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Posts posted by Aces_Full

  1. 14 minutes ago, JayBilas said:

    No secret on the boys hire. It's David Green. From the info that I have gathered, they had to repost the position due to adding "assistant athletic director" to the title, so that they could justify the money. They had to follow protocol on the hire. It takes time. Have some patience, folks! Tammy Walker-Brown is going to be the girls choice, and that was easy to see as well.

    Thanks Dickie!

  2. 46 minutes ago, bradyb said:

    Yates lives off of turnovers, right? SIlsbee is NOT going to turn the ball over like most teams did against Yates. 3 D1 guards are going to handle the pressure and get lay up after lay up and open 3's from the corner. 

    Agree on that.  But I don't think Silsbee's pressure and overall defense is as good as last season's as well.  Should be an entertaining game.  Hope the Tigers can pull it out again.  

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