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Posts posted by ice74

  1. Heart comes from more than a coach. It comes from many different places including coaches. For all you people in Beaumont that think athletes wins games please keep thinking that.

    Arguments can be made both ways, a team loaded with talent without leadership will not be anymore successful than a team lacking talent with a good coach.  Ozen and PNG have proven that the last couple of years respectively.  There needs to be a good balance of both talent and leadership.

  2. James Brown was better than Chip Ambres.

    No he wasn't. Chip was a much better passer than James.

    No doubt about it, Chip was the better QB and actually had to carry the team at times.  James was very good but also had a great team around him (91-92 season).  Not to mention one of the best OL that WB has ever had.  I definitely don't want to take anything away from James Brown but Chip was a better QB.

  3. Clayton inherited Coach Brooks' leftover talent.  They came in knowing what it took to win.

    Then what happened?

    What do you mean what happened?  Clayton went to the 2nd round in his first year with the remains of the Brooks coached kids.  The next year, we learned that talent alone is not enough.           

    exactly...the limited success that Clayton had was a direct result of Brooks program....

    Please!  Let me first say that there was no one happier than I was when Clayton got the job.  There was no one more disappointed to see what happened.  Clayton chose politics and it ended up costing him and the kids in the end.  The kids that  Clayton coached in his second year were kids that he had coached at the Freshman/JV levels previously.  How could it be Brooks' fault?  If Brooks were to blame, then wouldn't there have been problems in Clayton's first year and not the second?

  4. As usual armchair qb's dont know a thing about what is going on in the real world. The defense at Ozen has been pretty darn good in the last few years. The talent has been great as well but we all know that the main position of qb has never been filled and the future there is still bleak. The staff in place now is filled with knowledgable, moral, and hardworking people and its just a matter of time before the team follows suit and becomes the succesfull team we all know they can be.

    And as far as all the signees the coaches work twice as hard as others to get their players the future chances they deserve thats why there is so many from ozen. Central is no less talented neither is WB if not way more.

    You clearly aren't being honest with youself.  Ozen has had the talent but the coaching staff has left much to be desired in the past few years.  All the other teams know of OZen's talent and they also know that talent alone won't get it done.  I'm so happy for the kids that have the chance to move on to the next level and continue playing ball, but to credit the coaches with this is just wrong in my opinion.  The players worked hard and they are being rewarded for it, the truth is coaches could advocate for their players all they wanted, but at the end of the day schools are signing players that they think will produce.  Congrats to all area players that have signed to play at the next level, keep making us proud! 

  5. man i hope this isnt true i would surely hate it if boutee left......and i dont think Saveat would be interim coach because he's the assistant principal at ozen

    It has been rumored for about a week now and it seems that everything that leaked prior to tonight has come to pass.  I heard that Saveat would be the new coach at Ozen.  Not Sure how I feel about this but he has coached under Boutte for several years and knows the system.  I don't know, just trying to look at the not so dark side.  :-\

  6. ::) There's great Coaches out there without masters Degrees.

    Maybe they know who they want and wrote the requirements to fit him.Who knows???????Stay tuned for some surprises.

    Thats what it sounds like to me.  :P

    You mean they would actually do such a thing?  I can't believe they would write the job description to fit  some pre-selected person!  Just Kidding, I believe they would and they shall do such a thing! ;D 

    BTW - Does Pete Carroll have a Master's Degree?

  7. First of all Congrats to FW on your victory and advancing to the next round.  

    I was at the game tonight and agree that the timing of the calls against Central was horrible and it was apparent that homecooking was being served.  However, even with the biased officiating, We had several opportunites to win this game and move on.  The Jags played their hearts out as they have done all season.  I couldn't be prouder of our 20-4a representative.  Regardless of tonight's outcome, you guys made history and are to be commended.  Congratulations Jags on a great season and we are so proud of you.

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