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Everything posted by Terrier

  1. It will be interesting to see if Vidor rebounds strong after the loss to Ozen or if there is hangover. I'll take Vidor in a close one 7-6. I think LCM's pitching is just not consistent enough to hold down the good hitting teams.
  2. It is obvious that Vidor has a very good team. Vidor, LCM, PNG and Nederland are close in talent level. When teams are that close the difference between winning and losing comes down to the details. Team discipline and chemistry are big factors. Vidor seems to have both of those going for them this year. Some coaches are very good disciplinarians but are terrible at fostering team chemistry. If they continue to win Vidor will eventually crack the top ten.
  3. I am glad that almost 2500 people have read this thread. Maybe it will deter fans from getting out of control in the future. If it makes somebody stop and think before they open their mouths and say something derogatory about another person's family member then it is positive thing.
  4. You can say that the Vidor fans would have reacted badly if the calls went against them. You are probably right. But you can't justify bad behavior just because someone else would have done the same thing. Violent behavior by sports fans is increasingly becoming a problem. There have been cases of High School games being played with no fans allowed to watch because of the threat of violence. Granted no physical violence occurred last night. But the type of verbal abuse that was going on made it a possibility. How can we expect our kids to be civil with each other when the adults can't.
  5. You are exactly right. He should have been in position on the bag. It was a perfect double play ball. If he would have been in the right place there would have been no controversy. PNG had numerous chances with runners in scoring position after the controversy and did not deliver. The one thing I don't understand is how they allowed that one run to score after the umps made the initial out call. PNG left the field thinking the inning was over. While the umps consulted they let the player on second come around and score. They almost allowed the runner who was clearly out at second score too. All I can say is if you don't like the quality of the umpiring and you think you can do a better job sign up. There is a big shortage of people who are willing to umpire just because of the abuse they have to take if they miss a call. I am not perfect and I suspect neither are any of you. The venom that was spewing forth from the mouth of some of the PNG fans was childish and way out of line. That one particular women on the PNG side should have been asked to leave in my opinion. The things she said were downright despicable.
  6. It's true that LCM can hit the longball. But good pitching neutralizes good hitting any day of the week. I think Nederland takes this in a close one 4-2. LCM's pitching just hasn't shown that they can hold down the quality hitting teams. If they chose the winner based on just the sheer muscle mass of the team LCM would win hands down.
  7. Still too early. But next Tuesday will help sort it out. PNG plays Vidor and Nederland faces LCM.
  8. I think Idiocy is the correct term. Idiocy \Id"i*o*cy\, n. [From idiot; cf. Gr. ? uncouthness, want of education, fr. ?. See Idiot, and cf. Idiotcy.] The condition or quality of being an idiot; absence, or marked deficiency, of sense and intelligence. ;D ;D ;D ;D
  9. PNG will definitely have to minimize the errors as district progresses. It will eventually come back to bite them. Nederland was just one swing of the bat away from winning that game. That's how close the top teams are to each other. There is still a lot of games left and anything can happen. I wouldn't put the crown on anybody yet.
  10. It's way too early to write anybody off. The bears have a very good team. They ran into some good pitching that night. I don't think I have ever seen a team with the size players that LCM has. They must have a good weight training program. Those guys are huge.
  11. He went down hard last game. I hope he is not risking a more serious injury that could jeopardize his season.
  12. On one of the other threads someone posted he has an ACL injury. Not sure of the severity.
  13. Nolan Ryan had an intense regimen. So did Cal Ripken. They didn't work out like that until they were grown men. These kids are developing more muscle than their tendons and ligaments can handle. On top of that they are not developing flexibility and everything gets so tight until something has to give. That's why we see so many more tendon and ligament injuries to High School athletes.
  14. I think the point is not that weight training is bad all together. But that offseason football weight training on a game day is not a good thing. This is directly from Cal Ripkens blog I tend to favor having young athletes perform exercises that utilize their own body weight. This should prevent an overtaxing of their still-developing bones, muscles and joints. My dad, Cal Ripken, Sr., favored many of the calisthenics - such as push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups - that you often see performed in military boot camps. Maybe it's a bit conservative or "old school," but that's how my brother Bill and I were brought up, and we did pretty well for ourselves.
  15. Rest between workouts is the most important part of getting stronger. That is when the muscles repair themselves and your strength and muscle size increases. Constantly overworking the body only makes you weaker not stronger. Having the players workout with weights on the day of a game is sheer stupidity.
  16. It is common. Football is king in this area. Some schools are worse than others about it. It really depends if your baseball coach is strong enough to stand up to the football coach. Because the football coach is usually the baseball coaches boss.
  17. Woods is a good player. He missed out on playing time early because of grades I believe. Others got a chance to show what they could do and earned a spot. PNG has lots of good players sitting on the bench. Just has to wait for an opportunity and take advantage.
  18. As TO would say "Get your popcorn ready. Because it's gonna be a show". ;D
  19. The only thing different about PNG's lineup is Sangster DH's for Jalali.
  20. Hard to play defense if the ball is leaving the yard.
  21. This was not even a test for LCM. We will find out Friday if they are what they appear to be.
  22. Gonna be tough one for the Indians. With Harrington throwing last night one of the other guys will have to step up and try to keep the ball in the yard. I think LCM has the advantage right now the way they are swinging the bats. LCM 8-4.
  23. I agree that Everett didn't hit for a very good average. But his defense was excellent. Look what the Astro's replaced him with. A shortstop with questionable defensive skills and HR power.
  24. I don't know you. But I read this forum a lot. I have noticed that most of your posts only point out what Carnahan does in the games. I only posted that based on what I have read many times. I apologize if I am wrong.
  25. since you keep the books can you tell me how many homeruns harrington has? No response? Just interested in shameless self promotion I guess.
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