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Posts posted by Footballer06

  1. You can keep reaching man but if you knew what you were talking about it would've been clear in your first post. I'm not wrong about anything but if you try to correct me on something I can start correcting you and point out other things you don't know or are wrong about. This isn't a school board so I don't care how who spells or punctuates what as long as I can sound it out or follow your point. I don't have to save anything guy, you can probably tell we're on two completely different levels when it comes to anything academic so at the risk of sounding more "condescending" I'll let you have it. Hopefully you still remember where you put your welding leads, see y'all in a couple of weeks.

    Welding leads?? C'mon man your giving him way too much credit. I was thinking more of a plumb bob guy myself and of course the female has to chime in 😳😳 GO WILDCATS and anyone who plays Dayton!!!😃😃😳😳😳😜😜
  2. If you Dayton (or EX-Dayton even) folk think Price is the football Savior, then y'all hire him!  Good gravy, I think this will be the first since he was terminated that he will beat the Hill.  Am I disappointed in what Gage has done?  Yeah, on the field I am but I also don't think he has the talent level to work with in 4A (5A now) that Price had to work with at the 3A level for those respective levels.
    Price is at CE King....good for King for hiring him and congratulations to Price for taking a team with a lot of talent and turning them into winners.  HS football, much to all of your dismay is still a business and the business decision was to say there is someone out there who we feel can do better.   As a collective, the board replaced Price with whom they thought would be a better fit.  Sometime, it doesn't work out and you have to go through the process again.  I don't think there has ever been a company who made a switch in a key position and felt "wow, that was the best ever selection decision!"  There is always somebody better!!  Could it have been handled differently?  We can all have an opinion about that but what is done is done; but those decisions go both ways.  Just as those who wanted to see Price gone were happy for Gage to have his little successes; so are those Prices lovers now jumping with giddiness because they can NOW say after this probable butt-kicking, "Stupid Hill, firing the best coach and you deserve the hammering!"
    Eagles play with Heart! Lose or Win with dignity because you have no say over whom is at the helm while you're in uniform.  Represent your team with class; represent yourself with class and move on life knowing you did your best!!!

    The true sounds of a threader preparing for the worst. Made me want to hit Joe V's and stock up on h2o, canned foods, and batteries cause there's a storm a brewin'. You've watched remember the Titans too many times with that rah rah crap just take ur pounding and move on!! And if ever asked by a reporter from channel 13 what that tornado sounded like the best response is always the one from the lady in Dayton (probably
    oct/feb) standing outside her double wide, "well it sounded like a big ol' Panther!!"
  3. No upsets this week in good ol' 21-5A. Humble / New Caney will be the closest game with My Wildcats winning with that "D"!!!! Even My BH Eagles might get to the magic number of 49 pts per game that My Porter Spartans are giving up I highly doubt it though. Then my homeboys from Crosby although they dont play well at Turner especially when they face Our Humble "D" still has too many weapons and the 2nd ranked "D" in the district is probably the best. Then theirs y'all's dayton gelded fillies taken on my 2nd favorite team from North Shore Galena Park. Oughta be a real barn burner with these two high powered offenses and air tight lockdown defenses on display for the 10 GP fans in attendance. First one to 10 turnovers loses. Enjoy the games folks and just think it could be worse you could live in the triangle and be forced to watch 22-5A teams play or even worse PAM.... Yuck😳😳😳😳
  4. Im friends with a lot players on Kings team and im hearing some key players grades are borderline on failing. And there seems to be a rift between players and coaches. Grades and Injuries will be the only thing to stop King from running through district undefeated.

    I can hear the grade excuses already. "How do u expect little Johnny to pass underwater basket weaving when there's so much homework in his how to watch grass grow elective..." NO PASS NO PLAY don't mean give it to #3 all day and pray
  5. Footballer06 just a curious question. Can you predict the rest of the season for my kountze lions? Please

    Yes sir i think wait a second.... Ok I'm back sorry the Almighty and I were in deep discussion since I'm not Him here's the prediction. Kountze goes undefeated the rest of the way and wins the state of Texas 6A championship beating King, PAM, WOS, and of course Dayton in a preparation game for the first round as Dayton misses the playoffs.
  6. Again, I didn't get it off of anything. In fact I doubt that you can find anything I said on wikipedia other than a quote of the First Amendment and you can find that in a lot of places.

    What a dry dull sense of humor you have. I bet you are an extreme liberal Democrat that probably knows Bill Maher personally.
  7. It is according to what you call the "same" SCOTUS. There are four different justices on Obamacare than there were on SFISD v. Doe. Basically half the court changed and with that, likely so does opinions.

    As far as Christians and abortion, if people had to put down a religion or lack thereof when getting one, I'll bet that way over 50% are Christians.

    The "freedom from religion" argument doesn't hold water. The only thing that matters in this and similar cases is a government entity injecting itself into the mix. They cannot stop the free expression of religion but neither can they assist in it. That is what they have been ruled to do in SFISD v. Doe where it was a school field, a school student, a school PA system at a school sponsored event. A public school district is just as much a government as the US Congress.

    The First Amendment is often (and I think in this thread) misquoted or interpreted as saying the federal government can not endorse or mandate a specific religion. That is not what the FA says.

    It says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". It does not say that is cannot establish law of "a" religion. It only says "religion" as in any or no religion collectively. I hear so many times when people will say that the FA only says that the government cannot establish a religion or a specific religion and it says nothing of the sort.

    I read that on Wikipedia also. Nice education Benedict Arnold
  8. Some people don't believe the same things you all do.  Why is that such a bad thing to you? No one is trying to force their beliefs on you.  They just don't want yours forced upon them.  It's uncomfortable.  How would you feel if you were asked to kneel on a carpet and bow during a Muslim prayer?  Or be silent during their time of worship?  
    What if Satanists want their time of worship?  Where does it end?  You can't just expect your needs to be met and not everyone elses.  Slippery slope.

    I find your name offensive someone please report him and have him change his insensitive name to Native American93 or something else please. You dishonor my heritage. Thanks!!!
  9. Nederland
    Barbers Hill
    Galena Park

    That looks pretty difficult but the tough part is still yet to come. I believe they still have both New Caney teams as well as KP left as far as contenders. Gonna be tough sleddin' to go undefeated after they luckily squeaked past Humble!!😳😳😳
  10. The simple answer on that is because he's short and can't see over the rush. Aston had the same problem early on until he learned to put some touch on the ball or throw through windows. I think as he sees more pressure he'll become more efficient against it. What I do like about him is his high(for a short guy) release point and he holds on to the ball whenever he does take off with it. I think he'll become more prolific in the passing game as he makes more starts just like Aston did. On the defensive side of things the term "stellar" you used probably describes it the best.*Now, we both know there's more cooler talk than that but it'll cease if we get to 10-0.

    Thanks for the insight and will have to make a trip to Crenshaw and see the matchup of the unbeatens. By then it oughta be hyped pretty good by the media.
  11. I wouldn't really say he's behind. Through Aston's first 5 games of his junior year he was 64-112 for 958 yards and 8 tds. Cotton is 64-105 for 945 yards and 9 tds. He also gets rotated out for the sophomore backup often. His passing numbers would be a lot better than what Aston put up through his first 5 games of his junior year if we could help him more by catching the ball. Over the next 5 games I think he's going to make a push for first team all district qb though. He also only has 5 starts for his career where Aston already had 17 starts at the same age so I think he's doing just fine.

    Water cooler talk about Crosby is that when he gets pressured he has a tendency to throw high and though some drops were catchable balls his receivers and backs have made some good catches as well. What's your assessment of that. Also, I know against Humble y'all left some points on the field but y'all's defense played stellar.
  12. "One nation under God"..... as in the Pledge of Allegiance? .... that had that phrase added (actually only "under God" was added)...... in 1954? 
    I don't think any of the "founding fathers" were alive at that moment in history.

    Nice example of how to use google and feel educated. Now go borrow someone's BIBLE and repent
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