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Posts posted by ice74

  1. Just looking at the stats, i know that Clements would like to run the ball.  However, after seeing the pass defense of the Bruins last week, i look for them to be more pass heavy in their game planning than normal.  This is definitley the weakness of the bears.  Can't afford to start slow against them, we have to come out and dominate from begiing to end.  Let's go bruins!  You can do it!

  2. I think they need to go back to PNG football, running in between the tackles and short passing game.  Saw them play Ozen and they had good protection but not enough options for the QB, nothing but sideline, go routes.  I think many schools make the mistake of looking for the long bomb, instead of focusing on moving the chains which eventually results in touchdowns.  Counters, screen passes, and more passes to the middle of the field... 

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