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Everything posted by ladybug33

  1. Subliminally noted or not. I’ still going to speak my mind, so erasing my text is childless don’t you think?
  2. At this point, they are a unit, its both players and coaches. Having said that TJ is playing much better, I see a trade coming really soon, Calvin Murphy said IF the team stays together they can make a run for the championship, but, I don't think every one on this team will end up in a Rockets uniform by Feburay at the end of the trading deadline. Lawson has not fit in thus far, and Beverly is hurt again I do believe that a trade will take place involving Beverly, and Brewer, to the Timberwolves for Rick Rubio, just a hunch I have.
  3. T Jones played well tonight, I'll still say part of what is wrong with the Rockets is coaching. Looks like they are giving up on McHale. I know it's a long season but man string some wins together. Rockets rebound against Dallas.
  4. Tonight's game is going to be tough for the Rockets, Denver is really playing well this year, the PF, Denver has I cannot think of his name he has long braids, this kid is amazing, and Jones will not be able to guard him. D-Moe on the other hand would aleast bring him out of the paint with his versitle shooting.
  5. Kevin McHale is a nice man he is a legend and he was good for the Rockets at a time when they were trying to teach Howard what a big man is suppose to do in certain situations when he gets doubled teamed and such. Howard sometimes reacts aggresively, and commits flagrant fows it's rooted in him he just cant stop doing this. (sigh) McHale would be good for a team such as San Antonie IMO because that team has veterans who do not need coaching. The Rockets are a young team, therefore a coach such as Brad Stevens in Boston would be great for a team like the Rockets it would be cost effecient, I believe the guys would relate to him better, and this is my reasoning for believing that McHale is just not the right fit for the Rockets at this time. Scott Brooks, is another coach that would be a better fit for the Rockets as well at this time. Not bashing McHale at all.
  6. No problem cowboysfan88, looks like the Rockets took the night off last night, and Golden State is rolling on. We need more practice, and what's up with Patrick Beverly man just pay your tickets lol.
  7. OMGoooodnesss yes I do. Dream felt insulted that the MVP was given to David Robinson, and he put on a show that night HA HA.
  8. Sure thing, waiting on D-mo. Thornton has big game, I would like to see more inside play, we will need it for SanAntione Cleveland, and Golden State.
  9. Well since I live in Houston and usually have season tickets to the game thousands of us Houstonian believe that the Rockets should play more in the paint, instead of jacking up 3’s all night. Slashing to the basket and playing more around the circle I think is durable. Jeff Hornasack made a killing during his tenure playing for the Utha Jazz around the paint area for many years. NO I AM NOT A COACH but, you live by the three you die by the three, the Rockets offense is too predictable, mix it up a bit. IMO. No one needs a coaching degree to know that.
  10. Agree 100%, we have too much talent on this team and there is no way that we should have lost the first 3 games by 20 points. Kevin McHale is too overatted.
  11. Man no season tickets this year. I want one of Harden's Bobblehead dolls. I have three of players who no longer play for the rockets or have retired. Lawson is playing a little better after the OKC game, Howard should show up tonight if he does not, the Rockets do not have a chance. D-Moe hurry back I miss you man. LOL.
  12. Well Chuck Hayes is back with the Rockets. How much can he do to help out this team, not sure but, I like chuck. Thought he was coming back as a coach?
  13. Rockets fans are looking for effort today and not excuses. Go Rockets!
  14. King that bootay is 2 water bags fake haha, but what ever floats that little man in the boat is kool with me just play basketball and win games. LOL.
  15. True that BG Lamar's situation reminds me of one of my favorite blues song by Buddy Guy and KOKO Taylor "Born Under A Bad Sign" LOL. Love that song though.
  16. Welp here we go again, it seems as though Harden is still dating Khole Kardashian. This woman has no shame, and JH mother failed to have the talk with her son about which girls make good wives and the ones who do not. I believe James wants on the screen fame and, this Women is hell bent on getting Harden into a Lakers uniform, I do not see the Rockets making the playoff this year if Harden is not focused on playing basketball.
  17. agreed Here is what I would propose, give McHale, Jones , future 1st rounder, Jason Terry, and KC McDaniels to the Knicks for C Anthony. We will be unstoppable then lol. Just a thought. I'm curious as to why the Rockets didn"t keep the big guy Joshua Smith to bang people in the middle, and why do we only have 14 on the roster?
  18. Now Golden State comes in tomorrow I want this win really bad. I hope somebody dunks on Green, I just don't like his attitude. Coach McHale please come up with some new plays the Rockets are running the same plays over and over.
  19. The Rockets over-looked Dever , I sure hope D-Mo comes back soon, TJ is in over his head. Harden and Ty Lawson really need to get on the same page. PB was the bright spot tonight he played well. On to Friday night.
  20. Where do I start the texans play today is distressing, miserable, helpless, reprehensible, troubling, and pathetic. Fire all the coaches now!!! Bye Rick Smith you have got to go! Enough!!!!
  21. I have to admit that we are getting out coached in most of our losses this pre-season. Scotty Brooks would make a excellent assistant coach to take over next year, the rockets should hire him. Harden did not work on anything new this summer it seems except K-trash. We need to make a trade for Jones this is his contract year and he will want a big money contract like Thompson just got in Cleveland, no I would not give it to him. LA just dominate him always. We need to get better soon because the west is too stacked.
  22. Khloe and Lamar have called off the divorce. Im happy for them and even more happy that Harden and Khloe are over, enough of the Bull Stiff lol lets ball! Go Rockets!
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