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Posts posted by Lefty99

  1. I went to bed last night anticipating what I would read today, and man I am having a ball reading all this!  Kville fan I am, but this is truly entertaining ;D  Congrats to WO-S!  Your boys played a great game,and I am very disappointed with the way the Cats gave up!  I believe that the Cats will come back with something to prove!  They are a much better team than the one that played last night!  Good luck the rest of the way WOS.  Go Cats!

  2. Oh Boy >:(  The Stangs are building a woodshed in kville!  I think that I can see it from here in Beaumont!  Not looking good for my Cats!  I still say that Kville is better than the way they are playing!  But, not better than WOS  I will say this Stang fans!  Your boys are looking really good and I have said that the district crown goes through WOS!  Good game Stangs!  Opps, is it too early to say that? ;)

  3. No lefty, I promise your original post hit no vein here, I just thought the "I have sat back long enough" comment was hilarious. It was as if you saw your friends getting spanked and you decided you were gonna step in to make a difference, kinda like The Lone Ranger riding into town to save the day. Its all in fun....

    That's cool!  I just get tired of "a select few" :D from kville running their mouth about running rought shot through district!  I guess I am the Kville Moderator!  Here to keep some order for Kville!  I have a post from a while back where I called those few out, but to no evail!  I for one know that the district crown goes through WOS and if Kville is to do it this is prob. the last year!  I hope they do it but it is up to the team!  Not all of us!  As you know!  I will always root for Kville but I just don't run my mouth off about a team! As for my pretiction!  Too close to call IMO!

  4. I type exactly what I mean!!! Its not my fault you take it the wrong way, soooo maybe this site is a little too mature for you!

    Also, just because I pointed out that your little panties were in a wad doesnt make me less mature it just makes me observant.  Stop crying and save all of your little tears for Friday night. :'(

    Man, that really hurt ;D  Though it does seem that my original post hit a vein! ;D  So, I'll chose the high road here; since you seem to not want to!  Good luck Cats and Stangs on what s going to be a great game!

  5. its about time you chimed in sent youve sat back lonnnnnnng enough. :-X

    when i say "they" im talking about the folks from kville who have posted, i dont think i ever said everyone in kville, unless your population is like 6 or 7 which is a really good possibility. so get your little panties out of a wad and sit back down.

    Then maybe you should think about what you mean before you post it!  You know!  Think before you act ::)  And, if you are trying to bother me with your little reply grow up!  Maybe this site is a little to mature for you ;D

  6. Ok, I have sat back long enough!  PLEASE don't refer to all Kville fans as they!  If you want to point them out, then call those people out!  Those people don't represent the entire fan base if Kville; they can only tarnish it!!!  I am a Cat fan and have not uttered a word about kville DEFINATLY winning this game!  Any one with common sense knows that this game is too close to call!  On both sides!  I hope that both teams are ready because it will be a fight til the end!  I will be there rooting on the Cats until the end WIN or LOSE!!!  I do believe that the Cats know that they will win this game as do the Stangs!!!  That is what's going to make this game so good!!!

  7. There are some good ones out there and some that are played be nearly every team in the area!  Many people say that Kirbyville's is unique, and it is!  It is actually an old song by Duane Eddy called Rebel Rouser!  K'ville just calls it Rouser.  If you watch the movie Forest Gump pay attention to when he is in HS and is being chased by the bullies in the truck!  You will hear the original version!  Still the only fight song of any school around that is in a movie!  Now that is truly unique!

  8. If you look at everything both teams match up pretty well.  Both have their strengths and weaknesses!  The matchup that I am looking forward to is WOS good D, and Kville good ground game!  I see it being alot like the Carthage game.  Seeing that team play in Kville I was very impressed and to see that they beat Newton on the road!!! :o  This game will be very exciting!!!

  9. Not ALL of us hate statistical facts!  The point that I was trying to get across is that this is a huge game with big playoff implications!  Sorry that you can't read between the lines ;D  We all might as well say this is the biggest rivalry in the district!  Either way it dosen't matter if either team suits up Superman!  It will be a great game!  Look at what happened to the Horns and Sooners today!  My point exactly!  Better teams by history and both go down!!!

  10. As someone stated lets keeps this thread fun!  It is getting a little ridiculous WOS92 and K-villeballa!  Comparing scrimmages and points from last year to this year are sophomoric!  Grow up!  A win is a win either way you look at it!  The Chicago Bears proved that last year as they went to the SB with that GREAT ;) team they had!!!  When it comes to games like this one you might as well throw out all the stats and records!  Look at T.U. vs A&M in 06!!!  I am a Cat fan and am ready to see this game!  BOTH teams will be up to the challenge friday night!  It will be a great game that can go either way easily!  Kville in a CLOSE one again, but it can go the other way!  With the way Kville can sustain long clock eating drives it will be intersting! 

  11. On the REFs!  Here are the penalities for both teams.  Kville 12-113  Jasper 6-66  looks and sounded like Kville shot themselves in the foot more than Jasper!  As for the blocked punt!  Unless the rules have changed it is still a live ball, unlike a PAT or FG attempt where the ball is placed on the ground prior to the kick.  It is that you normally don't see the punting team coming up with the ball, because they are usually down field in punt coverage!  It was a very sloppy game no doubt! 

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