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Posts posted by 7mary3

  1. 7mary3,

    Last I heard it was the Dayton's team that had to kick 5 players off the team due to felony act - not Liberty's.

    No doubt that Dayton is a quality program and Liberty is in rebuilding mode - but don't ever say never - you might just have to eat those word sometime.

    And I have been a close follower of Liberty's program for years and do not recall Liberty ever taking a Dayton reject - espically a problem child.  As far as going to the "pen" I personally do not know of any from Liberty but do know of 1 from Dayton

    You totally missed that post.  I said Dayton has 5 available players not Liberty.  AND YES, Liberty has taken several of Daytons rejects, very good athletes i should say that turned out to be felons, and thats a FACT, whether or not they graduated I have no idea but i know where they are now and what they did.

  2. I was waiting for this post.  I don't want to put a date on it but Liberty never had a chance in the past and would never have a chance in the future of ever competing at the same level as Dayton Athletics, maybe Liberty's golf team could beat Daytons, i'll give that one to them.  I think the last win was when D Douglas played QB for Liberty, it was a route.  After looking at the pics posted on here from Liberty's practice I was like man'o man.  It looked like a Freshman practice squad.  Please tell me that was not the Varsity team.  All the years that i've followed Liberty Athletics they have welcomed with open arms the athletes that have been kicked out of Dayton athletics.  I know for a fact that several of those athletes have gone to the pen and some that are currently still in the pen.  Hopefully the new head coach in Liberty will stay away from this trend because I know there are five athletes in Dayton available right now.  Liberty beating Dayton or ever playing each other will never happen.

  3. Would have loved to have been there for the Calallen game, I think I posted a response to this one last season.  For me it was the Dayton and Waller game in Cy-Fair.  That was absolutely the hardest hitting and loudest football game I have ever witnessed at all ranks.  I still don't think Waller knew what hit them, both teams were dishing out their fair share of hits but I'm gonna'have to give it to Dayton.  Waller was HUGE and Dayton was just poppn'em.  Then the game came down to the very last play when Waller's all'state QB got POPPED! I mean POPPED! fumbled the ball and Dayton went on to the semi's.  It's games like that, to me anyways, is why Texas Football is the best, can't beat it.

  4. I sure hope all 5 of those young men are reading this forum and they realize how much they let a lot of Bronco faithful down.  I have heard through the'vine that the 08'Broncos are by far the deepest team that has ever come through the system.  Im sure those young men will be missed but come the first day of two a days it will be forgot about.  I have always said that you can do a million things right but you mess up ONE time and thats what EVERYBODY judges by unfortunately.

  5. From 7mary3:

    "Most ignorant statement i've seen in a long time.  The Minority is the Majority in Liberty and i'm pretty POSITIVE that had no effect on the decision making.  Thats always been the norm in Liberty and the surrounding areas to hire a hometown boy.  IMO, thats exactly what Liberty doesn't need is another hometown boy, black, brown, yellow or white.  What Liberty needs is a drastic change starting from the young kids up.  Liberty's got a good crop coming up and they need a good disciplined foundation.  What they don't want is HOMETOWN boy getting the athletes that are in trouble all the time out of jail and not doing anything to them. JMO"

    I would like to know just exactly what 7mary3 is implying with this post.  I would sincerely hope that he is not implying that a hometown boy, DD or any other, would give all athletes a free pass if their behavior is less than the law allows.

    7mary3, I think that was the most ignorant statement anybody has ever seen and you are a moron.

    If everybody on this board only knew the buzz that was created in the halls among the athletes that DD was up for this job, then he would have been hired in an instant.  That is why I called the board chicken poop. (I got in trouble for saying the real thing earlier.  My apologizes).

    Nothing implied absolutely whatsoever, I just know what the norm has been.  Over the last SEVERAL years even when I was playing the bad apples went to Liberty because Liberty would put up with their extracurricular activities and attitudes when no other schools wouldn't.  The LOCAL guy, is that clearer for you, seems to me at this point in time would not be the right choice.  JMO.  Everythings a race issue these days, people wear their feelings on their shoulders WAY too much, anything having to do with race when its not is ignorant to me.

  6. Most ignorant statement i've seen in a long time.  The Minority is the Majority in Liberty and i'm pretty POSITIVE that had no effect on the decision making.  That's always been the norm in Liberty and the surrounding areas to hire a hometown boy.  IMO, that's exactly what Liberty doesn't need is another hometown boy, black, brown, yellow or white.  What Liberty needs is a drastic change starting from the young kids up.  Liberty's got a good crop coming up and they need a good disciplined foundation.  What they don't want is HOMETOWN boy getting the athletes that are in trouble all the time out of jail and not doing anything to them. JMO

    Get real.  Unless YOU are (a) a member of the LISD school board or (B) the LISD superintendent, YOU cannot be “POSITIVE†of the affects on the AD decision.  And until that school board socio-economic mix matches that of the school population (which it does NOT with 6 WASP males and 1 B female), no one can be absolutely certain that this decision was made with the best interest of all the students and community in mind.   ;D

    And it's my opinion, if all else is equal, a hometown guy will be the better choice, especially if he's one that can introduce “drastic change†and a “good disciplined foundationâ€, while at the same time having established relationships within the community and relating well to the kids.

    Let me understand this:

    The Board members are stupid, cowards, and racists yet at the same time all are successful in life and respected enough to get elected to one of the more difficult jobs there can be with no pay at all---what an ignorant post!

    Diamond J whoever said you had to be bright to be elected to a local school board? What I find amusing is that often times a major ego trip and you have to be connected. Don't get on here and tell me that politics does not play a major  role in decisions related to  athletics.

    Politics are everywhere and they play a major role in just about everything.  But what gets me is that the DD supporters on here are going to ruin it for DD if and when the second opportunity rolls around for the head AD.  So when you so called supporters of DD are on here rantn'and ravn'bout it being a racial thing or political thing just remember DD may or may not feel the same way AND i would like to think that DD wouldn't get on this forum and express his opinion either way.  Support is great but too much support can hurt a person sometimes.

  7. Bottom line is being a hometown guy doesn't mean sh_t in Liberty, especially if you are a minority, and even with impeccable credentials.  What a bunch of cowards on the school board!

    Why Liberty wouldn't want an enthusiastic AD who is committed to bringing Liberty back from the dead and is someone the students are clamoring to play for is not logical.

    Most ignorant statement i've seen in a long time.  The Minority is the Majority in Liberty and i'm pretty POSITIVE that had no effect on the decision making.  Thats always been the norm in Liberty and the surrounding areas to hire a hometown boy.  IMO, thats exactly what Liberty doesn't need is another hometown boy, black, brown, yellow or white.  What Liberty needs is a drastic change starting from the young kids up.  Liberty's got a good crop coming up and they need a good disciplined foundation.  What they don't want is HOMETOWN boy getting the athletes that are in trouble all the time out of jail and not doing anything to them. JMO

  8. Ok got lost there a sec or two wondering what Wal-Mart has to do with the athletic program.   ;D

    I support Liberty all the way – and this is my take.  Until Liberty is willing to invest money, time and support the athletic program will struggle.  Anyone that has any current knowledge of the Liberty area knows that what is provided the athletic program is in a desperate need of repair, replacement and updating.  >:( The only place that will come from is the school board and super.  At this time I do not see that happening.  You reap what you sow – the kids at the school see that the school district is not willing do anything for the program so they are not either (not all – but many).  :(

    I just had to throw that walmart thing in there, lol, seems like its a sore subject over there.  But your right on the money on your comment.

  9. Yeah – Liberty and Dayton would be a good draw.  But lets be realistic – Dayton has 3 times the number of students in the High School (1900 +/- to 600 +/-) so to call this a fair and equal game is going a bit far.  Last person is right – Dayton at the moment is at the top of their game and Liberty has had a down year or so Dayton is piling it on – that is their right.

    But it was not that many years ago that Dayton was average to bad and went to the playoffs in a “weak†district and lost in the first or second round every year.  What goes round comes round. 

    Liberty will be back and then we can talk.

    Go Panthers   ;)

    I just do not see it--Liberty is boxed in on 3 sides with only one way to grow. They will not experience explosive growth for at least25 years(if ever). You are correct however that it would be a mismatch and an unfair one at that

    I totally agree.  Who wants to live, other than the family's already there, in a big river basin that floods when the river is up and large quantities of rain are dropped.  Liberty being the county seat used to be the place to live and the place to work but not anymore.  To many of the surrounding cities like Dayton, Hardin, Barbers Hill etc are seeing the growth which is keeping the families on the outskirts.  You can put a ton of Wal-Marts in Liberty but it still won't bring you a good athletic program.  The way I see it the trash talking could be worse.  What about all them years the Vindicator and the Gazette gave all the press to the Panthers and they were horrible and still are.  Well, the way I see it is Dayton has a whole lot of trash talking to make up!

  10. o wow just because yall went far in the playoffs means yall are really superior to Liberty now? Liberty has a good program over here, the only thing that was against them this year is the bad luck they had at the end of the game.

    my, my, my, i've been waiting for a dayton/liberty comment.  liberty would never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever PLAY DAYTON again in any sport but maybe golf.  the powers that be would never let that happen in a million years!  for some unknown reason in the past the "could of been great athletes" in dayton that couldn't behave ended up in liberty's athletic program where they went south after that.  if liberty could get away from this practice, get better facilities etc. they might be able to attract some good academic and athletic families wanting to move to the area.  but as far as the athletic program is concerned IMO is light years away from being at the top.  BRONCOS VS PANTHERS.......kind of has a nice ring to it like BRONCOS VS EAGLES, both would bring a good crowd.

  11. I heard this today from a friend in Dayton. Liberty's facilities are horrible and they only have 40 kids in their whole program. Nothing in the halls either.

    I thought Liberty had good facilities. I knew a guy that coached there a few years back that said it was pretty good. According to my source, he said it was

    bad. What do you Liberty folks think about the athletic facilities there.

    My opinion- my son graduated in 2007 and played Foorball, Baseball, Track and Basketball.   Heres my take:

    Football Field - Field itself is ok.  Dressing Rooms are terrible.  Press Box is falling apart.  Scoreboard only works some of the time.  :-[

    Basketball Gym - I really pretty good except the view from the stands is somewhat blocked.

    Baseball Field - School has none - the city allows the school to use a pretty nice filed at the city park.

    Softball Field - Very Poor No seating and no lights.  The city also allows the softball team sometimes to use a field at the city park.  :-[

    Track - track itself ok.  No lights and the stands are old and in poor shape.

    So overall I have to agree that Liberty's facilities are not very good and are not maintained by the district very well either.

    I hope that the current administration sees fit to upgrade this situation.  ;)

    Now the 40 kids quote - he is wrong there they have a lot more than that in the program depending on the sport - and there are a few hall walkers (but not many). 

    i'm very familiar with their facilities and they are horrible.

  12. Well, on another but familiar note, being involved with the judicial system my whole working career i've seen the athletes at the local schools, some more than others, think that just because they play football, basketball etc. they are bullet proof and exempt from obeying the laws.  These kids think that if they get caught breaking the law that just because they are an "athlete" that nothing is going to happen to them.  I've seen a few take the ride and some have taken that experience and learned by it and some really good athletes that could have had their educations paid for have taken those experience's and gone the opposite direction (still in and out of the pokey).  I got to see first hand back during the playoffs a particular athlete at a particular school was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, but totally involved in a particular matter, and the subject became beligerent towards the officers.  The officers didn't know who the athlete was or even cared but the athlete was so disrespectful and beligerent that the athlete took the ride.  Well, the next morning the Head Coach, knowing the circumstances of the arrest bonded the athlete out of jail because they had a playoff game THAT NIGHT!  Needless to say the athlete got to play the game and was never even disciplined by the school, IT IS THE LAW THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT BE NOTIFIED IF A STUDENT IS PUT IN JAIL.  Is this the kind of examples that are being set in our schools?  Surely not.  Anyways, this whole incident reminded of that, there is always going to be favoritism in our school districts.  What this kid needed was a good @$$ whoopn'and expelled from the team.

    I agree with this post all the way til the last sentence...So you believe the student athlete should be penalized???

    He was doing what any high school athlete would, he wanted to play...I know if the coach told me I could play, I sure as heck wouldnt contradict him, I would get out there and do what I love to do....

    Why heck yeah, I would play too if my head coach got me out of jail and told me I could play and the school district didn't punish me, shoot who wouldn't.  The problem is when (1) Your head coach bonds you out of jail and acts like it's no big deal for not only disrespecting the law but disrespecting his team and his community(heck of an example to set) and (2) not being punished whatsoever by the school district or his coaches.  Apparently this particular school runs their athletic program in that manner.  It was actually kind of surprising to me.

  13. Well, on another but familiar note, being involved with the judicial system my whole working career i've seen the athletes at the local schools, some more than others, think that just because they play football, basketball etc. they are bullet proof and exempt from obeying the laws.  These kids think that if they get caught breaking the law that just because they are an "athlete" that nothing is going to happen to them.  I've seen a few take the ride and some have taken that experience and learned by it and some really good athletes that could have had their educations paid for have taken those experience's and gone the opposite direction (still in and out of the pokey).  I got to see first hand back during the playoffs a particular athlete at a particular school was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, but totally involved in a particular matter, and the subject became beligerent towards the officers.  The officers didn't know who the athlete was or even cared but the athlete was so disrespectful and beligerent that the athlete took the ride.  Well, the next morning the Head Coach, knowing the circumstances of the arrest bonded the athlete out of jail because they had a playoff game THAT NIGHT!  Needless to say the athlete got to play the game and was never even disciplined by the school, IT IS THE LAW THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT BE NOTIFIED IF A STUDENT IS PUT IN JAIL.  Is this the kind of examples that are being set in our schools?  Surely not.  Anyways, this whole incident reminded of that, there is always going to be favoritism in our school districts.  What this kid needed was a good @$$ whoopn'and expelled from the team.

  14. [quote name="etbu" post="316691" timestamp="1200516685"]
    [quote author=HDBobcats9 link=topic=31018.msg316406#msg316406 date=1200482420]
    I hope Jamaal can still decide in the 72hr period that underclassmen that have declared for the draft to come back for his senior year. Look at the backs in the draft this year. McFadden, J. Stewart, M.Hart, R.Rice, Mendenhall, F.Jones, S. Slayton and the list goes on and on. He's probably barely a top 10 back in the draft which puts him into the 3rd round or later. Hopefully he can still come back and not go into the draft. His stock would certainly be higher next season. Besides Beanie Wells from Ohio State, I dont' see any backs that may be in next years draft that are head and shoulders above Jamaal. This year is a different story.

    A friend of mine from Liberty, Reggie White was a very good RB at Oklahoma State several years back. After a great junior year he declared for the draft. He was a "projected" middle round pick. Certain circumstances helped influence this decision including a young back at OSU named Tatum Bell that he would share time with him during his senior season. He declared and went undrafted and bounced around as a free agent and never really stuck anywhere. I'm not saying this will happen to J.Charles, but you should project as a top 3 round player or not take the chance if you still have eligibility left. Just my opinion.

    Reggie White is one of the fastest backs I have watched EVER. He could fly once he busted it.  ;D

    Case in point, GET THE EDUCATION!  Anyone know what Reggie White is doing now?  I do and football or sports is nowhere in the equation, could have had a college degree.  Money's not always the answer.  Maybe Reggie can call Jamal and talk him out of it. 
  15. http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/daily/sports/72676.php

    Cats' latest recruit 'real deal'


    Tucson Citizen

    College coaches called the East Chambers High football offices all year, asking for a highlight tape of Tramain Thomas, the University of Arizona's newest committed player.

    The reply was always the same.

    "I just told them to watch every game we played. He was a highlight. He is really special," East Chambers football coach Tony Valastro said Thursday.

    Thomas, the southern Texas defensive player of the year, operated as a combo quarterback, safety and punt returner. He said he called UA offensive line coach Bill Bedenbaugh on Christmas Day to tell the Wildcats he wanted to play for them during the 2008 season.

    "I knew after visiting that I really liked it there and wanted to play there," Thomas said.

    The Wildcats are likely to give the Winnie, Texas, star his first look as either a receiver or safety.

    "Thomas is one of the best athletes I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of good ones in our area over the years," Deweyville coach Dwight Bickham told The Orange Leader newspaper. "He's so hard to contain. You may think you have him bottled up, and all of a sudden he goes 80 (yards) on you."

    "He can play about anywhere," Valastro said. "He has such great instincts. And he is a fantastic basketball player as well. He knows what he's going to do before anybody else can even figure it out, and he takes that type of play onto the football field as well.

    "We play at a small school, but he could play for anybody, trust me. He is the real deal."

    Thomas rushed for 1,352 yards and 30 touchdowns as a senior while passing for 863 yards and five scores. He had 50 rushing TDs and 25 TD passes during his high school career, according to his coach.

    The 6-foot-1, 175-pound prospect also had 61 tackles as a junior. He picked off 11 passes this season, returning three for touchdowns.

    Thomas said he had narrowed his choices to Iowa State and Texas Tech before committing to the Wildcats. Nothing is binding until letters of intents are signed in February.

    Is this the same coach Tony V that coached at Dayton several years back?

  16. Probably the Dayton vs. Waller game for me.  That was probably one of, if not, the best high school football game I have ever seen.  For a game of that caliber to come down to the last drive like that was just awesome, still get chill bumps.  It was the hardest hitting game on both sides of the ball that I have ever seen.  The crowd for both sides was just ear piercing especially on the last drive from Waller and then BAM!  Dayton lays the Waller QB out causing a fumble and Dayton wins.  Awesome.

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