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Kirt Falcon

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Posts posted by Kirt Falcon

  1. 56 minutes ago, REBgp said:

    Last I read, there were 4 women that accused Moore between 1978-1982.  IF these allegations were true, why would this pervert stop?  I think the folks that do this, normally continue their abnormal behavior.  And why did she wait until right before the election to relate this episode?  Jmo, this stinks to high heaven of political sabotage.  

    It's so easy to throw out these types of accusations these days.  True or not, they can do permanent damage to a career, especially someone running for office.  The timing of this does stink and reeks of the liberal character assassination tactics liberals are known for.  All things considered, I don't believe a conservative like Roy Moore would do this.  It goes against everything he has stood for his whole life.  So, who to believe?  Without any solid evidence, I stand with Roy Moore ...

  2. 29 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

    Most deal with honesty thereof (I know, so uncommon in Washington):

    1) Whitewater

    2) Email/server washing 

    Uranium One?

    Getting filthy rich running a "charitable foundation" and selling government access/favors for $$$?

    The Haitians are still waiting to receive all the millions donated to their disaster.  The cash made it to the Clinton foundation but never to the Haitians?

    Mishandling of classified documents, obstruction of justice destroying evidence, perjury?

    Collusion with the DNC to steal the Dimocrat nomination?

    Paying a company to dig up a Russian conspiracy dirt bomb against Trump then lying about it and trying to cover it up?

    Constant non-stop lying about everything under the sun since she has been a public figure?

    Just for starters ....


  3. 45 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

    Here’s something a little more recent from another conservative writer.   But don’t let facts get in the way of the narrative...

    This is the hidden content, please

    The internet is full of anti-Trump articles by people calling themselves conservatives, both republican and dimocrats.  Niall Ferguson publishes anti-Trump articles in liberal publications like Newsweek and others and regularly gives commentary on PBS and other liberal media sources that swallow his anti-Trump rants like you do ... hook line and sinker ...

    If you believe every anti-Trump thing you find on the internet I feel sorry for you ...

    Trump is far from perfect, but when I consider the alternative, I thank God every day he was elected instead of Hillary ...

  4. 18 minutes ago, TxHoops said:

    From an ultra conservative publication:

    This is the hidden content, please

    That's an old Jan 2016 article from before the election.  The facts don't bear out President Trump's actions since his election and certainly don't accurately describe the man that was elected.  The Republican establishment didn't even give Trump any credible chance of winning the election and have been exposed as satisfied with the status quo.  They wanted Jeb and the American people were having none of it.  The guy that wrote this article picked the wrong candidate to back, along with the RINOs ... now they are in a bind ...



  5. The biased liberal media always over reacts anytime a dimocrat wins or loses an election. They have been wrong about just about everything politically for a long time now.  Now they are trying to convince everyone that the nation has turned against President Trump because a couple of dimocrats win elections in blue states and it's all over for republicans.  Only the gullible buy into this liberal nonsense ...

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