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Everything posted by Yeoj

  1. No. 28 is a monster at RB for the Titans. PAM will be fine. There's not a team in that district that's going to stop that kid.
  2. WB is fine. They actually looked really good on defense. The offense had a couple of drops, miscues, and Bryce could have had couple easy rushing TDs had this been a real game. The Bruins are breaking in an entirely new coaching staff and new schemes on both side of the ball.
  3. Dude stop! Art Briles is a POS. Did Fisher or Meyer ever have fifty four sexual assault accusations against their players in any four years during their careers? Its funny how you Briles nuthuggers never mention Sam Ukwuachu. Art Briles gave him a scholarship after Boise State kicked him out of their program for sexual assault. Dude got accused of sexual again at Baylor and Art Briles didn't kick him off the team or discipline him. And you guessed it, he was convicted twice for sexual assualt at Baylor and still to this day has to register as a sex offender. Briles may be a good coach when he has "good" players but dude is a trash person. He couldn't care any less about his players, Briles only concern is winning football games! I'm glad they got rid of his arse before my daughter got to Baylor or this story would have ended very differently.
  4. If someone with a Jim Nantz screen name starts posting on this site! Smdh... Come on Walter, don't be like that.
  5. So was it Baylor or Briles that offered a football player that had been kicked out of two other schools for sexual assault a scholarship? And guess what the player was accused of in Waco? Yep, sexual assault!
  6. How does dude not realize everyone knows who he is! JayBilas and DickyV have the same exact posting style. We all knew it was Walter except when the midget LB with the giant head was posting silly stuff. The gig is up JayBilas/Walter. Its cool homie.
  7. He had more rape accusations against his football players, in his four years at Baylor than the entire history of the school. Briles hasn't been exonerated of being a POS coach with a win at all cost attitude.
  8. So you feel like you have the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her body, but no one has the right tell you to get vaccinated or wear a mask. How do you rationalize that?
  9. So that means you're pro-choice then, right?
  10. Yeah I saw that kid as a freshman against WB last year. The kid could really spin it and throws with very good velocity. They also had really good size on their offensive line. The skills position players were average though.
  11. You have the Bruins mistaken for United. Good luck with that! Lol...
  12. Yeah especially Katy. They played in the D2 football championship with significantly more kids than both D1 participants. SMDH...
  13. LMAO... so obviously you didn't read what your link pulls up. Oh and I would probably be offended if it weren't for the fact that I see you as the MAGA hat wearing cretin that thinks that middle aged white men are the most discriminated people in the US. What a complete and total ridiculous but amusing person you are!
  14. lmao... Did you even read that link or are you just a troll? You probably have a tiki torch, khaki pants, and a bad haircut.
  15. You do realize I started with the definition of racism right? SMH...
  16. Race is defined as a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits. Race is usually associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics, such as hair texture or skin color and covers a relatively narrow range of options. And, that's from Merriam-Webster and you expect us to believe that Racism has nothing to do with skin color? Stop with the ridiculousness!
  17. Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Now how the hell is that not about skin color? SMDH...
  18. Well wasn't one of those mighty teams put in realignment some years ago with some Jefferson county schools and that all powerful team missed the playoffs like both years? Lol...
  19. With all disrespect intended to you SmashMouth, I know of a team in Jefferson county that would smash all those teams.
  20. Pick a place that sells strong drinks. You're going to need them to get through football season and get to basketball season. Notice how @BMTSoulja1 didn't mention anything about the team except a couple players. Lol.... And Porchia really should just stick to basketball. A question about Friday Night Fandom and Robert you start off with basketball. That speaks volumes about what you think of United football. SMDH...
  21. Playing for Duke, he gets to compete against some of the top WRs in the country. He will definitely get some great film for the NFL scouts. Congratulations and good luck on all your future endeavors.
  22. Arkansas owing him millions of dollars probably helps this move back to high school not be that hard of a decision.
  23. If that's the case, they might as well take a chance on the former Bruin then.
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