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Posts posted by DAMan

  1. Agreed, nothing good can come from airing private coaching decisions.  If kids are challenged by a coach then that is between the Coach and the player.  Do everyone a favor and delete.

    Come on now. Of all the things that get discussed on this board, you're telling me that a coaches seemingly strange way of motivating her players is off limits.

    Are you a parent of a kid? Have you met with the Coach? Seems a little shortsided to me. Bag what is your take on it?

    No, I'm not a parent of a kid. Just heard this and it seemed a little strange to me. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know a whole lot about softball, but I enjoy reading the posts of the people who do. I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts on this were.

    I believe what you "heard" is not 100% accurate, thats why you dont start post like these and if you do you delete it!

    BreakerCoach, do as your signature says, "If you can't start it, stir it." :D

  2. Back Who ????   I wish this thread had not been started.

    What is their issue with the pay?

    If they got into this thinking, Man, I am gonna get rich, then they got into it for the wrong reason.

    I do not see how one could lose money.  We get $40.00 JV  and $45.00 varsity and for travel 58.5

    cents per mile.

    If you are losing money, must be eating steak and lobster after every game.

    This is not directed at you MrUmp1. 

    Just curious as to what the pay problem is.

  3. Umpire wanna bees who don't like pitcher dads.  Who do you think usually hand you the 30 dollars?

    Should I be offended?  No, because by handing U that 30.00, he thinks he just bought U.

    OK..............Houston area "EMPIRES"

    Okay, now I'm offended.  ;D  U should be, he was talking about U. ;D  Probably LS.

  4. Ok, so a similar thread on the GBB forum and it looks like its picking up steam, so thought I'd steal the idea.  Its kinda slow for travel ball right, so thought it'd be fun to list our pet peeves...here are some of mine in no particular order:

    TD's who won't post or tell you, or lie about who's signed up to play

    Managers who double or even triple book

    Club Volleyball

    Base coaches who want to argure about rules they don't know

    School Volleyball

    Team jumpin', non-committing primadonna players

    That game where you bounce a ball over a net while wearing tight shorts during softball exposure season


  5. You are correct Pants.... I would think it would be very rare that a ball could have been played by one infielder, passes him hits a runner, and another infielder could have still made a play. Of course the ball can bounce in some strange ways. I blame it on global warming.

    In baseball, is it another infielder, or another fielder - could have made a play?

    If the book says fielder, it still means an infielder. The pitcher does not count in this.

    Agree however, an outfielder playing in close could have a play.

  6. You are correct Pants.... I would think it would be very rare that a ball could have been played by one infielder, passes him hits a runner, and another infielder could have still made a play. Of course the ball can bounce in some strange ways. I blame it on global warming.

    In baseball, is it another infielder, or another fielder - could have made a play?

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