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Panther Pride

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Posts posted by Panther Pride

  1. Yes Anahuac looked better in this game than they did against EC. There are a lot of freshman and sophomores on the Varsity team right now. As soon as basketball is over, they will get the upper classmen back. The home run was hit by Pierre Russell. Big Sandy scored most of their runs off of freshman pitchers.. I think the only true Varsity player that pitched was the Russell kid. Anahuac's JV team will start a lot of freshman this year..

  2. I agree with BigB, the winner of this game will win the State title. Tatum returns a QB that is a three years starter and has two state championship rings. They have a stub WR that I think has already commited to a D1 school. They return a defense that has a D1 prospect on the D-line and at LB.. Not sure on their RB because Creer carried the load last year. I don't think Tatum will run away with this game, Newton will play them tuff and if Tatum doesn't bring their A-game Newton will take it. It should be a great game and I will make the trip to see this one for sure!! 

  3. CaptainAmerica, you have to admit buna's schedule is kind of week even if it was planned two years ago. The teams that Buna beat have a combined record of 2-11. With that said, the two wins that H-D have are against small christain academies, and before you say anything, yes that is the only win Anahuac has. We can debates this all day, but we will find out for sure friday night!!  ;D

  4. Heavy Hitter, not sure if you've seen the game last week, but Buna's line is the size of Splendora's line and we got pushed around all night long.. We are under size at the line. We would need the stars, moon and some other things to line up for us to win this game. Hopefully coach will make some changes in the way they handle the O-line and D-line this week. We will see, stranger things have happen!!  ::)

  5. Nobody said Anahuac was big? But we are just as discipline as Splendora. What Anahuac does have, Coach Barbay has them playing smash mouth football. These boys are going to hit you, hit you hard and all night long.. Like when we run them "sweeps and TightEnd passes...."  You should ask that boy from Hitchcock that got his helment knock off and got knocked out of the game!!! But we will see tonight for sure..  ;D

  6. This is a good article about the team and they are a reflection of the coach for sure. I can not say enough good things about David. I think he is a great coach and even a better person. While he was here in Anahuac everybody thought a lot of David and we were sure sad to see him go when he did. They are in what has to be one of the toughest districts in the state and he always has his kids ready to play. Good luck to coach Martel and his Hawks this year!!

  7. I saw him play in a playoff game against Marlin. He returned a kick back for a touchdown then ran for 3 other scores. This dude is the real deal. I was surprised he picked Tennessee but him and another kid for Tatum went there. I guess being able to get playing time as a true freshman will pull you in that direction. But this kid had colleges waiting in line for him.

  8. That's the best you got?? You resorted to dropping down so low that you had to bring my momma into it?? Well I will go with my first assumption, you can't explain what "legdend" means because you are to embarrassed to admit you don't know how to spell legend!! Hey this just in, maybe you should spend as much time in class as you do on your computer and maybe if your lucky you can graduate from high school and I will hire you to cut my grass.  :D

    PS.. Mom said you should change your name from Legend to one pump pete!!  ;D

  9. It seems to me that you need to get some gramatical lessons. Is that what they are teaching you guys in Anahuac. Count on the LEDGEND to have that offense rolling Friday.


    I think you need spell check.. That BIG adjective you were trying to use is spelled with two "M" ie: (grammatical) Maybe you should adopt the phrase, "Don't throw stones from a glass house"  ;) Besides, last time I check this is a message board not an english class. You got his point and your best come back was attacking his grammar.. That's kind of weak, probably just like the "ledgend"??  ;D  What is a ledgend just for the record??

  10. You know what they say about excuses.. They are like A-Holes and everyone has one..  The truth of the matter is this, Anahuac is not as close to being where they need to be as people had hoped for. Coach is starting a kid at QB that has never played QB. I am sure he is doing the best he can and coach thinks this is our best chance at winning but I do question his FOOTBALL IQ.. The mistakes he made last night are the same mistakes that cost us the game at Hardin-Jefferson. But like I said, this is his first time to play QB and I am sure there are a lot of things he is trying to take in. Hopefully he will get most of his mistakes out of his system before district starts!!

  11. Blade_65, don't start the coulda, shoulda, woulda stuff. HJ won end of story. Yes you are right about the way they scored but that's how it goes.. If you saw the game you know it is as much as the coaches fault as the players.. Yes the player had a mental lock up and came off the field but with all the coaches in the field, coaches in the both, some one should have seen that and called a time out.. Hang in there, the team will get better.. ;)

  12. Everyone has a chance to win on friday night. It's just some need more stars to line up than others..  ;D  With that said, if the freshman and JV's games are any indication of tonights game it is going to be a close game and which ever team makes the least mental mistakes will win the game. I think Anahuac will hang in there but paying at H-J it is going to be tough..

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