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Everything posted by fruitcitycajun

  1. As the saying goes... I feel for 'em....I just can't reach 'em.
  2. Hillguy's quote: See if we would all agree to have the boys and girls varsity's play on the same nite and location, back to back...they would all get more support and the house's would really rock! I TOTALLY agree with this idea. The sub-varsity teams could play on alternate nights from varsity. Then the fans would be able to support both boys and girls teams...it could work, but it will never happen :-\
  3. Thanks to the great referees it didn't turn into a "free-for-all" like it tends to do most of the time against Bridge City. They kept the game under control which isn't an easy thing to do. I have seen MANY games turn into what looks like a football game because the ref's let things get out of control early and then didn't want to or didn't know how to take control back. Sorry it was your last girl's game this year OLD REF but you did an outstanding job!! Wish you could do more girls games, especially the big rival games. And to respond to the 61.5% Free Throw percent...looks pretty bad huh? But it IS an improvement. They need to continue practicing free throws because they could become critical in a close game. Coach Jost has the girls coming together and playing great team ball, they made several great plays that made the crowd stand up and cheer.
  4. OLDREF, Why didn't you post on the "Who gets possession?" post? I really thought you would have...I'm sure you knew the correct answer. Then I wouldn't have had to email UIL... But back to the subject at hand....Keith is one of Orangefield's greatest fans of all time. He is very dedicated and truly cares about the kids. And he's not shy to state his opinion if he thinks there is a way to improve any of the programs...just ask him, but be ready to hear what he has to say. ;D Thanks Keith for all your dedication to Orangefield....you're a great asset to the community!
  5. Here's the response I received from UIL: Possession would be determined by the Possession Arrow on the scorer’s table. Rachel Seewald Athletic Coordinator University Interscholastic League Office: 512.471.5883 Fax: 512.471.6589 Web Site: [Hidden Content]
  6. Thanks Bobcat05, why didn't I think of that?!?! ??? I will drop her a line and see "IF" I get a response...I won't hold my breath though. I really thought the possession arrow would come into play in this particular situation since the mistake was made by the players as well as the refs.
  7. Here's a scenerio for you refs and basketball gurus: Team A has possession when Team B commits their 9th team foul (a non-shooting foul). The shooter goes to the line to shoot a 1&1, misses the free throw and NO ONE makes a move to rebound the ball (I guess they were all thinking it was a double bonus). The referee gets the ball and bounce passes it to the shooter for free throw #2 when the officials at the score table notify them it was supposed to be a 1&1. Who gets possession now? I thought they would go with the possession arrow but they didn't...they give it to Team B. Anyone know the "Official Ruling" on this? Please post...Thanks!
  8. Lady Bobcats played with a lot of heart and determination. They stepped it up when they needed to and played like they "wanted it". Congrats Ladies and Good Luck. GO LADY CATS...We Believe!!
  9. Watch out Orangefield posters, you used the "racial" word, the NAACP will be on the lookout for you. They are the only ones that can cry foul on a racial issue. And if you weren't at the game you really have no idea what took place. Racial or not, it was a raw deal to send those girls home by an official who crossed the line and abused his authority.
  10. After the game I personally apologized to the Silsbee coach and some Silsbee fans for our village idiot acting like a retard, even though I don't know exactly what transpired behind the Silsbee bench.  Although I don't feel we should be the ones to apologize for the actions of 1 or 2 (they should be ashamed enough to do it themselves), I will because I don't want Silsbee people thinking we all act like that.  Good Luck Tigers!
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