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Everything posted by setxathlete14

  1. I'm the butt hurt one? 🤣🤣🤣. You don't see me flinging out irresponsible comments because of posters on a public forum which most of us are adults here if I understand correctly. So some posters opinions CLEARLY matter to you because they're "on you're nerves"
  2. Sure they do. WOS hired what they thought was the best candidate for the job at that time. What else matters?
  3. I agree that was a pretty ignorant post. But to be expected from that one. We all want what's best for the kids and we all can agree this ain't it and they deserve better.. Pretty cut and dry no matter who's at the helm...
  4. Hes not an outsider, he was a former DL coach and had ties to WOS?
  5. Someone can fact check me. But I believe the legit RB becomes eligible before the Lumberton game. Perfect timing.
  6. For whatever reason he seems to enjoy getting confused in the WOS conversations lol
  7. I'm not any better at explaining but SmashMouth doesn't understand lol those are problems lumberton will never have to deal with.....idk how many but WOS is getting exactly what (they) (ones rooting for previous coaches departure).... based off asinine accusations..... asked for... mediocrity
  8. I'm more surprised lumberton scored 54. "Vidors defense was a strength"
  9. Vidor tried slowing them down shutting off the lights before the game. 🤣🤣
  10. I'm trying real hard to listen to the radio covering for vidor. I can't take it anymore hollering over over the play by play guy. Lol
  11. That's why I mentioned the significant injuries. Noone should expect easy anything.
  12. Back against the wall needed a first down to win on 3rd and long they made it happen with a backup qb... they answer the bell when they need to. Great work bears.
  13. Ugly win is better than an expected L right? Lcm was down a few starters. By the 4th I think we had at least 5 starters out including qb.... Leading tackler mlb was playing with 1 wing.
  14. I'm my opinion no. They are super 1 dimensional. But have some size
  15. Bears took some injuries to these big boys. Next week will be tough
  16. 2 freshman teams. That's screaming 5A to me lol
  17. Do I really have to go there? We're 1 day away from week 7. And the last 2 pages have had 0 to do with the actual game thread.. I've seen many threads locked earlier for less...but don't let me be a grinch lol
  18. I understand... but The last 2 pages have 0 to do with the thread title. You see it all the time "stay on topic"
  19. I guess this is going to be every week WOS loses... idk why this thread isn't locked yet.
  20. That's pretty bold. I've seen a few pretty big on Livingston this year top 2 team in district
  21. I'm seeing your turn your 2 win prediction around pretty fast.
  22. Most said the same when vidor played lcm... I like vidors chances.
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