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Posts posted by RaiderGirl2010

  1. 1 hour ago, bullets13 said:

    those coaches don't get on here and talk about how great they are, and how they're better than other coaches.  oh wait, he "doesn't either".  Kinda funny how @RaiderGirl2010 stated that he doesn't have an account on here because "she knows him", and then 15 minutes after she makes that statement a 15-year-old account with 6 total posts magically signs in, sees this thread and comments about how he turned the program around.  One might presume she texted and asked him about having an account on here, might they?  And coach green is taking those athletes deep into the playoffs in a higher classification against significantly better competition, not losing to the first team with a winning record he faces in the playoffs every year.  

    I’ve known him for years, I’ve known his wife since I was in 7th grade (I turned 30 yesterday), I’m always with some of his family so yes I know him. I’ve been in Lumberton my whole life so I kinda know people 🤦‍♀️ And I know some Lumberton people (no relation) to him that have accounts who don’t ever sign in and post so don’t always assume things. 

  2. For one I know for a FACT that Mitchell DOES NOT have an account on here! So drop that crap to begin with. Also Brock was not a D1 player sophomore and Junior year when they made playoffs. Lumberton has made playoffs 4 times in 57 years and guess who was the coach 3 of the 4…. There has been a ton of injuries this year and it has set them back, if you can’t see that then just stop talking about our boys. Everyone that knows our team knows the injuries that have happened. Also no one coach in the area that doesn’t win doesn’t have talent. Out of all the years of me being on here y’all have really attacked Lumberton this season more than I can ever remember. 

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