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Posts posted by Lefty99

  1. Good year for horns !

    Rain will do that. I think even the low fence areas had better horns this year.

    I'll agree with that.  I hunt on Moody Ranch in Del Rio that is low fenced, and the antler growth this year was amazing!  ALOT of 2 1/2 - 4 yr old deer with good racks.  Has all the makings of a great year next year!

  2. well either 2A or 3A Kirbyville is still going to be cocky and big headed all the time. Now watch everyone from Kirbyville reply back on this site and gang up on me ;D ;D ;D

    Confident not cocky my friend! ;D  Kville is losing a good portion of the O-line, and a 1,900+ yard back, but they have alot of good young talent coming up.  There's no reason to gang up on you! ;) 

  3. Congrats to the players from WOS.  Well deserved!  As for Rhodes, I would venture to say that Alverez nominated him.  Why not?  This state team has worthy players, but you would think that someone would have contacted the coach to get Rhodes the attention he so deserves!  Just goes to show you how much politics plays in HS football!  Absolutely horrible!

  4. The one under hwy 87...What happened to it???

    I went to launch the other day and it has been taken over by a construction company.

    Where else is there to launch in that area???

    I work at the plant right there by the ramp and it has been closed for a long time.  I think that they are repairing the moorings.  The one at the ramp is done, and know they are working on the south side.  Not sure when they will be done.  As fas as I know that is the only ramp in that general area; besides going all the way to SP.

  5. I have played with and against Cole Atkinson and can tell you that his serve is very fast!  Not sure about mph bc no one on this board can tell exactly haw fast a serve is!(without a gun)  All in all, he has one of the fastest serves I've seen since playing with my dad!  It's one of those that will blow the racquet out of your hand even when it hits the sweet spot!

  6. Catchings was a very good player, but he was from Liberty, not Hardin. I played against both Kral bros. and do not remember them winning state even though they were 3A(we were 4A and played them in tourneys but did not follow 3A that much). Turow was outstanding as well as Brady. I cannot believe that I left them off my list. They totally slipped my mind.

    My oldest brother was good friends with Catchings when he lived in Anahuac.  He was a great player as far back as I can remember. 

  7. He signs a LOT from the area....FEW play from the area.  Thank you very much for the info but I've been there, seen that first hand.  He asks for players to "sign" in the area (as free as he can get), then uses the majority of the money for out of towners.  There ARE exceptions.  DeLome, for one.  But I have seen first hand him giving a scholarship to a local player, then take it away the next year but ask the kid to stay on.  NOTHING you can say will change my mind against LU baseball.  I KNOW what goes on.

    Thank GOD!!!  Someone else knows what's going on with Lamar baseball!  I know exactly what you are saying, stangchain!  I played(was there) for a year and lost passion for the game!  For that very reason!  Brings in the local talent to only keep others off THEIR backs!  I TOO KNOW WHAT GOES ON THERE.  Hope that this dosen't happen with football! 

  8. well it worked the idiot from china spriings, if that is where he is from has us fighting among ourselves

    We aren't the only website that argues!  It's just the way these boards work!  It helps bring in more members!  We can't help there are a few bad apples in the bunch that can't support local teams in the playoffs!  As along as the boys on the team have their minds right; that's all that matters! 

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