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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. I coached the Seniors (13-14), we havhad to go all the way to HJ to win ;D
  2. Dang, Central with 7 picks. Impressive!! Congrats ladies.
  3. What all teams are going to be on the girls side? Last yeah HF was not in Orangefields Boys regional tournament, but we played the girls in our regionals. I hope Orangefield gets the girls tournament. ;D
  4. I have to stop reading on here, everytime I do I want to throw up.
  5. Whoa, this is a turn around from some of the other posts I have read of yours. Thank you very much, I will be sick about this for a really long time.
  6. His team has been consistly state ranked the whole year, he won district... I don't think Wrinkle is a bad coach, so before anyone runs to tell him what they thought I've said know that I think he did a good job, he just had 5 loses in district how can he get coach of the year? Now when Orangefield wins district next year I think he should get it. ;D
  7. Oldtimer, I am not saying that is he a bad coach, and I went to the game when they beat Jasper the first time, and 2 of the Silsbee games once in the Orangefield tournament and when they beat us during district at home. Someone said Orangefield didn't have a lot a talent. I'm going to disagree with this. They have more talent than the team that went to the playoffs in '05 Sutherland easily takes Coach of the Year.
  8. Bobcatfan4life, is there anyway you can put the game on here from your video last night, I'd love for people on here to see how screwed up the call was.
  9. Thanks Cat22! I emailed all of them. I hope I get a response.
  10. I hope HJ because I want them to meet Navasota and kick their butts I will be in Huntsville watching. I'll be wearing my Orangefield shirt because we deserve to be there too. Go get'em Hawks.
  11. It was KK Little, and she was I would be in between half court and the 3-point line. Hawks4Life, thanks. I am still sick about this and I'm sure I will be for a while. :'(
  12. I have seen teams before who stand up until they make their first point, and thats never been a "T". Orangefield robbed yet again. And to the people who are saying that he didn't lose us that game, when HJ beat us in HJ we lost fair and square you didn't see us on here saying it was the refs. THIS would be a game where a ref lost us the game. I guess if we would have made every single shot I'm sure we would have won, heck we would never lose! :
  13. I talked to the ref in question after the game lucky him he was parked right next to me. I said "How can you sleep at night, you stole that game from those girls" The sucky ref replies "Don't worry I'll sleep just fine." I said "We won't" closed his door. He was escorted by 2 yes 2 police officers when he drove off. And yes believe it our not I was that nice, I had to be Orangefields Principals were right next to us.
  14. Wow. What an awesome game. We got screwed by the refs yet again! It was Diboll last all over again. Down by 17 this year (16 last year) came back tied it up forced overtime. KK I've said it so many times you were the heart and soul of this team you had an amazing career and I'm going to miss you so much. Laura Riddick you're a monster. An absolute monster! You never gave up and I am so proud of you. Oilvia Wagner I think of you as a sister, you played you're heart out tonight and I'm so proud of you. Jessica Weldon I'm not going to lie the beginning of the year you had my blood pressure so high, but you improved 100 percent. Good job. Allie Beach I coached you in Little Dribblers when you were 14, and I would have never thought you would have turned into the woman and the basketball player you are today! You are great! Now to my real sister Aimee Scales, sister you played like I wanted you to play your whole life!! I'm so proud of you right now, and I have to remember you're just a sophomore. Marissa Wyatt remember this name everyone shes only a freshman and you made some freshman mistakes this year, but you played on a team that was great and in a district in the that was the hardest in the state learn from this. Ok, now let me tell you something where is OldRef? I hope you read this...Your counterpart tonight cost us that game! I just heard from a few of the players he didn't like the call you made for KK in the end and he told coach Jost he didn't agree with you THATS why he called the T for our players for cheering. Meanwhile Navasotas players, cheerleaders, and fans were all over the court! How can you take a game from a group of girls who played their hearts out. They gave it their all, and it was ripped away from them. You couldn't over rule him? You weren't bad tonight at all I was glad to see you at our game. Way to go Lady Cats. You won this game in all our hearts.
  15. Barbers Hill fans, tell Coach Toon the Orangefield team of '05 is pulling for him. BH by 7
  16. I'm from Orangefield and I think Sutherland should get it. He beat Jasper twice, Orangefield twice, and Silsbee twice.
  17. I nominate Todd Sutherland USA Today coach of the millenium... : : :...
  18. How did Fairfield lose to Madisonville?
  19. I'm glad Fairfield won, I'm still bitter towards Diboll beating us last year at regionals. ;D
  20. I hope you all are right. This is going to be one of the best teams we have played all season. The good thing for us is we had such a tough district. Navasota hasn't had a close game since December. [move][/move]LET'S GO GET THEM LADY CATS!!!
  21. This is unbelieveable. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.
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