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Posts posted by 7mary3

  1. I think what bothers me the most is that threads like this one are allowed to be on here, yeah lumberton got whooped last week, we all know it we've all heard it ! it's just not that entertaining anymore. when coaches start disrespecting other teams and are allowed to use this site as a venue,I think it's pretty pathetic!, and dayton1, whatever respect I may have had for you, as a fan, is gone!

    Cool out, dude.  It was confirmed by Bronco1, the Dayton Moderator, that words were twisted just to get a rise out of the L-Train fans.  Obviously, it worked.  It even sucked me in and I'm a Jag man myself. 

    Told ya they were easy.... :D :D ::)

  2. I Think they can't get over The district lost to Lumberton that meant something. So this is the only way they can get their fix on a win in a scrimmage. I feel sorry the people in Dayton, bronco1, and anybody else here from Dayton. They do have counselors or therapist for that matter to help you get over that hump in the road.

    God Bless, and best of wishes,

    My prayers are with you

    Yeah I think that freshman status is getn'to him or could it be the L-trolley status maybe........ ;D

    Seems like someone upset you.  Keep up the hard work and just maybe you will hit over 100 posts in just under 2 years....People like you make me laugh.  Are you related to maverick24?

  3. I Think they can't get over The district lost to Lumberton that meant something. So this is the only way they can get their fix on a win in a scrimmage. I feel sorry the people in Dayton, bronco1, and anybody else here from Dayton. They do have counselors or therapist for that matter to help you get over that hump in the road.

    God Bless, and best of wishes,

    My prayers are with you

    maybe you can come counsel us.... I'll write you down for week 11. You oughta be free about 7:00 right?  :o

    J/K  ;)

    Well I said I wasn't going to post about Lumberton anymore but apparently goodsport is having a hard time with the lil'ol trash talkn'and they forgot to capitalize SCRIMMAGE!  There won't be a week 11 for Lumberton so I guess we can make a thread regarding who will make week 11 and who will not make week 11.  You Lumberton folk are just way too easy to get your feathers all ruffled, last year was a fluke deal with it, i'm over the loss to Lumberton, I just enjoy the trash talkn'. oooohh touchn'that nerve again am I?

  4. Bay City held there own and looked good on both sides of the ball in there scrimmage against St Pius.I was not at the scrimmage but i talked to the dad who son plays QB.The onle problem he see's is they may need more conditioning.The last part of the scrimmage was live against the clock,that is when they looked like they struggled.They blackcats have alot of talent and there special teams kicker & punter are very good.I se the blackcats giving dayton all they can handle Bay City by 7.

    Oh man! you should have never said that BC by 7. you gonna have 7mary3 all over you now. He is a flip flopper though and my just join you for awhile.

    Nah, he's not from Lumberton.  I only want to be an L-Train flip-flopper because ya'll capitalize SCRIMMAGE.

  5. what I find really funny, is how someone can ROLL over another team in a "scimmage", wow! it just makes you guys look desperate for redemption.if the fans feel satisfied with this HUGE victory, and feel cause to call lumberton a no talent team, man, by all means feel free. you can have the super scrimmage, we will take the district win!

    So it is funny to you that ya'll got rolled over in a scrimmage, because that is what happened. Based on what happened Sat. I won't be expecting a whole lot of district wins either. I won't say that ya'll don't have talent on the field because you do, but it seems one demensional right now. Lumberton has some hosses on the field there is no doubt. Saying your team is good means no more than a scrimmage score, you have to prove it on the field. That didn't happen Saturday, first string, second string, what ever the case.

    By the way I have the utmost respect for the Lumberton players and coaches. They made a good run last year and they always play hard, the majority of the flack that the team catches is due to a few dimwitted fans who spout off dumb comments and rediculous claims. We all have'em L-Town just seems to have a few more than everyone else.

    I'm actually kind of bummed over the SCRIMMAGE.  I was really hoping the L-Train would have showed up yesterday but man it wasn't even close.  I'm talking every faucet of the game went in Dayton's favor.  Anyway's I'm through with the Lumberton posts for now.  Good luck L-trolly, it's going to be a long season.

  6. I wasn't able to make it to the WOS game but after watching the Broncos on saturday against Lumberton I only see two possible issues.  Of course we weren't getting Lumberton's best because it was a SCRIMMAGE  ;)  but a couple of things did stand out.  Lumberton was able to run on Dayton, Dayton was really quick to the ball on defense but Lumberton did show some running ability, the secondary looked pretty good, quick.  The other thing is Dayton has got to find a kicker.  There is no reason for your Div I QB to be kicking field goals or kickoffs, especially coming off a terrible leg injury, the same leg that he kicks with (please enlighten me on this one).  Dayton's offense is really going to be hard to stop.  Green just stands back there with all kinds of time and picks the defense apart and what makes it worse if he does get pressure he's off to the races.  Arm tackles will not bring Dugat or Green down from what I have noticed.  Going to be a really good game.  Anytime you see Bay City on your schedule your going to have to bring your A-game and i'm sure thats what the opponents think about Dayton as well.

  7. I would be very proud of my team when they win a SCRIMMAGE also. Okay you got your revenge back in a SCRIMMAGE. Hello! I can say this H-F put it to Lumberton last year in the SCRIMMAGE thay had. Then Lumberton did just fine the rest of the season. I don't know who Dayton SCRIMMAGE against, but they lost 2 non- district games and then the 1st district game of the season and they also did just fine the rest of the season. I could care less if dayton beat us down 100 to 0 in the SCRIMMAGE it doesn't mean #$@%. What I do hope is that Lumberton got a good pratice in and found what they need to work on for when it does count. I think Lumberton would let Dayton win all the SCRIMMAGES they want. The reason is as long as they get a good practice in.

    whatever, they got stone cold whipped today.  if they win two district games i'll be surprised.  beard and hannah can't win every game for them.

  8. Then how do you know that they are better than last year?

    ;) i just do! QB and WR are back.

    come on Coop you know better than that.

    :D I hear ya. But seriously, they are good!

    I agree Dayton is good and they went deep into the playoffs. 1 game away from state. You think they are a better team then last years with out seeing them in this scrimmage?

    Only time will tell.  I think deeper into the season once the QB and receivers get their chemistry I think they will be hard to beat.  There was absolutely no pressure on the QB today and with Cody's size etc. he'll just sit back there and pick the defense apart.  Dayton's defense is good but will get better with time as well.  Dayton has GOT to get a kicker, surely someone besides AJ and Cody can kick a dadgum fieldgoal on that team.

  9. I left at halftime.  Good thing this was only a SCRIMMAGE because if they would have let Dayton return kicks it would have been worse.  The L-Train must have got lost somewhere around Nome or China.  No size, no speed, one decent offensive set and that my friends in a nut shell is your 2008 L-Train.  I was actually expecting a little more competition from the train but it was absolutely positively not even close, but it was a scrimmage, a glorified practice, so I guess Dayton will have to wait until the playoffs for Lumbertons best.

  10. There is one question that I have for some of you Bronco fans...especially Diamond-J and 7mary3. Why so much hate for Lumberton and none for Lake Travis? I mean, the Lumberton kids beat Dayton fair & square by 1 point and because of that we've had to listen to all of this for a year. I mean, all Lake Travis did was thrash, manhandle, etc. Dayton or whatever U want to call it and we hear nothing about them. Why is that? Is it because Dayton is scared to say anything about them in case they meet up in the playoffs again this year? Why gang up on little ole Lumberton? Why not talk bad about the BIG boys? Just wondering...

    Are you kidding me?  Why are you the only one that can't take some lil'ol trash talkn on a public forum.  Every time I was on the forum last year all I had to read was that freakn'score from the Dayton/Lumberton game and all the trash talkn'about the loss that Dayton took, just a lil'payback from last year is all, not that I have to explain myself but apparently I have done well in striking a nerve.  Gotta'love Texas High School Football. By the way the Lake Travis game wasn't a fluke like the Lumberton game was against Dayton (hitn'that nerve again huh?).  Dayton was playing at the top of their game when they played Lake Travis and the BETTER team won and Lake Travis will probably win the state title again this year.  Choo Choo ha ha ha ha ha ha.......see ya'll saturday morning

  11. It seems that Dayton is really putting a lot into this scrimmage, i.e. scouting Lumberton at BC for a scrimmage. Some people will say that is the norm., I think it is a little excessive but it doesn't matter either way. To be honest with you...Lumberton is more focused on Hamshire Fannett next Fri. than they are on Dayton Sat. morn. and that is a fact...the truth. Sure, they would like to do well...but they are not going to have a lot riding on it like they will in a week when the reg. season starts. They may go over a little Dayton stuff in practice but not to the extreme that they have been preparing for HF. Either way, good luck to both teams and stay injury free. Hopefully Lumberton will play hard and compete.

    So I guess its ok for HF to scout Lumberton saturday morning?  It's the same freakn'thing!  There's a lot of what if's but lets say they meet in the playoffs and the Dayton coaches didn't scout them early on in the season...lot's of variables but its ok if you wanna'play it down to a scrimmage. 

    Just how do you "play it down to a scrimmage" when the fact remains, it is a scrimmage? Don't you know that?

    Yes I know that, but I guess that didn't come across right.  Everytime we or they or whoever say its JUST a scrimmage doesn't make the game any less important for either side.  This is a big football match-up not only for the players but especially for the fans.

  12. It seems that Dayton is really putting a lot into this scrimmage, i.e. scouting Lumberton at BC for a scrimmage. Some people will say that is the norm., I think it is a little excessive but it doesn't matter either way. To be honest with you...Lumberton is more focused on Hamshire Fannett next Fri. than they are on Dayton Sat. morn. and that is a fact...the truth. Sure, they would like to do well...but they are not going to have a lot riding on it like they will in a week when the reg. season starts. They may go over a little Dayton stuff in practice but not to the extreme that they have been preparing for HF. Either way, good luck to both teams and stay injury free. Hopefully Lumberton will play hard and compete.

    So I guess its ok for HF to scout Lumberton saturday morning?  It's the same freakn'thing!  There's a lot of what if's but lets say they meet in the playoffs and the Dayton coaches didn't scout them early on in the season...lot's of variables but its ok if you wanna'play it down to a scrimmage. 

  13. 7 Mary we need to plan on making the trip.  I can use a good smile.

    Wouldn't miss this one! We can sit right in the middle of the L-Train and cheer for the D-Train because you know the D-Train probably won't have a chance because of that one point loss last year. HA HA HA HA!  Whatever..........would like to be on the L-Train's bus after the game when Dayton has just totally humiliated them.  It's ashame that this game didn't take place on their site because im sure after it's over the L-Train will blame it on the venue. C'mon, somebody post the score from last year, haven't seen it yet!  :D


    Look...Just because the Dayton fans have been making excuses for almost a year now doesn't mean that Lumberton will make any after this SCRIMMAGE. I think you talk about last years score more than any of the Lumberton fans. Everytime I see you post it's about last years game & score. Get over it! You people just couldn't be a good sport and congratulate the other team you have to come on here and make excuses and HATE on anybody that posts anything about Lumberton and make this SCRIMMAGE out to be the equivalent of the Super Bowl or something. Grow UP! Quit bringing up last year, it's over now. If Dayton does better in this SCRIMMAGE then so be it. Good for them. I don't think it matters who wins or loses...we will have to hear about last years so called FLUKE for eternity regardless of the outcome Sat.

    I think I hit a nerve.....gotta'love these public forums....I promise it'll be ok...what was the score again?

  14. 7 Mary we need to plan on making the trip.  I can use a good smile.

    Wouldn't miss this one! We can sit right in the middle of the L-Train and cheer for the D-Train because you know the D-Train probably won't have a chance because of that one point loss last year. HA HA HA HA!  Whatever..........would like to be on the L-Train's bus after the game when Dayton has just totally humiliated them.  It's ashame that this game didn't take place on their site because im sure after it's over the L-Train will blame it on the venue. C'mon, somebody post the score from last year, haven't seen it yet!  :D

    I'll bet you were one of the dayton fans who left the stands a little early last year! for your sake, I hope dayton does well because if they lose this [scrimmage] it will set the tone for your whole season! if lumberton wins, and they have a really good chance, you guys will blame it all on your loss on defense. that is the beauty of it all, lumberton has nothing to lose, dayton does. hmmmm, I feel pressure!

    Bout'time we got a response, but no score posted from last year?  I bet there are members of the L-train that have that score tatooed on their body somewhere as much as i seen it posted last year.  It'll be a good test just like WOS was for dem'broncs but I just really think the L-Train doesn't realize what they are about to get into, but hey, congrats on last years win, ya'll didn't put your basketball shoes up yet did ya?

  15. 7 Mary we need to plan on making the trip.  I can use a good smile.

    Wouldn't miss this one! We can sit right in the middle of the L-Train and cheer for the D-Train because you know the D-Train probably won't have a chance because of that one point loss last year. HA HA HA HA!  Whatever..........would like to be on the L-Train's bus after the game when Dayton has just totally humiliated them.  It's ashame that this game didn't take place on their site because im sure after it's over the L-Train will blame it on the venue. C'mon, somebody post the score from last year, haven't seen it yet!  :D

  16. I have wondered this myself and in talking to a lot of players, coaches and fans this is my thinking on the matter:

    No Doubt recently - last 2 - 3 years Dayton has a distinct advantage over Liberty and the games would likely have been very lopsided.  However, before that time both Liberty and Dayton had good teams and would have been a good game to go watch - and I think very competitive.  The year Liberty was 10 - 0 I really would have liked to have seen this game - I think would have been a great game (2003).

    Liberty at this time does not want to play Dayton due to the difference in talent level - But do not think that Dayton really wants to play Liberty either - right now they would win fairly easily - but when (and it will happen) that the teams become closer in talent then IF Liberty were to play Dayton then Dayton is the only team with any risk - and what I mean is this: If Liberty loses then "well they were supposed to lose so really so what" but, if Liberty where to pull the upset Dayton then everyone will start saying "well whats wrong with Dayton if they cannot beat Liberty - a Smaller school". 

    Personally I would like to see these two teams play - but would really like to see Liberty be able to step on the field with Dayton with either team having a chance to win.

    Go Panthers  ;D

    your right about that. I think the 2003 Liberty team would have proably beaten Dayton that year.

    2003, 2004, and 2005 all put together would get stomped

    oh please that 2004 team got stomped by Nederland in the first round of the playoffs

    What do you mean, "oh please" they would have not even let Liberty on to the field. If Nederland stomped us then ya'll might have been able to beat their drill team, maybe.  ::)

    Wait a minute, didn't Liberty that year resort to their drill team for players? :D

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