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Posts posted by biaplayer

  1. think da butch would be a great place to play at but hate the parking lol. But in reality im not counting my chickens before they hatch, manvel is next and lets keep our focus on them. broncos focus on lamarque and lets get this done . Purple on purple is a great sight but we have to go take care of business first, Happy thanksgiving to all and bring on some good food and football!!!
  2. well i watched the video of the manvel vs lamarque game and it looked like they got blown right out the stadium. It looks as if lamarque had no problems running the pill against the mavericks, but they had success throwing the rock too!! With that being said i can see doty and company having a big night if  our offensive line can take care of business up front. I can see bertrand doing what he does best running and moving the chains. Our defense is what it is so i can see it going back and fourth all night. but i dont see it being as high scoring a game as with willis. I have nothing but respect for manvel and am anxious to get this game on, win or lose the ndns have come a long way this year, and soulja just to let you know  will have a png hat on his noggin you can take that to the bank lol! he will try to hide it but i wont let him get away with it lol. I supported the jags last friday night along with others even saw the football team there up top along with ned fans dayton fans lcm fans and even some brook and east chambers fans . good to see all the support for 20-4A! Only in southeast texas!!!!!!!! Scalpem indians!!!!!
  3. wow hum398 you have posted that twice about your thoughts, well my friend  i watched your 3 d-1 recruits and i wasnt impressed they didnt get any pressure on the smaller central offense at all. I will say this the better team lossed in your game and it was the  better coaching won in YOUR game. Centrals sophmore  qb  did a  great job against a very big humble defense. If the coaches would have  spread the defense out  and continued the qb draw they would not have lost, unfortuneatly one of the three penalties the refs happened to throw was the one that brought back the winnin td for central and give yall the game. you will not get passed the next round, your offense didnt really show me  nothing but you might have had a off week for all  i know, but it will all end next week. Good luck though and go post on someone elses threads yours arent needed here. Our team played hard and so did willis, everyone knew it was gonna be a shootout and it was, as far as i am concerned the better team did advance and the team who did all the taunting got what is deserved and that was a loss. The willis band did a awesome job all night and it was a great experience  to watch, i have no voice due to the fact that i was leading the defense chants on the one key drive where we did make the winning stop! Our defense is beat up and we will need some great COACHING this next round, MANVEL is the real deal and we must prepare, win or lose  next week i am proud to watch my ndns week in week out. It has been a heck of a rollercoaster ride .
  4. got to go with da broncos, watched the game against livingston and they pulled it out in the last minute. they took the lions for granted and it went down to fourth and long to get the td and the win. this is the playoffs dont take anyone for granted or you will be at home in the cheap seats! Good luck i would love to see the indians and the broncos in the quarter finals would be a dandy. we have a tough task next week against Manvel they are playing very good ball from what i am hearing but maybe we will pull another rabbit out of our hats this next week. hope to see yall in two weeks, going to the third round when everyone counted us out, this is a good feeling being underdogs week in week out. nice to know that everyone said their was no defense in 20-4a well maybe the offense there was just that much better if anyone knows its the broncos fans they were tested all four quarters last week  : - }
  5. i have heard that willis is all offense and no defense, is there any truth to that? what kind of fanbase does willis have? i am curious if they will even fill the bottom of the stands. The only thing i know as of right now is i will be there early this week got to the game late 630 pm and ended up parking and walking from visitors side, that wont happen again i promise you lol. Is willis a spread team or are they multidimensional? What kind of defense do they run?
  6. well hum398 we want to welcome you to the golden triangle and are ready to see the outcome of the game. You seem to be a very good poster and welcome to the board. If nothing else you will have barbershill89 on your side because that is just how he is. WE all appreceiate good defense and i can only expect that from humble because of what you have said, i havent seen yall play so i am eager to go friday night, one thing you will see this friday is that png will be there supporting the jags, and you will be infront of one heck of a crowd. The new stadium is nice and the scoreboard is huge. I can only pull for the jags because the are out district champs and are representing 20-4A . Dont underestimate  the jags they have a runningback that can get somewheres quick in a hurry. The qb is young but doesnt seem to get rattled and for the most part does throw the ball well and can scramble with the best of them. I think their receivers are all healthy now so it should be a good game. I am intrigued about the three d1 recruits that you are claiming to have, i am all about defense so it will be fun to watch. PNG has no d1 recruits on our defense by no means at all but we did put a very impressive  showing against the jags run game holding heard to -1 yards rushing, lets see if your defense can top that. good luck to both teams and ready to go to the butch again this weekend two nights in a row, man this is messing up my deerhunting lol.
  7. im glad we are playing at the butch it is a awesome staduim and we are 2-0 there, would rather sit on visitors side though, dont want to jinx ourselves, what are you doing tickingoff mommajag there is nothing wrong with playing at the butch and i would think that all of the golden triangle would be out there to support us as we stomp a mudhole in willis. I already told soulja i would come sit with him friday night as they take on humble. I sat with brenham fan and hurt myself with laughter as he was reading all the bashing that yall put on him, man i havent laughed that hard in a while. Cant wait for next week to get here.

  8. well i just watched the broncos get by in a squeeker, one of the best games i have seen in a while. this is the only game i have seen them play this year and i will have to tell you that they had their hands full with livingston and that wasnt supposed to happen go figure, with the upsets this weekend. Dont let your egos block your vision you arent the power house you think you are, snap them chinstraps and bring it or you will be scratching your heads and wondering why you didnt get past the second round. No offense but it was an entertaing game and i met some good people in the cheap seats, good luck hope to see ya in 3 weeks if we both succeed. nicek to meet you lil tex and barbershill89 loved the pink shirt by the way lol
  9. wow  with all the injuries and now the grades issue will barbers hill even have a team to play with lol. So since they are so incredibly talented and are bigger than us and faster than us do we even stand a chance against them hmmmm sounds like a blowout to me lol. Good luck to barbers hill but come the second half i think the tribe leaves you in the dust. As for png putting up 51 i doubt that seriously, i dont think coach faircloth will run it up past the 40s it just doesnt seem like his style, i say bring them to the woodshed and leave the sawdust to be swept out the door! There will be no doubt in the minds of barbershill who the better team is by the time they hit i-10 back to the mound! hey do us a favor put us back on your pre district schedule, i really enjoy getting a w against yall year in year out sometimes twice  a  year. oops  bump?
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