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Posts posted by DoctorSamson

  1. Matt lindland and Paulo Filho have no chance with Anderson Silva.  Cung Le was impressive against Frank Shamrock, but Shamrock also never took him to the ground, where I believe he would have beaten Le.  Anderson Silva is the top man in the world at 185.  Boy I sure would like to see him and Cung Le fight though. Man that would be incredible. 

    As of now it just doesn't make sense for the UFC to cross promote.  They are still too big to gain from it.  All they would be doing is giving lesser organizations publicity and power. It doesn't make business sense. Sucks for fans, but that's how it is.  I also don't think you will see anything come of the CBS and NBC deals, for two reasons:  1) the organizations who inked those deals both continue to try to bank their futures on one fighter.  If that fighter goes down, their promotion goes down the drain.  2) All these networks have done is give the organizations crappy timeslots.  No primetime.  Without primetime, the organizations will flop, and if they don't, they will at least not get enough exposure before the UFC figures something out.  The only hope for a competitor with the UFC is HDNet, because of Mark Cuban.  He seems serious about really doing well there.  We'll see how it plays out.

  2. I agree with midcounty, because the definition of ERA is based on the number of innings in a regular season game, which for high school is 7.  That of course changes afterward, but I think midcounty has a good distribution.  I don't know that many kids in high school have under 2 ERA's.  That being said, I think that coaches and scouts probably look at more all around game play than just an ERA statistic.

  3. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who can beat him at 185.  The only one I can see that would have any chance at all is wanderlei silva if he were to drop down.  I still don't see anderson losing though.  If he moved up to 205 then I think you would find some fighters capable, ala rampage, liddell, maybe even shogun or machida.  But right now, at 185, anderson silva is tops.

  4. I would just say that make sure your bow has an ok amt of poundage, shooting those big gar a lot of times they will bounce off if there isn't enough power.  And if you have a boat to put lights on or know of someone with lights on their boat, do that, it's much funner than spotlighting, and easier as well since you don't have to hold a light.

    Learn to shoot without fingers if you haven't already, makes things easier.

    Hopefully since this is a late post it will find you already having a great successful time.  It's one of my favorite pastimes.

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