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Everything posted by gohornets23

  1. "dang president wouldn't get involved if a white kid got arrested for building a clock that people assumed was a bomb!!!!" ...but wait...that would never happen because if the kid weren't muslim everybody would have said "hey cool clock" and he wouldn't have been arrested too many paradoxes here, by brain hurts...I better listen to some more Rush Limbaugh and Toby Keith songs and get myself more smarter
  2. So am I safe to assume that you guys think it's okay that this kid got handcuffed and taken to a juvenile detention center because he was muslim? Is that the overall impression from this enlightened group of deep thinkers on setxsports? Awesome
  3. [Hidden Content]   still waiting for one of you flag waving war lovers to just volunteer and go bring some good ol fashion freedom to those savages!
  4. So what's your solution? Getting in the middle of a sectarian war in the middle east? What purpose does that serve and how does it make us safer? How many of the peaceful ones is it okay to kill in order to get to the slaughterin' kind? 
  5. "Muslims who are intent on wiping Christianity off the face of the earth"   quick google search says that 5 to 12 million muslims live in the United States   what exactly are they waiting for to wreak all this havoc? Is there going to be a big symbol like when the commissioner calls batman? Or is it more likely that those 5 to 12 million Muslims are here for economic opportunities, want to be left alone to live their lives as they please, worship as the please, and raise their families in the way that they see fit. And don't feel compelled to apologize to everybody when a lunatic that happens to share their religion hurts people?    but hey...good news for all you guys! Since "Islam" is the scourge of the earth and needs to be eradicated, the Iraqi army is taking volunteers every day from all over the world..you can go fight ISIS right now!....load up your pickup with your assault rifles, buy a plane ticket, and crank up your Toby Keith songs and you too can go do some good ol' fashioned Muslim killin'...   no takers?....oh right I get it..it's only really really important when other people are getting their heads blown off over it.....gotcha
  6.  The vast majority of the world's problems boil down to people that want to force their lifestyle choices on others, whether it be religion, morality, economic systems, etc. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot...none of these people believe themselves to be evil, they felt that they were heroic crusaders doing what needed to be done to make the world a better place. As soon as your belief system justifies to you the killing of other human beings, for any other reason that direct defense of you or your family....you aren't fighting evil, you are the evil. I'm sorry that you can't understand this. 
  7. Somebody enlighten me, why do you think is it so important to evangelicals that we label all Islam as evil? Or for that matter, why is it so important to those of that persuasion that somebody, anybody,be evil? For the longest time, the churches and conservative media railed about godless communism and how it was going to take over the world, if the god-loving peoples of west didn't take a stand. So we let fear mongering politicians and talk radio hosts and empty suits scare everybody in supporting action against the spread of this evil. This fear mongering let to the support by the American people of the wars in Korea and Vietnam, as well as countless other skirmishes and covert actions. All of which were completely pointless. The young men and women who gave their lives in those actions died for a principal that was wrong, trying to stop a threat the didn't exist. At the time, the people who spoke out against these wars were labeled as unpatriotic and discounted. Now we KNOW that they were right...but we are still fighting like hell to make the exact same mistakes. Communism fades out under its own weight (which it would have anyway) and now we have a new fear mongering tool. Islam! (queue foreboding music). Islam is RADICAL it is SPREADING it is SATANIC and if the good god fearing people's of the west don't do something, it will destroy the world as we know it. And the beat plays on....already two meaningless and never ending wars, undoubtedly more to come, and anybody who speaks up is unpatriotic. So now every time a Muslim commits a crime, we have morons wanting to wage a war against an entire religion that has billions of followers, hundreds of sects, and practitioners across the spectrum from the barely involved to the violently fanatical.  I know that you really really really really want to think of yourselves as "the good guys" and in order for that to happen..you need some "bad guys", but real life isn't a movie, as long as you mouth breathers keep pushing and voting for war mongering politicians who care more about being considered "tough" than the lives of Americans, people will continue to die for nothing.   So please. Stop.  
  8. I am not "enlightened messiah" I just read some of the threads here in the political form...didn't even know there was one..and thought the guy could use a little support from a fellow traveler (Egads!, the very idea that there might be TWO non religious types in the SETX area! what if they multiply?!?!). I'm sorry if you feel that I didn't answer the question to your satisfaction. Rest assured it was my best effort so I won't try again. There are very few black and white's in science, everything is (and should be) up for debate. It's what makes it so dang fascinating. Much more fun than the "don't question anything we tell you and just repeat the words I say back to me a hundred times and let's pass the 'ol collection plate" thing that you got going on. 
  9. It's a fair question, homosexual genes and human evolution aren't necessarily at odds with one another, for the simple fact that even in the modern world, a great many homosexuals still have children. I think most of us likely know somebody directly, or know of somebody, who grew up traditionally, had a traditional marriage/kids due to social pressure, then later in life chose to embrace their innate attractions. That happens often in our society where homosexual lifestyles are generally accepted (to a degree). Now rewind through the history of civilization to a time when they would be murdered off hand for that lifestyle and it's easy to see how the genes could have survived.  What makes the whole thing extremely interesting, is that it is highly likely that the majority's distaste for homosexuals is probably also genetic. It makes sense that our  paleolithic ancestors likely shunned homosexuality (a group that embraced it would be unlikely to survive) more so than most do now. Pushing many people into the prehistoric closet, (or the cave as it were). The theory also holds up due the fact that just about every major religion is anti-homosexual, this goes hand in hand with the reality that our social theories and morals come from evolutionary inclinations toward group survival.     So because it is in our genes to have a distaste for homosexuality, is it then okay to marginalize this group of people? Hardly, the whole point of civilization is for us to apply our rational brains and overcome evolutionary tendencies. We no longer practice infanticide if we feel that a new baby will stretch our resources too thin, or the child is too sickly, we no longer begin breeding our daughters as soon as they reach fertility, the list goes on and on.    The world continues to move on for the better.     side note: I really don't get the "homosexuality as a sin" logic. Typically "sins" are attributed to desires that we all hold, lust, envy, greed, etc. How can something be a perverse and sinful choice if it's not something that most people are ever tempted to do? In fact, something that straight people find to be outright gross . It doesn't wash, give it up, the argument is pretty much over. Nobody can come up with a single argument against homosexual acceptance other than "the bible says...." Well fine, but thankfully we don't make laws and social order based on the teachings of bronze age holy books. There is a group that's trying to get that kind of thing going in the middle east, seems like a real hoot!
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