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Posts posted by Wonderboy

  1. I find it rather amusing that the fans of 4A teams the the size of Vidor, Nederland, PNG, and Central all like to trash talk about beating a barely 3A school like WOS. My personal opinion is that (most of the time) a 4A school should be able to beat a small 3A school, and a 5A school like West Brook or PA Memorial should be able beat  a smaller school like Central.  I expect Vidor to beat Bridge City or Silsbee. It wouldn't really surprise me if Nederland or PNG beat WOS.  Those bigger schools have way more players and can rotate in players to keep them fresh, while small schools like WOS have quite a few playing both sides of the ball and by the end of the game these kids are worn out. You Central fans keep talking about how good you are and how you are going to run though WOS, even if Central wins the game by the score on the scoreboard, it still won't be much of a victory beating a barely 3A school. Beating WOS does not count in your own district and WOS is not certainly not Ozen, Nederland or Vidor.  These are the teams Central has to get past before you fans start trash talking anybody. I think Central is 0-2 right now.

    BTW, some of you need to check you sig, it is not West-Orange Stark (W-OS), it's West Orange-Stark (WO-S).
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