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Everything posted by ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING

  1. Y r you surprised wos never rebuilds always reloads and when they cut downs on the mistakes the games r blowout shutting out teams and undefeated I don't see a difference from any other wos teams expect these freshmen sophomores and juniors getting it done with the vets
  2. My thing is when wos games r close it's because of mistakes they have made and should have been blowouts I haven't seen anybody come out and just straight man handle them like they do to other teams
  3. And can somebody plz tell me y they haven't thrown a screen past all yr
  4. You right shouldn't have shot ourselves in the foot l still don't see a threat
  5. My attitude is great I was bless to wake up this morning I'm just not seeing anything stopping this train expect themselves like last night 2 redzone mistakes if not it would have been another snoozer
  6. No it's not they will hang 30 or 40 on these people to I wanna see one division again I'm getting bored really fast with this 2 divions crap
  7. Y r u guys posting who won what and who lost what none of that matters. U all know the only thing that matters is how the teams play tomorrow so stop looking at the past it has nothing to do with the outcome of the future in this case half of u guys sound nervous like ur getting the game relax it will be another skull dragging. I don't care about speed or size, R YOU WILLING TO GET PHYSICAL BOTTOM LINE
  8. Oh yea baseball When was the last time png won state
  9. Ok so they play teams that take bad pursuit angles and can't tackle don't see anything stopping the train at all and I'm not talking about just this week
  10. Conroe Moorhead stadium Friday night 7:30 I knew this yesterday at noon I thought u guys did to sorry
  11. Nobody is a lock to win anything ever no matter what level Alabama new England or wos but it's seem those teams find ways to get it done
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