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Posts posted by biaplayer

  1. This game should be a good one. The lions have that big play ability, qb is quick, runningbacks are alussive, arm tackling is gonna kill us. If our defense rapps up like I know they can it cold be trouble for the lions. As for the ignorant people out there predicting png only scoring 14 points, you obviously are suffering from the hot temperatures and drought. Quit sipping that green koolaid, pngs offense once it gets rolling can turn it on with the best of them. There isn't a team in this district that can't be beat, I understand that we have some injuries but that is an excuse. I'm not here to post excuses, I want some results! District is starting, we've had time to make adjustments and heal up. I think Nelson will be hard to stop,bertrand should establish himself because they work him like a plowmule! I don't understand why they don't use the backup runningback also. He has good breakaway speed and hits the holes without hesitation. He is a great compliment to bertrand just going to waste! Don't understand why coaches just use him as a decoy, he should be getting some touches. Miller has shown he can run the ball and be effective thru the air.
    I'm glad to see that the lion nation is taking us lightly over-confidence can be a bad thing, and as for an indian without a spear, well that just makes for a Hungry Indian my friend. Now with that being said the only thing I hate about this game is the middle school field bleachers for the visitors and that annoying female announcer that is about as biased as they come. Other than that it should be a great game, hope my ticket scavenger can round me one up.

    wo weeks
    prepare and two weeks to heal, it is time to get our game faces on and play somr
  2. We got a win but it was over a mediocre team. This game was actually fun to watch from a certain standpoint. A couple of injuries on the d side of the ball didn't hurt us tooo bad. These two weeks off will be well needed to get healthy. We are nowheres where we need to be in my opinion. Tackling is a major issue this team could vey easily have been 3-0 at this point. But we haven't played a team that is playoff worthy at this point, in my opinion. Crosby has two kids that just gave us fits because we didn't rap up. GP is hopeless, have they even scored a touchdown yet? Texas city overall small not the team oflast year but their Defense did tackle fairly decent. I think if we play a team with an exceptional defense that we coul run into trouble down the road. We are nowheres near a playoff caliber teams by nomeans at all. Just got to keep working on the little things and try to get better each week, so ready for district to start and see where we really stand. So what game is there gonna be next week to watch? We have a bye next week and need a good game to go see!
  3. Tough loss last night, crosby had some good speed out there in there QB and running backs. Poor tackling by our defense and poor linebacker play is our downfall. We didn't really put any pressure on them in the backfield and 350 yards later it showed we need some more practice. Bothh teams played their hearts out but I think I would like to see that matchup again in the playoffs providing we both make it. I expected a lot of people got a rude awakening when they saw png's defense get shredded up last night.  People predicting that lopp sided score must have swallowed to much grape koolaid out there in that heat. We have a lot of things we need to improve on, thanks for Crosby exposes some weaknesses in our armour and bringing some of these people back to earth. I don't know what is in store for the indians but we do have room for improvement no doubt. Couldn't have asked for a more exciting game to watch especially in the fourth quarter, can't remeber the last time we ran back a kickoff, who would of thunk it? Ready for next weeks home game can't wait to see chapter 3!
  4. Well I can honestly say I watched the most pathetic display of high school football last week.. I love my ndns but GP couldn't have beaten any 8 th grade team in the state. They were horrible in every aspect of the game. They did pick off a pass and recovered a fumble, but other than that I can't even describe what I watched. But with that being said, nelson was standout no doubt, miller played lights out, only made a couple of oh ohs the whole night. Bertrand had an ok night couple of penalties hurt his yardage a little. Kicker displayed a big foot finally, and the defense put up a shutout. That will probably be the easiest win png has all year. I will understand a little more after tommorrow night in crosby. I hope we keep the momentum up and the intensity. Should be a interesting game, not gonna take Crosby lightly, even though they lost that great D-1 QB WHO I wasn't impressed with at all, if he was D-1 the Doty was all pro lol, sorry just sayin. Would make my day to see another shut out! But I will be happy with win!
  5. Gotta go with Jayce Nelson for PNG kid is fearless and and has a knack of making some really sick one handed catches, he looked good in the pam scrimmage and was a 1 man scoring machine last night. Pretty sure they will start double teaming him here in the near future which will open doors for some other receivers to shine.
  6. Well it was a good game for png not so good for GP. I'm not gonna get to excited over this game. We still need a lot of work! We turned the ball over twice on
    botched plays inside our 30. This can't happen even with a team as sorry as GP! We need to have a good week of practice and prepare for crosby! Personally I would like to see someone else besides nelson catch the ball, it won't always be just him, other receivers need to get more envolved had a couple of ..sure touchdowns dropped! Did like some of the offensive calls from coach fairclothe, he was getting pretty creative.
  7. hey brenhamfan just to let you know the guy that stood up and confronted the jackass making all the comments while the injured mav was on the ground was my friend that rode with us up there, and was a past indian spirit who loves png football just as i do. sometimes you just got to stand up and confront ignorant people like the one that made an ass of himself. I for one know that sometimes one can get carried away and say some dumb crap but im here to tell you it was probably best he didnt come down because it would have been ugly lol. It wouldnt be the first time i that i would have been escorted from a game. I hate that we the fans always get viewed as blind fans, yes some of us do get out of hand from time to time but i do like our fan support and am glad i bleed purple,  with that being said, looking forward to next year and week 0 ready to go out and thump Gregory Portland lol. Glad you came to the game as it always good to hear outside views of this crazy purple nation lol.
  8. well it was a game to remember lol. It was nice to meet pngproud and ndnwarrior and the other fella, forgot who he was lol. Exciting game to say the least. tit for tat the whole game. The pic 6 early in the first was basically the back breaker when it came down to the end. The onside kick was something that i will never forget , a thing of beauty and it is something that must have been practiced on over and over and over, congrats to the mavs they have a very talented team no doubt, we hung in the first half but a quick score and then the onside which we were wanting to do to start the second half in the stands was brilliant. Then  the unanswered 35 points was just a little to much for the indians to overcome. I believe if we went for two every time we scored it might have been a different story. yall won the turnover battle and that was key. the overall team speed was very impressive. We got beat by the better team not gonna thrive too much on the personal fouls, we all know how that distirict is. it is probably the toughest in the state no doubt, nevertheless it was a great game, i want to say thanks to all the players, coaches, fans, the band and all the other high school football  teams out there for memories and games i was able to attend. It was a great year and was a bumpy ride no doubt, cant wait till next year it should be fun. Good luck to the mavs, dont think lamarque will show you no mercy next week though will be tough. As for the honkahey yell it all you want nothing wrong with supporting your team, again good luck to the mavs you have a very talented team.
  9. no mention of the coach from kirbyville, back to back finals appearances come on 12-0 lets not be so biased huh, and how about the late Curtis Barbay of newton, he was no doubt a legend!!! WE surely have some great coaching in this area no doubt, i myself am happy with faircloth and he has done wonders with our kids. Everyone has their opinions so dont get offended if someone doesnt mention your coach.  If your kids and your  community are behind your coach what does it matter.
  10. well xlmcoog88, i have nothing to do with this thread but it seems to me that you are trying to bring the garbage talk to yourself. If you and your friend that doesnt post on here doesnt like all this "homerism" as you call it why do you come on here and get involved. I myself have nothing but respect for lamarque, friendswood, and dayton also. They are all very good programs and have been for years. Yes you have % rings as you call it for state titles, so what doesnt mean squat. If you are hungry and the stars line up anything can happen, you for one should know, wasnt that long ago that the L-train rolled allover the coogs sending them packing. That was a team that had never been to the playoffs and made the most of it. Anything can happen, cant wait to see the outcome of all of these games this coming week. Thanks for posting all of the scores from your district each week it is appreceiated but if you dont like what some people post on here then stay on your board, yes there is alot of bs but that is what makes some of this fun to read and respond to. Good luck to both teams and let the champs of the creampuff district send the coogs home with a loss. If my team wins it doesnt matter who we face out of your game it will be a good one to watch no matter the outcome.
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