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Posts posted by CRUSHCOACH

  1.  Well truthfully........ Neither A&M or my Horns should be crowing about anything they are doing ! Right now they both plain SUCK ! It's embarrasing that the great state of Texas has two schools the size of A&M and Texas with the money they have and field teams that they have had.

      Sad state of affairs when Baylor and SMU are your best schools !




  2.   Orange Crush Gold will be holding tryouts for the upcoming season this weekend. We will start on Saturday at 9:00 Am at LCM High School. Then we will have another tryout on Sunday at 2:00 PM at LCM High School as well. For more info contact any of the following

    John Harrell  (409) 988-1142

    Patrick Toomey (409) 988-3409

    Kevin Wiggins  (409) 313-2730

  3. 4 hours ago, Lukethadrifter said:

    Simple math brother, 2 is larger than 1. 2 loss Georgia vs 2 Loss Oklahoma.....Most years, GA is gonna get the nod. Obviously, it depends on who beat them, but I think most would agree (especially the folks who make the decisions) that if you take the last 15 years of college football as a WHOLE, the SEC would get that nod 75-80% of the time over ANY other conference. You may not like it, you may think it's unfair, hell even I think it may be a bit unfair, but you simply cannot argue with HISTORY and the facts that support a decisive advantage of playing in the SEC. Problem is, as most in SEC teams will attest to, it's a nightmare to even get to the point where you can get the "benefit of the doubt" from the committee (As someone said in earlier post, teams are kept at "arms length")You can argue "conspiracy" all you want or "SEC bias" or ESPN is in "bed with the SEC", but until another conference wins almost 70% of the national championships in a 15 year period, it is not going to change.

    To change that dynamic in our current system, a conference like the big 10 or big 12 is going to have to reel off 3 or 4 of the next 5 or 6 championships, much like the SEC did from 2006 to 2012 when 3 different teams won NC's from the SEC for 7 years straight. The SEC is STILL benefiting from that run of dominance and as long as Bama keeps carrying that torch, it's not likely to change. 

    OOPS ! My bad ! Forgot about Georgia losing 2. And I completely understand why the SEC would get the nod. They have earned that right for sure. Hopefully Texas and the Big XII will become relevant at the national level again very soon ! Oklahoma SUCKS !

  4. 18 hours ago, PhatMack19 said:

    That’s who everyone is striving to be.  A 1 loss SEC team will get in most years.  Unlike Baylor and TCU that watched from home a few years ago.  OU and Texas would probably be the only Big 12 teams that would have a shot with 1 loss and even then it is a debate most years.  

      Then why is Oklahoma playing in the playoff and Georgia is NOT??

  5.  Poor decision making for one thing. As well as, you have got to hit open recievers down the field. And he has not done that on a consistant basis for the last 2 years. Now, alot of that has to do with his Offensive Coordinators play calling, no doubt. Personally, as far as a person I like Dak. He keeps his nose clean and you don't hear any bad things about him. But, if you're going to be the starting QB for the Cowboys you have to take care of business on the field !

      He reminds me alot of Danny White. He has the tools, but makes poor decisions at the wrong time. But, I will pull for him and the Cowboys every week regardless !

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