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Posts posted by DAMan

  1. DaMan, Check your PM,s . I had a rules question that I sent to you . If you didn't get it let me know.


    I answered, but from my laptop and for some reason it does not allow me on SETXsports.

    In USFA, if the rule is not stated in the 8 page rule book, then umpires are told to revert to NFHS


    Rule 3 Section 6 Penalty:

  2. DaMan, Check your PM,s . I had a rules question that I sent to you . If you didn't get it let me know.


    I answered, but from my laptop and for some reason it does not allow me on SETXsports.

    In USFA, if the rule is not stated in the 8 page rule book, then umpires are told to revert to NFHS


    In the case you stated, an unreported sub., the rule is the first offense is just a warning.  On the 2nd

    violation is where the penalty is inforced.  Penalty is same as in ASA, or IFA.

  3. It will happen in 2010?  The articles I've read said the 2010/11 school year with states having the option to start it sooner if they wish. Is the NFHS a governing body or do they simply issue standard guidelines for the states?

    TASO/UIL for Texas, but NFHS is governing body.


    Would be hard to do with so many tournaments and pre-season play with 3A verus 4A and 5A.  Would

    have to change out every inning.  :D

  4. This weekend at a tourney in Pasadena ,I saw a young lady pass out from heat exaustion after playing in the brutal heat this weekend . The young lady was hyperventilating and fading in and out of conciseness before the paremedics arrived, she was in very bad shape and looked to go into convulsions  :-\ The next day this same young lady was on the field running bases and playing in this same brutal heat with the hospital band on her arm  ??? ??? ??? I have made many decisions questioned by others, but can not understand how a coach or parent would allow a player take this chance the very next day after being in such bad shape . Kids should be able to make decisions in life but a life and death decision changes the perspective. Heat exhaustion is no joke or anything to play with. It is an illness that once you have exposed your body to it ,makes you more prone to have again . Even if the parents want there kid to play I know myself as a coach would if nothing else have her sit the bench for her well being . What are some of your opinions on this  ???

    If I am the umpire and know she had this condition, I would ask for a Doctors release.  If none, she

    would set the bench, and I would be in my rights.

  5. I thought that the coaches did an outstanding job at the Instructional camp.  I got to call a couple

    of games they arranged the gals to take part in after the camp was over.  It was interesting.  The

    coaches, did not matter what team they were coaching, would help all the players during the games.

    Angelina and Kingsville coaches were on the field I was assigned.

    Great job Coaches.

  6. Ok - I am confused.  BHBlue is NOT R. Roth?

    Yes, this umpire was out on the field not behind the plate.  We beat them in two, so if the third game would have happened, he would have been behind the plate.  It must have been the last game of the series when he said something to Lauren about being from Texas. 

    No Mam, BHBLUE is not R. Roth.  Both equally good, but two different fellows.  As for James M., me is

    also good.

    Pappa---I agree that you are good--but at least let us speak for you.  ROFLMBO

    Fixed that error5.

  7. Crush (CC) went 3-2 . In the wins we looked VERY GOOD. In the loses we looked VERY not so good. Beat Magnolia Steel (LA) most of their players were signed, Bad Attitude and SK TEXAS STING GOLD (Morse). Lost to LA Patriots, and Texas Magic.  How about the HOT weather at Ford Park. 4 different umpires had their plate shoes melt while on the field.

    It was definiately HOT.

    I, JMHO, think that Texas Magic had the best team there.  Now don't jump hard P88, I did not see y'all

    play but saw Texas Magic 3 times and all times were very impressive performances.  They beat Pariots

    and OCG very handily.

    It was a good tournament and yes, there more than a handful of college coaches.

    Even a few college players.  Good to see M Verde and Dad on hand

    Even one college coach coaching a team.  The LA Blast.  They were not bad either.

  8. Ok - I am confused.  BHBlue is NOT R. Roth?

    Yes, this umpire was out on the field not behind the plate.  We beat them in two, so if the third game would have happened, he would have been behind the plate.  It must have been the last game of the series when he said something to Lauren about being from Texas.  

    No Mam, BHBLUE is not R. Roth.  Both equally good, but two different fellows.  As for James M., he is

    also good.

    edited to correct spelling that weed has already caught.

  9. How well has this tournament been attended by college coaches in the past?

    This tournament in years past has always had allot of College Coaches attend. Matter of fact we've had several girls get signed because of this tournament the past few years.

    Hit Away, out of Houston, puts this one on their agenda each year to get their girls the exposer. Its a good tournament to attend.

    Even with BHBLUE on your field. ;D

  10. Have to agree the 12U AFA National Championship was special.

    Also the coaching discussions with BLT in the dugout during close games.

    And of course the Umpires calling me out during a game telling me to keep the big guy in the stands quiet !  ;D

    of course I always told them you tell him, he'll pinch my head off !

    How about telling those ASA umpires that its just brown bubble gum. ;D

    Had to be Mike Grogran

  11. Back in the day of the ORIGINAL ORANGE CRUSH, we ALWAYS lost that first bracket game and had to play back to back ballgames and almost always ended up in the championship game... That was the best!!! oh the memories...

    Back then I would've beat CC's head in the ground a few times myself....well actually that feeling has'nt changed much..  :o ;D

    LIAR, LIAR, Pants on Fire.  ;D

  12. Hillguy

    Have to say this is the first thing I thought of when I heard of this.  Forming a team of players from the same high school is a good way to have a better HS team next year, but does very little to help gain exposure and experience for the players who will move to the next level.

    It also puts them in the limelight.  One HS shows at pratices taking part,

    one HS uniform shows up, one piece of school equipment is found, then these

    young ladies could be in violations of UIL/TASO rules and jeopardize their

    futures.  You never know who is watching.

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