never was that attitude rendered by any of us on this thread I don't think. I will point out though that I don't remember reading any whining about humiliating scores on here when those boys from basketball lost by however many they lost.  I will also point out that I was told that the ozen jv baseball team might be having some large trouble with eligibility, which is understandable, every team of every school goes through it at some point, and would have contributed to their performance.  I was also told that the lumberton coaches did what they could to slacken what was happening, within reason of course.  You can't have kids skipping down the baseline, that's humiliating for everyone.  Again, I cannot speak from sight, only what I was told. Take that as you may.

    VOP, I really am sorry for upsetting you. I do not know if you hail from Ozen or not, but my intention was not to point a finger and laugh at those boys. If it had been, I would have created an entire thread to it.  My intention was to bring to attention an interesting junior varsity game, as jv threads are scarce on here.  I will confess it is nice to know there is hope for some future success in lumberton baseball, especially with the varsity struggles it is enduring.  And congrats to ozen varsity baseball. I heard it was a good game.     

  3. I posted it because it was obviously a crazy game.  And yes in a time where the varsity isn't doing well it's nice to know there is some hope. I can be proud and brag about the school I support just like everyone else on here.  I feel badly for those kids, but when there are jv accomplishments something should be said. I think the jv teams should get more mention on here, because there are some really great players on those teams, especially from teams like PNG and Nederland, etc. where the varsities are so strong. So I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, but it is just a thread on a website.

  4. Brock landed more than just a few shots. He pounded on Mir for the short time he had the "upper hand" (can't really call it that because he was, after all, fighting Frank Mir).  Mir's face was beat up, I wish I could find the picture, it's on www.mmamani.com somewhere.  Now I want to say that I agree with you that nearly any fighter with experience on the ground will be able to beat these two guys.  The reason that they are such a big draw is because of their enormous POTENTIAL.  They are big, they are tough, and they are marketable.  I really really think that they are the next two superstars in MMA, provided they don't do anything stupid or get too old too quickly.

    Do I think Kimbo is ready for Fedor? hell no. He's not even ready for Tim Silvia.  But I would bet money he would kick Gannon if they fought now.  And you're right Buentello would be a great fight, and it is rumored to be his next fight, so we will see.

    And I re-watched the fight, Kimbo clocked him. 

  5. First off, Tank didn't take a dive, he got knocked the frick out.  He is a can though.  And as he should be. Kimbo should not be fighting the best of the best with barely a year of MMA under his belt.  Watch though, he will be fighting the best eventually.  Right now he would get stomped by even a mediocre UFC grappler or BJJ guy, but he will get better, much better. 

    And Brock Lesner looked great in his debut, his situation is almost exactly Kimbo's, except it shows what would have happened if Kimbo was given a former heavyweight champion in his very first fight.  (Kimbo has three professional MMA bouts, his first one to Roy Mercer, a retired boxer).  Both have more potential than any other fighter I've ever seen come into MMA in recent history. 

    Hats off to Tank though, that guy gets beat almost every time he steps in the ring (or cage) and he still comes back to fight without training or anything.  Either he loves to bang or he loves the money he still gets to fight.

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